Chapter 3: Devotion, You Shall Have

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I stare at myself in my vanity (like I had the time to) trying to figure out what to wear, how to do my hair, and honestly, how to compose myself. She called me "My Darling" in the letter she just left for me, rather than by my name. Maybe it was a new pet name? I honestly couldn't tell, but I am freaking out on the inside about it. Did she pick up on my subtle hint of admiration I gave her in the Hall of Ablution? My mind is absolutely racing as I snap out of my dissociation trance and put on a plain, black, full-length dress, and pull my hair half up. I throw on some black heels that I bought in Italy as well and check to make sure I look presentable in the mirror. I pull a few wisps of hair down to frame my face elegantly and leave my chambers. It's about a 3-minute walk from my room to hers, but 2 if I speed walk. I walk quickly but also try to avoid being out of breath by the time I reach her chambers. "Draga Mea...," her voice echoes in my mind as well as the image of her bathing in the thick, ruby liquid. I can't stop thinking about it, I'm actually beginning to obsess over it.

I reach her chamber door and the smell of ambrosia and hand-rolled cigarettes reaches my nose. I take a deep breath in and savor the atmosphere it creates before I raise my hand to knock.

"Come in, dear," I hear her coax from behind the door embossed with a large, golden house sigil. I open the door to see her standing at the balcony, a wine glass in one hand and a freshly lit cigarette in the other. She's wearing a long, black gown very similar to the one she normally wears with red roses for her brooch that matches her scarlet lips. She is still wearing her iconic sun hat with the wide brim and her pearl necklace with her house sigil as the pendant. She takes a long drag from her cigarette and exhales slowly before turning and walking to the left to reveal a glass of red wine sitting on a small table, untouched as well as two chairs, one larger than the other.

"Have a seat," she commands, but not harshly. I do as I'm told and she hands me the glass of wine. I make eye contact with her as she sits in the larger chair opposite me and she takes another drag from her cigarette before speaking.

"Do you know why I summoned you here tonight, Y/N?" She asked with that slight commanding tongue. She lets her hand with her cigarette hang loosely. I stifle a shudder, hoping I didn't mess anything up.

"No, my Lady, I'm afraid I don't," I say as I look down at the wine glass I'm holding in my lap.

"As the Grand Chambermaid, there are some things you need to know," she begins.

"First, you need to know that I have extremely high expectations, which is why no one here chose to step up to the position you have claimed. Second, you need to understand that these expectations are strict. There is very little room to change the order and manner I desire them to be done. Given that you had no time to prepare for today, yet you still exceeded those expectations, I want to reward you with some of my finest red blend." She said, her tone softening only a little bit.

"I also wanted to make you aware that as my Grand Chambermaid, your orders come straight from me and no one else." Her tone had a hint of darkness in it and made me wonder what happened at her meeting today.

"Even Mother Miranda?" I ask, hoping I didn't step out of line. She takes a second to pause, clearly trying to make up her mind on if this is something she really wants to go through with.

"You are an outsider of the village, you do not need to take orders from her. I am the one paying your salary, so you are mine and mine alone," she declares possessively.

"Yes my Lady, I shall only take orders from you," I nod, keeping eye contact.

"That's a good girl," she purrs and leans back in her seat and crosses her legs, relaxing. I exhale silently, but heavily. She's playing with me, I can feel it. I was so sure I was in trouble for a moment. I bring the wine glass to my nose and sniff the aged liquid before I take a sip. It's possibly the best wine I've ever tasted. Her eyes are glued to me as I lower my glass and smile.

Bleed Not For Death, But For Love: A Lady Dimitrescu x Female Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now