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I wake up in a strange car with a stranger sleeping next to me. He has brown hair and is wearing brown shorts with a blue polo. I have no idea where I am...or who I am. Wait...I'm ....Sabrina? Yeah, that's my name. Whoa....what happened to me? I must have had a concussion or something because I can't remember anything. I look over at the boy next to me who is still sleeping. He's pretty hot. Maybe he's my boyfriend. I shrug and sit there, waiting for answers to come to me.

Liam POV

Oh no...I think as I watch the girl from across the street. She doesn't even recognize her best friend. Louis tried too hard, and now she probably doesn't remember anything. Who knows where she's going or if she even knows her own name? I call Zayn and tell him to get the others. We are going to have to see where she goes to make sure she's okay, and if this memory loss can be reversed.

Tammy POV

I swore to myself that I would never read Sabrina'a mind, but I was freakin out. She could be anywhere. What if she ran into another vampire? Oh god, I think as I suck down another blood bag and wipe my lips, imagining it's Nutella. I gotta find her. So, I close my eyes and concentrate on her. She isn't thinking about anything, which means she's in a deep sleep or dead. No, she can't be dead, I would know if she was. I take a deep breath and focus on her location..and she's....right outside the door?

Niall POV

We met Liam in front of the girls car, and Louie ordered her to fall asleep with his powers for she wouldn't struggle. I insisted to hold her, even though it would have been much easier for any of the other guys. I didn't want to admit it but I felt kinda protective over her...the guys used her smell to track down where she lived, and we knocked on the door nervously.

Sabrina POV

I'm sitting in the car debating what to do. Then, I see a boy come up to me. Louie from One Direction! I shiver. Wait, why am I scared? I pull memory's out of my brain until my head hurts. I put my hands to my head and concentrate. Omfg! He's a vampire! It's all coming back to me now. I shrink back in fear, remembering how he caused my memory loss, and he was about to do it again. I look over at Josh and pray that he won't hurt him. I feel my world going fuzzy, and I try to stay awake, to no avail. I will remember. I tell myself firmly, before black consumes me once again.

Tammy POV

I see Niall from One Direction holding Sabrina. I growl in anger and relief. I snatch her away and set her on the couch. Then, with inhuman speed, I fling him into the wall, and I see a cut on his forehead. He looks up at me in shock. Oops, guess he's not an immortal. I growl at him, fangs out and ready. My werewolf senses kick in, and I turn and kick Harry in the stomach as he is sneaking up on me. However, I'm too late, and Liam tackles me, teeth also bared. He doesn't hurt me though, jut stares at me, calculating. I pick that time to read his thoughts. "Ha! You think I'm sexy!" I point at him and laugh. "Whaa?" He says, clearly embarrassed. "Damn right I said it. I can read your mind you loser!" Now I have everyone's attention. The five boys are staring at me, including Niall, who is now back on his feet. I look down at their hands and see that 3 of them are wearing rimgs...not ordinary rings either. "I know all of your secrets!" I laugh mockingly, and they look at me with a fear so intense that I stop and explain. "You three with the rings. Those are the kind that protect you from the sun. You are vampires. And you, Louie, you are a hybrid, just like me. I always knew you would be the odd one out....and poor're human. They don't feed off of you do they? Oh, well you wouldn't even know since Louie has a strong compulsion power, the strongest in the group." Niall looked at them in horror. They reassured him they were NOT drinking his blood without him knowing. " do you have Sabrina for?" "It's a long story..." Louie started. "Well spit it out or I swear I will rip your throat out." I growl, and when I see how hostile I'm being, I put away my fangs and take deep breaths. Louie looked over at Liam, who looked over at Harry. Harry looked down at the floor. "Harry Styles! Tell me right now!" I yell and get up in his face. "Okay okay, calm down." Harry said. "I am calm!" I scream. He sighs and clears his throat. "Well the concert was cancelled because of me. I didn't have my thirst under control. I was in the dressing room and saw Josh. I'm sorry about that. My animal instincts took over and I attacked him. Liam stopped me and the rest of the guys came in. Sabrina came out from her hiding place and by the look on her face, we could tell she knew our secret. So Liam healed Josh and Louis erased Sabrina's memory of us. It didn't work the first time, for some odd reason. We are guessing it was because Zayn sensed that she wasn't human." "She...isn't....human?" I ask, confused."No...we don't know what she is....well anyway, Louie tried again full force and it worked....a little too much. We followed her to make sure she was okay. But she didn't seem to have any memory of who Josh was, or who she was, so we took her home." He looked at me, expecting me to bite his head off, but I surprised him. "So....she doesn't know anything about...the supernatural side?" I asked calmly. "No...and I'm guessing she doesn't know about you either...the only problem is....she has a memory loss problem." I nodded, ignoring his question. "I'm going to call up a friend of mine who can help. Stay here, because she might need Louie in order to reverse the memory loss. "Watch her and don't you dare touch her or I swear I will kill all of you, including Niall, sorry buddy." They nodded quickly and I rolled my eyes. I left the room after giving them each the death stare, and called Melisa.

