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A/N: you all deserve two chapters bc i've been lacking sm lately & i'm sorry <33


Mattia held Athena's hand as he lead her up the stairs, a vibrant red carpet draped over them. 

"This way, Ma'am"

"Mattia" she groaned "I've told you before, you call me Athena, we're friends"

He returned the playful smile, knowing full well they were more than friends. But there were several things stopping that from happening. It was better for everyone that they called it "friends".

He looked out at Athena's fans, holding posters with both their faces on them, covered in hearts. His lips began to form a smile.

"Aren't they the cutest?" said Athena loudly, her voice was easily drowned out by the screams.

"Go spend 5 minutes with them, it's good publicity" her manager pushed them both towards the fans. Mattia placed a hand on the small of her back, using his other hand to clear everyone out the way as they made their way to her fans.

"Athena! Athena I love you so much" said one girl, holding onto her hand. Athena smiled at her, taking a picture with her.

"Oh wait I blinked" she frowned, Athena laughed lightly, taking the picture again with her. Moments like this showed they didn't love her for the movies, they loved her because of the way she was. Caring, patient, understanding. It was rare in this day.

"Thank you so much!" she squealed, looking over at Mattia "you both make a beautiful couple". He laughed at her comment, shaking his head.

"I'm just the bodyguard"

Athena glanced at him, guilty feelings radiating all around her as she signed a young girl's shirt. He brushed it off, moving along with her.

"When are you getting married!?" yelled one fan.

Mattia looked at Athena, thousands of camera flashes went off on their faces. She looked back at him, a tight lipped smile was all she could give him.

"I actually have a boyfriend" she said, resulting in a lot of 'boo's and disappointed faces from the crowd.

"It should've been Mattia!" another girl screamed. Athena frowned, looking at the ground. Mattia bit the inside of his cheek as he lead her away from the fans and towards the entrance.

"Ignore them" he said sharply "barely anyone heard them, they're just excited to see you-"

"But they're right" she interrupted, stopping in her tracks and looking at him. There were people around them, luckily no one saw their short lived row except them.

"What are you talking about?" asked Mattia, knowing full well what she was talking about.

"It should've been you, Mattia"

The sadness in her eyes was reflecting onto him, an ache appearing on his chest as he longed to just kiss her there and then. The flashing lights & screaming fans suddenly didn't mean anything for him.

But he was Mattia, nothing ever mattered to him.

"Let's just go inside, Ma'am" he said, placing an arm on her back but she pushed him away.

"God help me, Mattia if you call me that stupid fucking name one more time" she said, staring at him dead in the eyes. But he was impatient.

"What the fuck am I supposed to call you?" he said loudly, but not loud enough to attract attention.

"Yours" she whispered. He clenched his jaw, walking towards the doors. He was going to show up on time, with or without her. It was neither the place nor the time to have this kind of argument.


The lady at the door was no less annoying than the fans were. Mattia gave his name, feeling Athena's presence behind him.

"Athena Davidson"

"Oh my god, I'm such a fan" she began, praising Athena on her movie and her work. He looked over at her, her bittersweet smile plastered on her face to hide the argument that had just taken place.

He felt her hand on his, indicating for them to move on already.

But he was too mesmerised by the sheer feeling of her hand on his. Why was she so forward? Yet so extremely closed? She needed him as a bodyguard but then wanted him for something more?

Then again, love was never meant to be simple.

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