Chapter 4

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Josh POV

I hear voices. Sabrina's voice? "I think he's dead." A male voice sounds strangely like....Louis Tomlinson. Where am I? "Well, obviously, he's not breathing." Sabrina says, and chokes back a sob. I'm dead? "But the question is i he is going to turn or not." Harry Styles comments. "Where did Niall go?" Sabrina asked fearfully. I swear....I he hurt her.... "I compelled him to stay upstairs in your room go he wouldn't hurt anyone else." Louie informs them sadly. Who did he hurt?? Did he hurt Sabrina? Is that why she's crying? No! He's dead if he did. I'm going to kill him...for real this time. I move my fingers, with a lot of effort. The room is silent and I can feel their eyes on me. I use my newly found sense of hearing, and out of the multiple people in the room, I only hear one heartbeat, and it's not mine. Wait, it's not supposed to end like this. I couldn't die now. I thrust my eyes open, and I see everything so clearly. Dust particles, every microscopic mark in the wall, and everyone's faces more clear than ever before. I notice that 5 of them are dead. Undead. Vampires. I remember everything now. How Harry almost killed me. How One Direction started this whole mess. I look down at the couch where Sabrina is cowering. I look back at the vampires, and spring in front I we protectively. I let out a growl and prepare to spring. "Stop Josh!" She lets out, and I freeze and turn back around slowly. By the look in her eyes, I can tell that she is scared of me, not them. Why? Oh....because now I'm one of them. I'm a vampire. I give Harry a glare and come at him. This was his fault that any of this happened. I push him and he goes flying into the wall.....actually...he goes through the wall, into the hallway. Sabrina screams at me to stop, and before I can take another step towards Harry, who actually looks scared...There are 4 sets of restraining hands on me. "It was an accident. Leave him alone." Tammy says, an I just stare at her. Really? Almost killing me was an accident? An Niall did kill me.... God, I really didn't like One Direction. Liam seemed to be the normal one, Zayn was quiet and creeping, and Louie was just really weird. Louie also scared me because of his.....ability. I step back in surrender. "Fine" I spit out and Harry gets up slowly, dusting himself off. "You need to fix that." Harry notes. "No sh*t Sherlock." Tammy says sarcastically. Suddenly I claw at my throat because it is in so much pain. I'm so thirsty, and I understand what that means. I need blood...from a human. "I new to go and...." I start. "Yeah we know, Louie and I will take you." Liam says. I groan inwardly, Louie was the weird one. "Fine lets go. My throats on fire." I say and practically run out of the room, leaving Sabrina, who's still freaked out.

Sabrina POV

At times I can't breath. I gasp for breath and my heart hammers in my chest. Tammy hovers around me, wanting to help, but knowing she can't. Melisa sits a few feet away from me, looking scared for me. She's gripping Harry Style's hand. Harry seems pretty darn happy about that. I smile before I start gasping again. When I throw up every hour or so, it's blood. I feel weaker every time, and Tammy's brows are creased with worry. Zayn stands with his hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her. She looks at the hand, sighs, and takes it in hers. Ah, young love. Actually, I wonder how long the two of them have been teenagers. I can feel it coming. I start to gag, and Tammy hands me a bowl. I can tell she's trying not to breathe. The others are doing the same. Harry's eyes go red, and I tense. He takes an involuntary step forward and shudders. Zayn puts a hand on his shoulder, and he snaps out of it. Harry sends me an apologetic glance before leaving the room. I waved him off, knowing it was for the best. I coughed, my hands going to my mouth swiftly, then out to the side. Tammy flew against the wall, and stood up, rubbing her shoulder. "Ouch" she said, surprised. "Sorry! I didn't mean it!" She gave me a long sad look. "It's okay you can't control it right now." I started hyperventilating, freaking out that I just threw my VAMPIRE best friend into a wall without even touching her. "I'm going to die!" I whispered loudly, and start hiccuping and choking back tears. "No." She said firmly. "Melisa why dont you go upstairs to watch Niall and find some more information?" melisa slowly releases her gan from Harry's, amd sending him a longing look, leaves the room quietly. "She WILL find something that could cure you from whatever this is." I nodded, because it was the only thing I could do. Tammy sounded so sure and confident that I could not argue. Just then I notice Zayn, who has been silently watching me, and only moved from his spot when Tammy had fallen. He looked at me with no emotion. But when he looked at Tammy, that was a completely different story. I was so deep in thought that I didn't register the worried expression on Zayn's face when he flipped open his cell. "What?! How could you have not made sure! Are you kidding me! You lost him! Why didn't you give him his ring sooner?!.......Are you sure that you have Josh's ring an not Niall's?......of course I trust you to have given Niall his ring, I was just making sure!......yeah yeah be there soon.....yeah bye." He flipped it closed and went out the door. He looked over at us and blurted out, "They lost Josh. Sunrise is in two hours and Josh doesn't have his ring. I have to go help." Tammy looked upset, but not about Josh. I on the other hand, was downright pis*ed. "Are you freakin kidding me! Go!!!" I screamed hoarsely, an he nodded, suddenly scared of me. The door banged loudly as he flew out of the room.

