-wrong prince?

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This is a smut chapter.

You woke up knowing that you were back home But something felt different. You looked at your familiar room ceiling. Haylie escaped, her words still circled you. Your mouth was dry. you needed something to drink. While you got up you asked yourself where Loki was, he had given you so much comfort in the few days, so much rest.

Rest that you haven't had for a long time. you thought about how bad he looked, how worn out he was. Once you asked Bucky how it could be that he got on so well with Loki, and he replied that the two of them had one big thing in common. Bucky had said that they were both manipulated by very, very powerful creatures so that they both had to do bad things. Very bad things

When you got down in the kitchen, the other avengers looked at you. Loki wasn't there. Thor came up to you with open arms, he grinned broadly, but something was wrong. Something was different.

Thor almost crushes you. Haylie voice echoed in your head telling you they all knew. That you are a project. An unfinished project. Now you noticed that Fury was there too. He didn't say anything, just stood there. now Natasha pulled you into a hug and you could feel Bucky's metal arm wrapping around your shoulders

"We thought we wouldn't see you again," said Tony, raising a glass to greet you, you were sure it was alcohol. clint and the other avengers looked at you expectantly. Thor pulled you onto a chair next to him. They all knew it, you think. Over and over again. You knew it. And so completely unexpected words left your mouth.

"Where's Loki". Thor looked at you in surprise, like the others. Only Wanda seemed to smile slightly, as if she hopefully wouldn't read your mind.

"Loki is in his room," said Steve.
"So he's fine," you ask

"As far as I know he's recovered very well," came Vision's reply.

"He can heal himself well," said Thor. "Why do you ask," he added.

Your answer was more snappy than expected.

"Because he was locked in there with me, damn it"

You heard Thor mumbling something to himself but you waited too busy to find out why it bothered you that Loki wasn't there now. even in this strange torture you said little, it was only looks - comforting looks.

You asked yourself if you should really ask them if they knew.

You looked at Fury. He was so silent, he knew for sure.

"I'm tired, I'm going up again, just wanted some water anyway," you said

Both Thor and Nat appeared to be about to say something, but remained silent.

Thor pressed his lips briefly to your cheek and smiled at you. Somewhere you knew that it was unfair.

He probably had nothing to do with it anyway, but something had changed in the short time. And you weren't sure what.

Lost in thought you throw yourself on your bed. You can't think of anything, anything, but what is happening. You remembered the pain.

You run your hands over your stomach, your side. You couldn't feel any scars, but the memory brought tears in your eyes, and worst of all, Haylie had been. She doesn't seem to care.
Cold as a stone.

At some point, the sun went down. you flowed into a restless sleep.

It was a black room, not pitch black light enough that you could realize that you were surrounded by mirrors.

You looked in the mirrors, frightened you get that you are completely naked and your body is covered with thick scars and burns that were not there before.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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