Niall POV

The guys stayed near the door and kept their eyes on Sabrina without blinking. God, they were scared of that Tammy chick. Well, I was too since she almost killed me, and she was a freaking hybrid. Louie was too, but there is something about him that makes it impossible to be scared of him. My stomach rumbled, so I headed into the kitchen. In the cabinet, I saw Oreos and....Nutella? I brought my snack into the living room and sat on the floor next to the couch where Sabrina was. I ate about half the package and the container of Nutella was almost empty. I looked up at Harry, who wrinkled his nose in disgust. "Oh get over yourself, your just jealous you can't enjoy food anymore." I say, and I am about I eat another Oreo when I hear Sabrina moan. I jump and turn around slowly. She's frowning in her sleep and tears are running down her cheek. Tears of......blood? Wtf?!! The boys are by my side in an instant and stare at Sabrina. "Tammy!!" I yell, and she is a blur as she comes into the room. She kneels by Sabrina and cleans her eyes with a napkin. It looks like she knows what she is doing. Has this happened before? "Has this happened before?" I ask her, and she nods. "A few times, it happens when she has nightmares." Oh god, what's wrong with her I think. "Sabrina?" I whisper, and her eyes fling open, staring right at me. Whoa is all I think as I go flying into the wall. Everyone seems shocked, including Sabrina. They look at her and then back at me. "Whats wrong with me?" She whispers. "Nothing honey, go back to sleep." Tammy says, and that was her mistake. "I'm not sleeping?" Sabrina says innocently, fear entering her eyes. Uh oh. "Niall get me away from the vampires!" She screams, and runs to me, flinging herself into my arms. "Sabrina, I'm still the same person..." "Stay away from me you....mutt" she whispers and hides in my arm. "Please take me somewhere else." She begs and I look at Tammy. She motions with her hand upstairs. I half drag half carry Sabrina to the bedroom upstairs that must be hers, since vampires don't sleep. She holds me tightly so I lay down next to her. "It's all right." I say soothingly, and she falls asleep in my arms. Before I'm consumed by darkness, I wonder what she is.....if she isn't human and even though she's not a vampire, clearly, then why does she have a supernatural powers?

*Hey Guys Its Serena! If you were wondering, this story is based off of a cross between One Direction fanfics, the show The Vampire Diaries, and The Twilight Saga! Comment if you have any questions or suggestions!

Melisa POV

"What do you mean she's not normal?" I ask Tammy, my best friend, hesitantly. "Well I don't know if you would call bleeding through the eyes and sending people flying across the room without touching them normal. Also, compulsion doesn't have a lasting affect on her." She discusses with me in the kitchen of her house. "Also, she knew I was a hybrid, which is impossible because I never told her that." "Well, are you sure she's not a witch like me?" "I'm positive.....she doesn't have any mark." "That's weird." I comment and think harder. "You sure she's not a vampire or werewolf?" "Yes!" Tammy raises her voice and I flinch back. "Sorry" she says and I nod, "Can I talk to her maybe?" I ask. "Sure, but you are going to have to go in by yourself because things start levitating and flying around whenever a vampire/ werewolf comes in, and she completely freaks out." "Of course" I tell her an head upstairs. I knock softly and after a moment open the door. I see a figure sleeping softly. I lift up the covers and see Niall Horan. Wait....he wasn't breathing. There is a bloody bite mark on his neck, and only then do I notice that the window is wide open. I let out a blood curling scream.

Harry POV

We hear Melisa scream and we all race up stares with our inhuman speed. She's screaming bloody murder and pointing at Niall. My breath catches in my throat and I let out a cry when I see what has happened. His neck was bloody, and there was a bite mark. He wasn't breathing. Oh God no. We promised him this wouldn't happen to him. I check, and sure enough, there is no heartbeat. His eyes open slowly and I gasp. They are bright red, the color if a newborn fledgling. In order to become a vampire, they have to drink human blood. If they don't, they die for real. "Who did this!" I demand, and he looks around, confused. "Sabrina....she was scared and wanted to run away. I tried to hold her down and call for help when she tried to escape. That's when she bit me and escaped. I'm so..." "Yeah I know...your thirsty." "How is this possible?!!" Tammy says, still in shock. "She's human! I swear!" "If she can turn people into vampires and show vampire abilities....all with her heart still beating....then she must be....some new type of hybrid....a cross between a human AND a vampire." Melisa blurts out. Everyone looks around in shock. "Look, I will get Niall some....human blood, and you guys go look for Sabrina." Liam says, and we all nod, determination set on our faces. "I will go see if there is any human hybrid information in any of my records at home." Melisa assures us, and blinks out of the room. Literally. She was there one minute and gone the next

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