Melisa POV

I handed Niall a vial of blood that Tay gave to me. Then, I quickly retreated o the other side of the room. "I'm not going to hurt you!" He says defensively. I shrugged, not taking my eyes off of him. I flip through various books an sigh in frustration. There wasn't any info on Sabrina's condition. "What's wrong?" He asked me, genuinely concerned. I look up and jump because he's behind me leaning over my shoulder. "Uhh....I can't find anything that can help her." I admit. "Why won't they just change her?" I think for a minute and answer. "Well, Tammy was supposed o be protecting her and promised her parents that Sabrina would never be an immortal. Also, Sabrina doesn't WANT to be a" Pain spreads across his features and he bends over. "What?? What's wrong??" I ask him frantically. "Louie" he gasps. "Since he used compulsion on me and kept the connection, I can feel when he gets hurt, and it seems like he's knocked out. Which means the connection...." He stops suddenly and eyes the door. Uh oh..... "Tammy!" I yelled, panicked, and she flys upstairs and blocks the door from Niall.

Niall POV

I'm about to get downstairs to Sabrina when suddenly Tammy is in front of me. "I don't think so. Leave her alone." Tammy growls, and I put my hands up. "What for? For she can die?!" I protest, and she shakes her head. "No...we....we are going to find a way.....she's going to be fine..," she assures herself, and I know she's lying. That's it. But....I can't hurt her! I would never be forgiven if I were to....Suddenly, something builds inside of me. Power? All I think about is how I want Tammy to let me through. I look at her and concentrate. "Let me go." I order her, an my voice sounds different, powerful almost. Her eyes widen when she freezes. Then, her eyes shine with fury as she try's to move....but can't. I smile, and Melisa just looks at me in shock. Looks like Louis isn't the only one with awesome powers. Melisa puts her hands up and begins to chant something at me, so I practically fly down the stairs, and Sabrina spots me. "Don't" she says, and I step back because of the force in her words. She starts choking violently. And her heart stops for a moment. Its now or never. I take a step towards her and her eyes narrow. She doesn't understand the I want what's best for her...because I don't want her to die...and even if she does survive this, she will be human, and eventually die anyways. No. That won't happen. Melisa comes downstairs at the same time as Sabrina sends me flying into the wall. Melisa raises her arms again. "You leave me no choice." She says and I become dizzy and my eyes start closing. "No!" I say and keep them open. "Stop! Now!" And surprisingly, she obeys, frozen now, as if against her will....wait...I MADE her stop. That's kinda cool. I look back over at Sabrina, who has a hostile look on her face. She starts to make a flying motion with her hand when I order her to stop also. She opens her eyes in fear when she realizes she has to obey. She starts hyperventilating, and when I come closer in order to soothe her, she passes out, and her heartbeat stops. Oh no. Please be okay. I pray as I bend down and bring my fangs to her neck. Please. I hope it's not to late. I bite her and pick her up. Looking around the room one last time, I run, not sure where I'm going, just that I'm getting away from this place where I can take care of Sabrina.

It's all a blur as I make my way down streets and back roads. I hope I don't run into the boys. I look down at Sabrina's face, and I realize that she's way too still. No movement at all. She should have responded to the bite by now. I sit down in the grass at the local park with her in my lap. It's deserted since it is very late or night....or very early in the morning. I wait an hour or so and let the tears come. It must be too late after all.

Josh POV

I drop the lifeless human body on the ground in an alley. It was some man on the side of the street. I wasn't thinking...instincts just took over. It felt so good. I wanted more. So I continued searching and froze. I looked up at the sky. It was getting brighter out. Soon, it would be dawn. I don't know why I was scared for some reason. I couldn't move. I just kept staring at the sky. I don't know how long I stood there, motionless in the middle of the street when I heard voices an spun around. I inhaled and was disappointed when I didn't sense humans. Louis was approaching me slowly. He put his hands out as if he meant no harm. "Listen, you have I come back's almost dawn...and you shouldn't be killing were supposed o take a LITTLE bit of blood." He scowled as he looked from me to the dead body. I wiped my mouth, smearing blood across my hand. I didn't WANT to stop....I actually wanted to keep killing. I looked at him and calculated whether or not I was after than him. He sensed what I was doing. "Look, at least put on this ring. If you don't, the sun will burn you alive, and you will die. Just put this on and come back with me." I eyed the silver ring he held out doubtfully. I'm sure it's a trap. HE wasn't wearing one, so it must be some kind of trick. No, I wouldn't come with him. I wanted to keep hunting. "No" I said forcefully, and backed away. "One last chance." He said, and I rolled my eyes, knowing I'm stronger than him. I shake my head again. He sighs and whistles. What? Weirdo

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