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He brushed past me, his expensive scent clouding my lungs. I felt myself turning green with envy when I saw him smile at Cassie before she took his arm.

I knew the smile was fake but even then, he's mine.

I exchanged my empty champagne glass for one filled to the brim as a waiter passed me. Knocking it back in one, I walked over to the men's bathrooms. I was already tipsy and pissed off that I wasn't the girl on Mattia's arm tonight. 

I pushed the door open, surprisingly, it didn't smell like men in general. A man walked towards the exist, freezing in shock horror when he saw me.

"You can't be in here!" he cried, looking aback.

"Get out of my way" I said, placing my hand on his chest and shoving him back into the tiled wall. I walked past him, seeing Luis wiping his face with paper towels. He glared at me, he knew I knew.

"He got you good, huh?"

I smirked, looking at him as he wiped the remaining blood away from his face. The glare remained on his face, only giving me more things to laugh at.

"You think this is funny?"

"Yes" I said, without hesitation. He took a step towards me, inciting a sense of fear in me which I hated so deeply.

"You're still in love with him, aren't you?" I watched as his face turned red and his fists clenched. I wanted to run but my body became paralysed. Just as his mouth opened the bathroom door swung open, a drunk man stumbling inside.

"You look excellent!" he said, taking my hand and smiling. I smiled back, slipping out the bathroom. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I entered the event.


I looked around the hall to see Athena sitting next to a grumpy Joey. Just how I liked it. Cassie placed a hand on my arm, I looked at her awkwardly.

"Are you okay? You seem flustered"

"I'm fine" I said quickly, clearing my throat and moving my hand away. The lights went down and the event began. I was Cassie's bodyguard yet I still wanted to see Athena take home the award.


"And the Oscar for best picture goes to..."

Cassie grabbed my hand, squeezing it tight. My head snapped around to see Athena. She wasn't looking forward, she was looking at me, at Cassie's hand. A visible frown on her face which broke my heart.

"One night in Paris! Starring Cassie Adams!"

The screaming and shouting had become muffled in my ears as my eyes stayed fixed on Athena's. Cassie and her crew were jumping and screaming but all I could focus on was that one tear sliding down Athena's cheek as she gazed back at me.

"I miss you" she mouthed. I pressed my lips together, feeling my chest get heavy as her party started filing back out of the theatre. Cassie's party ran down to the stage to collect their awards but I excused myself to leave.

I spotted her at the bar, downing a shot. It wasn't a pleasant sight when it wasn't for celebrating. I walked up to her, standing next to her.

"Hey" I said softly, slowly sliding the tray of shot glasses away from her. She looked up at me, tired eyes and a fake smile to mask the pain.

"Mattia, I-"


I turned around to see Cassie calling me from the other side. I cursed under my breath as she glared at Athena and I standing together.

"It's fine, go" she said, leaning on her hand. She was tipsy and Joey was nowhere to be seen.

"But you're-"

"Fine. I'm fine, Mattia" she said firmly, refusing to look at me. I sighed and walked over to Cassie's crew to help organise their awards properly. Every so often, glancing over my shoulder to check on Athena.

"Can you hurry?" asked an impatient Athena. I rolled my eyes and glanced over my shoulder to catch a guy standing with Athena.

I dropped the awards to look properly as he placed his hand on her cheek, simultaneously dropping a pill into her drink.

My eyes went wide as I saw him hand it to her, directly after so they could clink glasses.

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