Chapter 13

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I find the pizza rolls, YASSS!! And put them in the microwave when I get a call.

If these sheets were the states and you were miles away, I'd fold 'em end over end to bring you closer- My phone sings. {If These Sheets Were The States ~All Time Low}

"Hi mom," I say, putting the rest of the pizza rolls back into the freezer.

"Nicole where are you?!" My mom starts freaking out. "You are supposed to be at home!"

"Mom relax I'm just-" I try to explain when I realize that I'm not supposed to be with Caleb.

"Just what??"

"Oh, just getting some fresh air, I went on a walk." I lie. Well technically I guess I kinda didn't lie because I walked to get here...

"At eight o'clock at night?!"

"Mom, I'm fine I just lost track of time, you know how much I love the warm weather, especially at night."

"Well, come home, your father and I were worried sick about you."

I freeze. "Uh- um okay mom, be there soon. I'm actually almost home..."

"Okay, well since you went out with out telling us, just go straight to your room and don't come out."

"Okay," then she hangs up.

"Uh Caleb..." I call.

"Yeah," he walks into the kitchen.

"Okay, so I have to go back home, but it'll only be for about five to ten minutes, I swear." I say, giving him a hug before walking out the door.

"Okay, I'll um, be here." He says just as I shut the door.

I walk down my neighbors' driveway and look to see if my mom is looking out the window to see where I am. Yep, there she is. Ughgh! I think quickly and turn right, instead of towards my house. I run along the tree line. As soon as I get far enough away so my mom wouldn't see me, I start walking on the side of the road.


"Nicole Rose! Never do that again!" My mom yells.

"Okay mom I promise I won't."

"Okay, just, go to your room. You can come out in the morning." She sighs as I walk upstairs.

I shut my door and plop down on my bed and get on my phone.

N- Sky, I NEED your help

S- what? What's wrong?!

N- okay, so u know how me and Caleb r dating? Well me and him were @ my neighbors' house, but my mom called and made me come home and now I'm stuck in my room...

S- say no more, I'm on my way

N- okay, but u have to come in my room thru my window, or my mom will make u leave

S- got it cya in 10

~*~*~10 Minutes Later~*~*~

Tap tap tap

"Sky...?" I whisper.

"Yeah, it's me." I hear her muffled voice through the window. Oops I forgot to open it.

I get off my bed and head towards the window. "Thank you soooo much!"

"Don't thank me yet, I'm still not exactly sure what you want me to do."

"Okay, so I'm not supposed to leave my room, sooo, I was hoping you would pretend to be me and pretty much stay in here and sleep, I guess..."

"Omg of course I'll do it! It'll be like an acting exercise!" She shrieks.

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