Chapter 6

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There's a knock at the door, and I look out the window to find Jasmine grinning excitedly.

"Hey! So I brought my makeup, curling irons, straightener, pillows, my phone and charger, clothes, and oh what else? Oh yeah, TONS of candy!!" Jasmine shrieked, holding up her duffle bag, which was obviously full.

"Great! Olivia's not going to be here for another 3 hours, so we are going to be by ourselves for awhile. Oh and by the way, I have most of the stuff you brought, but that's akay!"

Jasmine gave me a quizzical look. "Huh? Don't you mean okay?"

"Oh, no. You see, my friend that rides my bus, Britney, she says that a lot, so I guess I just picked it up."

"Oh, well what other stuff does she say?" Jasmine asked as we headed upstairs.

"She says goodie, kk bæ, that's cute, oh and yum," I explain reaching the last step.

"She, um, sounds interesting...?" Jasmine laughed.

"Anyway, what do you wanna do?" I ask as I hear another knock at the door.

"Did you invite anyone else?"

"No... And I KNOW that's not Olivia,"

"Then who do you think it is...?" Jasmine asks, grabbing an umbrella.

"Okay, it's not even raining, why do you need an umbrella? Besides, I don't even know why I HAVE that. It like never rains in this part of California."

"I'm getting it 'cause I'm going downstairs to see who it is. It could be a burglar." At that, she starts slowly creeping down the stairs.

"Okay, but if it were a burglar, I highly doubt they would be knocking on my front door."

"You never know," she whispers as I reach for the door knob.

"One. Two. Three." She mouths, obviously wanting me to open the door.

"Hey, hey watch it!" The person yells, grabbing the umbrella as Jasmine tries to whack them with it.

"Oh, sorry! I didn't know it was you!" Jasmine says clasping her hands over her mouth.

"Caleb!!" I jump into his arms, giving him a hug. "What are you doing here? How did you know where I live?"

"Well, if you'd stop with the questions," he laughs, "I'll answer you. I know where you live because I dropped you off here after our date last week."

"Ohh... duh! I knew that!... Okay maybe I 'forgot', but it's not like I'm going to remember, or try to remember, EVERYTHING you do."

"Anyway...," he says, giving me something. "Happy 6 Month Anniversary!" He hands me a rose bouquet and a small box.

"Aww for me!? Well obviously it's for me! Thank you so much!!"

"Go on, open it," Caleb says, holding the box closer and closer to my face.

"Okay!" ...... "Caleb I love it! Thank you sososo much!!" I say giving him another hug.

"Lemme see Lemme see Lemme see!!!" Jasmine shrieked as she ran towards me. "A LOCK NECKLACE!! It's so pretty!"

"Caleb, it's beautiful!" I say looking at then necklace then back at Caleb.

"That's not all." He grins as he pulls out his keys. "I have the key to your heart!" He laughs. "No, but seriously I have the key, you have the lock. So everyone knows you're taken; by me."

Just before I was about to speak, Jasmine blurts out, "Awwwwe!! Caleb that's so sweet!! I wish austin would buy me something like that."

"Caleb, it's beautiful! Will you please put it on me?!" I ask excitedly.

"Sure thing beauty queen," Caleb says, taking the necklace from me and putting it on me.

"Awe Caleb, I feel bad, I bought you something for Valentine's Day next week, but not for our anniversary," I say, pointing to his wrapped gift on the table by the door.

"Nicole, it's fine. We never said we were buying gifts for each other," he says hugging me. "I'd also hate to be a downer, but I really should get going. My mom is trying to have more 'family togetherness'. She didn't want me to come here, but after I told her why, she said I could, just as long as I came home ASAP."

"Okay, go on then!" I say laughing. "I don't wanna get you in trouble!" I call as he walks to his car. "Bye Caleb!"

"Byeee Calebbb!!" Jasmine shouts from behind me.

"Bye Nicole, bye Jasmine."

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