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I blacked out after the pain was too much. Suddenly, I was floating. I was looking down at my inert body on the ground, which was pretty gruesome considering the fact that i just got ran over. Wow.... Im so calm about all of this. That's when I see Josh. He kneels down next to me, crying. Oh no......He shouldn't be upset. I'm fine. I'm right here.....actually....Im down there.....this is confusing. So, am i dead or what? Shouldn't i be seeing this holy light or something at this point?? I sigh and then i feel a tingling sensation. I'm being tugged back towards my body, until I'm merging with it once again.....I feel nothing.....

I sit up quickly and scare the crap ou of Josh. His face lights up with joy and he wraps his arms around me. "Sorry" he says and sits back in his heels. I look down at my self and realize why he apologized. My bones look crushed.....how the heck am I alive? I start hyperventilating, and thats when I notice One Direction in front of me......wow. Cuter in person....... They look at me like I'm some kind of momster. I frown, it's not my fault I got hit by a friggen truck!! My head hurts badly and im woozy. I feel like lying down and going to sleep....... "No! Keep her awake!" Instruct Liam, an Josh sits me on the curb. Liam turns back to his group and whispers. He steps back with determination set in his eyes. Louis saunters over an simply looks Josh in the eye. Josh slumps over onto the ground and begins snoring. Wth? Liam takes out something sharp....a knife? I start scooting backwards, but give up hope when I realize i can't move my body. Instead of going all serial killer on me,he cuts his arm and i see the blood flow. He puts me into a headlock and puts his arm into my mouth. Eeeww disgusting! His blood goes hot down my throat and my head clears, but i get even more tired, as if it is sleeping gas. I relax in his arms and know that everything will be all right.

Zayn POV

The boy Josh is traumatized, so we drive them back to Sabrina's apartmet. Niall carries her even though it would have been much easier for any one of the vampires. Josh doesnt complain because his arms are shaking so badly he would surely drop her. He doesnt know what we are, but i can sense his suspicion. I am about to knock on the designated door when it flys open on its own. Holy crap.

Harry POV

Im standing behind Zayn, feeling refreshed after I had finally quenched my thirst earlier. He is still frozen with shock, so i step around him and take a few steps into the room. There are two girls sitting on the couch casually, as if they were waiting for someone. The taller girl with long brown hair bolts upright when she recognizes us. Her eyes pulse green then red with anger. She obvioualy wasnt expecting us. The other girl puts out a hand to stop her...as if she could take down three vampires and a hybrid. I am more cautious when i identify her scent and catergorize her as a hybrid though. She smirks, noticing my unease. I look back at The sleeping Sabrina, and am just happy that she is already healed fully from the vampire blood. "Melisa, this is probably what you sensed" she said to the second girl, who stood gracefully. My eyes widened. She was gorgeous. She had honey blond hair and bluish eyes. Her tan legs tapped the floor in agitation. "Yup" she said, popping the p.

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