Fire On Fire

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"Here" I said, handing Athena her Starbucks drink as she took a break from her shoot. She thanked me but was pulled away quickly again by management.

I took a seat on one of the chairs, watching her do her job. She modelled for the camera, standing perfectly still as everyone else ran around her. The makeup artist making sure her look was perfect, a lady running around with a fan. It was almost laughable how serious they all were too.

I looked at my phone to see an incoming call from my Mom. Before anyone could say anything, I got up and left the room, walking outside as I answered the call.

"Mom? Is everything okay?"

"Yes son, I just wanted to ask what time you're coming home tonight, I'm making your fav..."

Mom's voice trailed off in my head as I stared ahead. I caught sight of Joey, sitting in his car with another female, her hands on his face as he broke the kiss, catching sight of me. I shook my head at him, a smirk appearing on my face as I turned to enter the building again.

"I'll call you back, Mamma" I said, cutting the call as I heard a car door slam. I laughed under my breath and turned around to see Joey storming towards me.

"I swear-"

"You'll kill me?" I interrupted "get me fired? Come on Jo, let me have it already"

I saw a vein pop up in his forehead as he glared at me. We were both the same height so nothing about him was intimidating to me. I wondered if he'd seen the newspaper yet.

"I'll kill your fucking family, Polibio"

My body tensed up as I moved my face closer to his. I wasn't easily shaken but the mention of my family bought out a different side to me.

"You fucking dare" I whispered "and I'll have the whole world find out about the way you cheated on Athena, as well abused her"

I watched the way his mouth dropped open slightly, giving me a pure feeling of power and satisfaction. I readjusted my tie, turning and waking back into the building.

"Oh you're back" said Athena as I walked into the studio. She threw her purse over her shoulder and smiled at me, less vibrant than usual.

"Yeah I had a call" I said quickly, holding a door open as we made our way out the building.

"Oh that reminds me" she took her phone out of her pocket "I have to buy Joey an anniversary present, it's next week"

I rolled my eyes when she wasn't looking, I didn't know how to tell her about Joey cheating on her, it wasn't my place to tell her but the longer I kept quiet the worse it would look on me in the end.

"I'll take care of that" I said, taking the phone from her "you have a red carpet event to prepare for"

"Oh God, the movie launch"

"You go do all that and I'll take care of everything else, okay?" I said, she nodded her head. She got in the limo and I tapped the roof, indicating for the driver to take her home without me this time.

"Are you coming soon?" she asked, pulling the window down before they set off. 

"Yeah, I'll be there before you leave the house" I said. I waved goodbye as the limo pulled out of the premises. I shouldn't have interfered but I wanted to threaten Joey somehow enough that he'd back off.

Not so that I could have Athena but because he was an abuser who was getting away with it.

I looked up to see a dark raincloud coming over the sun. I sighed, looking down at the ground as rain started hitting the back of my neck. Another car pulled up for me but I saw someone else sitting in the backseat. I furrowed my brows, I hadn't ordered a car.

"You're here to pick me up?" I asked, the driver nodded, getting out and opening the door for me.

"Get in, Polibio"

I lowered my gaze to see Joey sitting comfortably in the backseat. Cursing under my breath, I got in the back of the car. I slammed the door shut and turned to face him.

"I'm warning you" he started "and this is the last time I'll warn you"

I pressed my lips together as the screen travelled upwards, separating us from the driver. Joey's veins in his neck started to throb as he clenched his jaw.

"My life and what I do is, private. It has nothing to do with you. You're just the-"

"Bodyguard? Yeah I know" I said, sitting back in my seat "which means it's my job to protect Athena from people exactly like you. Now what, Joey?"

He stared at me, a sweat droplet falling down the side of his head. He wiped it away quickly with the palm of his hand, his jaw still clenched as he kept his eyes on me. He leaned forward but I stayed put.

"You're going to regret this so fucking badly"

His words didn't scare me but the delusional look in his eyes was slightly concerning. We pulled up outside Athena's house and I got out the car, leaving him to grovel in his own despair.

A/N: yall I know this book is a slow burner but hang in there bc I promise it's about to get GOOD good

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