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"Why the fuck did you leave hickeys on my neck?"

I looked across at Athena as she impatiently covered the hickeys with makeup in the car. I laughed, watching her grow annoyed when the bruises were slowly fading away.

"Why are you covering them? Let them be seen" I said, taking a bottle of water from her bag and opening it. I started drinking it as she threw a pink, circular sponge at me.

"I'm not having people see them" she mumbled, sifting through her makeup bag.

"Next time I'll leave them where you can't cover them" I said, placing the sponge in her bag as I watched her try to fight a smile whilst her cheeks turned red. The car came to a stop outside a gas station and the driver lowered the screen.

"Just getting gas, Ma'am" he said, Athena gave him the green light to proceed as she glared at me, pulling the screen back up.


"You missed a spot" I said, she furrowed her brows at me, looking in the mirror and back at me.

"You're lying, where?"

"Here" I grabbed her chin and pulled her face towards mine, kissing her lips passionately. I felt her tense up under my touch but then relax straight away as she placed a hand on my cheek, kissing me back. We could've gone further but her phone started ringing.

"Who the fuckkk" I groaned, pulling away as she looked at her phone. Her face dropped as she looked at me.

"It's him" she said, answering it and raising it to her ear. But the call was extremely short. I heard his voice on the other end and that was it, he hung up on her, leaving us in confusion. 

"What is it?" I asked "what did he say?"

"He said he's done with me" she said, growing extremely confused than we were before. I furrowed my brows as we reached her house.

"Let's just see what happens" I said, getting out and going over to open her door.

I held her purse as we walked over to her house and two women opened the doors for us. When we stepped inside I saw Joey standing beside Athena's Dad. Both of them staring at us.

"Where have you been all night?" he asked us, I opened my mouth to say something but quickly closed it when I saw him looking at Athena.

"I stayed at a hotel because I didn't want to share a bed with Joey again" she said firmly.

"What?" said Joey, becoming extremely annoyed. He didn't expect his name to be brought up, at least not that soon.

"What are you talking about, Athena?" asked her Dad, his voice was loud and clearly intimidating her.

"I-I just wanted some alone time, I was too tired after yesterday's event so I stayed by myself all night instead of coming home" she lied, looking down at the ground. I watched a smirk appear on Joey's face.

"And you?" her Dad looked at me "you weren't with her at the hotel, were you?"

"My Mother was shot to death last night" I said bluntly. A silence fell upon the room as Athena's Dad raised his eyebrows. He didn't see it coming. Joey did, his eyes glued to the ground.

"And when I find out who did it, I won't be sparing their life" I said, emphasising my words purposely.

"Enough of that" said her Dad "you both have an event to be at tomorrow"

"I can't attend, my Mom's funeral is tomorrow" I said, watching him narrow his eyes at me. I looked right back at him, shrugging my shoulders. At this point, I really didn't care for my job. 

"Funeral or not, you will attend this event"


He'd already turned and left the room. Joey laughed at me, turning and walking out of the room as well.

"Am I talking french?" I asked Athena as we walked upstairs to her room "I'm going to the funeral"

"I know you are, I'll let you go" she said. I closed the door to her room as she opened her closet, pulling out a red business suit.

"It's at 4pm, I don't even wanna go but I have no choice" I complained, sitting on the edge of her bed.

"The event is at 3pm, show up for an hour and then you can leave, I'll come with you because I doubt I'll be needed anyway" she said. I nodded, watching her slip out of the outfit she was wearing. She smirked at me, walking over to me.

"You have a meeting in ten minutes" I said, letting her sit on my lap as she pulled her hair back.

"I only need two"

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