Chapter 11

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I can't believe how fast the time has gone. I feel like I just got to Caleb's house, but my parents are going to be here in two- no, three days. Ugh I'm going to miss staying with him.


We sit on the basement couch and watch The Hunger Games. It just started actually. It's around 10:00pm so we should be able to watch it all. We haven't been going to bed very early, but who cares?! It's summer break!!!

•*•Caleb's POV

We start to watch the movie, and I look over at Nicole. Gosh she's amazing. Beautiful, smart, just perfect. I start to remember; we haven't had our first kiss yet... I feel so embarrassed, like I should've made the first move a long time ago, and I start to blush, but she doesn't notice because she's focused on the movie, and the lights are off. I start thinking more, and realize that we almost had our first kiss plenty of times, but we always got caught. 1.) the night her dad caught us when he decided to forbid me from dating Nicole. 2.) when me and Nicole -and- Austin and Jasmine went on a double date, Jasmine and Austin where gone yes, but me and Nicole were walking behind them and me and Nicole were about to kiss, when this old dude came up to us and asked me if I could take a picture of him and his wife. And 3.) when my older brother, Jason, walked down the hall and saw us in the living room on the couch. You don't hear of Jason much because he already graduated college, so he's living on his own, but he comes to visit every once in a while.

So I decided I'm going to kiss Nicole. I turned her head with my finger and leaned in. Our lips were about to meet, but my mom freaking came downstairs.

"Whoops! I was just going to ask what you guys wanted for breakfast tomorrow. My boss called and said I had tomorrow off."

"Pancakes..." I say, trying not to show annoyance or anger.

"Ooh can we have chocolate chip pancakes? My dad made them all the time for me when I was little, but he hasn't lately because he has to leave for work so early, and I couldn't ever get up early enough to make them myself... I'm not a morning person at all!" Nicole laughs. I'm glad to see she has gotten comfortable talking to my mom.

"Yeah! They're my favorite!" My mom says. "Well I'll let you two kids get back to your movie, I'm going to the store, and your father is at work." She says as she walks back upstairs.

Wow mom... thanks... Ugh!! Ruin a perfect moment...

"Caleb..." Nicole says shyly, looking at me.

"Y-yeah?" I tried not to stutter.

"You know how my parents are coming home in a few days?"

"Yeah," I said again.

"Well, my neighbors said that whenever they go out of town I can stay at their place when my parents have guests over, and they are..."

"Oh..." was all I could manage to get out. What was she suggesting...?

"Well, I was wondering if you would come with me... just for a few days."

I was just about to answer when she quickly adds, "You don't have to if you don't want to..."

"No, I want to," I smile, pulling her close so her head rests on my shoulder.

"Okay," she smiles. "I'll text my neighbors... And it's part of our family that's coming over, but none of them really like me... they say I'm too much of a 'rebel'. But I don't know why, I barely leave my room!"

"Well it's their loss for not liking an amazing person like you," I kiss her softly on the top of her head. Why couldn't I have done that to her lips? Ugh I'm so stupid.

•*•Nicole's POV

I lay there, nuzzled up next to Caleb. I really hope my neighbors are okay with us going there. I mean, I don't know why they wouldn't be, but I'm not looking forward to the slight odds of us not being able to go there take over.

The movie isn't to the end, but I manage to fall asleep, still cuddled up against Caleb. I drift off to sleep and start to dream.

••*••*••Nicole's Dream

I'm surrounded by them, dozens of them, and I can't breathe... Who did this to me? I try to escape, but they have me tied to a chair. I don't exactly know who 'they' are, but they have guns and knives, ready to kill me. I try to scream for help, but that's when the knives start flying. I manage to dodge the knives, although they probably were just trying to scare me and missed on purpose. That's when all the guns fire.

••*••*••End of Nicole's Dream

•*•Caleb's POV

I continue to watch the movie with Nicole asleep on my shoulder. Then she starts screaming.

"Nicole? Nicole wake up! It's just a dream!" I yell, trying to get her out of whatever's making her scream.

She wakes up and she's starting to sob. "It's okay. It's okay, I'm right here..." I sing as I hold her in my arms.

"C-Caleb... they were t-trying to-to kill m-me...!" She says through loud sobs.

"No, they weren't, I'm right here to protect you."

"Caleb?" She asks weakly.


"I wish you could stay with me all day everyday." She whispers, almost falling back asleep.

"I wish that too."

She slowly drifts off to sleep. "I love you," I whisper.

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