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"Move!" shouted Mattia, running through the club and towards the exit doors. Many people had caught wind of what was going on and also moved themselves towards the exit.

He ran outside, looking around but it was pitch black, the streetlights being the only poor form of light.

"Athena!" he screamed, frantically looking around the parking lot. He slowed his breathing, letting his eyes focus better on the cars. Just as he was about to continue running, he caught sight of Joey walking towards a car with Athena.

Without screaming anyone's name, he ran towards them, Joey turning around too late which resulted in him receiving a right hook to the ribs.

"Fuck" he groaned, grabbing his side and lowering himself to the ground, struggling to breathe.

"C'mere, c'mere" Mattia held Athena's hand pulling her back to him. Her body was shaking as she stood behind him, him placing a hand over her body.

"Did he hurt you?" he asked her, turning around to look at her, she shook her head.

"Security!" Athena's Dad called. She turned her head to see her family standing by the club entrance. Mattia gently pushed her in their direction, causing her to run over to them.

"Are you okay, darling?" her mother hugged her tightly, stroking her hair as her Father placed a hand on her upper back.

"I'm fine" said Athena, tying her hair back into a low bun and turning to face Mattia and Joey.

"You make me sick" spat Mattia, reaching down and grabbing the collar of his shirt. Joey looked up at him, a smirk on his face.

"At least I fucked her first"

Mattia pulled a pocket knife out of his suit jacket.


With a motive, Mattia plunged the knife into his chest, pulling it out and repeating the method 4 times. He watched as blood spewed from Joey's mouth, staining his white shirt.

"Say it again, I dare you" he said, putting the knife next to Joey's neck. He shook his head quickly, blood running down the sides of his face. Mattia smirked, dropping him to the ground and wiping the blade on Joey's shirt.

He'd made sure to stab him in places where he wouldn't die immediately. But, slowly & painfully.

"The blood" said Athena, looking at Mattia's hands as he walked over to her and her family. He shook it off, removing his suit jacket to wipe the blood off his skin and face.

"Are you good?" she asked him, placing a hand on his chest. He nodded, glancing behind her to see an audience of family and friends.

"Sir" one of the guards had a fresh jacket in his hands, waiting for Mattia. He nodded, walking over to him and leaving Athena where she was. Taking the jacket, he handed him the old one.

"Fuck you"

Everyone looked back at Joey to see him standing a few yards away, a gun aimed at Mattia.

"What the hell are you doing?" asked Mattia, glaring at Joey but not moving a muscle as Athena took a sharp intake of breath.

"Don't worry about what I'm doing" he said, moving the gun towards Athena instead.

Seconds passed and he pulled the trigger with no remorse.

The suit jacket hit the ground. Mattia reacted. His body mid air in front of Athena's as the bullet made impact. Screams filled the air, not his. Not Joey's.


She covered her mouth, looking down at his body on the wet ground, a puddle of his own blood slowly growing around him.

"No!" she dropped to her knees, speaking through her tears "don't you dare close your eyes!" she placed her hands over the gunshot wound in his stomach, blood covering her hands as she wept.

He flashed her a bloody smile, winking at her.

"I did my job. You're safe. I can let you go now"

She shook her head at his words, sobbing as the heavens opened. The rain mixing with the warm tears flowing down her face.

"You're not leaving me, Mattia! You're not, I won't let you" she shouted, grabbing his suit jacket and wrapping it around the wound whilst crying. He smiled at her, placing his hand on hers to stop her.

He lazily lifted her hand up to her cheek, resting it on her face so she would look at him.

"I wish we had more time, baby"

"We can still have more time! Just hold on, please!" she leaned into his hand, scrunching her nose as her eyes refilled with tears "please, I love you"

"And I love you, Athena Davidson" he whispered, his breathing slow "I love you, I always have loved you and I always will love you"

His hand fell from her cheek. His eyes turning dark and lifeless before they closed forever.

He was gone.

She screamed. Screamed until she couldn't anymore, looking up at the night sky. The cold rain running down her face as quickly as her time had ran out with the man she loved most in this world.


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