Chapter 1 The right choice?

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"Flare are you sure this is the right choice? I mean you have a wonderful home here and your loving family why would you want to leave?"

"Because Mother I want to start my own family and my own pack, I know this is the right choice!" My mother sighed her grey fur flecked with mud. "Okay Flare if you really think this is the right choice then I guess you have to leave. But let's at least share a whole pack hunt before you leave ok?" I nodded glad that my mother had finally given in. I followed her to where the other wolves stood I nodded to the wolves I had grown up with "Thorn, Echo, Alaska, Jet and my dear brother Blaze, I will miss all of you but I must leave so I hope you understand that." My brother stepped forward his brownish ginger pelt ruffled. "We understand Flare. Don't forget to howl to the moon every night." He shook his head then said "anyways let's hunt!"

We raced over the fields and came to a halt as a herd of elk came into sight. My father Timber flicked his tail signalling for us to surround them. I took to the right slowly circling them until they were completely surrounded. Then one of our runners Claw, leapt up scaring the elk they ran my way and I leapt on one with Blaze. I gripped its flesh as it tossed me around I bit down on its neck, blood filling my mouth as it sank slowly to the floor and lay there dead. I saw that Echo and Alaska had taken down one too and we all released the elk herd and came down to eat. Soon, my father stepped up onto a nearby rock. "We have had a more than successful hunt, but we must say goodbye to one of our faithful wolves. Flare it is your wish that you leave us and start a new home, so let us howl to celebrate this hunt and to celebrate new beginnings and to wish Flare good will and luck! Aaarrooooo!" The other wolves began to howl and I felt truly honoured that there should be a howl just for me. I howled alongside my family and friends hoping for a good journey for my new home.

I nuzzled my family, sad that I was leaving them but excited to be travelling so far outside my territory, or my old territory. I licked my mother Breeze, my father Timber and my brother Blaze each and turned away. "Wait are you sure you don't want till morning it will be safer that way?" Breeze asked, I shook my head saying, "no I want to make it as far as I can before the full moon  rises." The full moon was a time that all wolves rested all day and howled all night and even if I wouldn't be part of a pack anymore I still respected that. Turning away, I ran across the fields into the forests.

After a few hours, I was out of our territory and staring at a fast-flowing river, that was too big for me to jump over and I wasn't sure if I could swim through it. However I figured I could leap far enough to reach a tiny rock just visible above the water from there I could make it to the shallows. Turing back, I trotted about six fox lengths away. I ran as fast as I could and just before I hit the water, I leapt. Flying through the air, my paws hit the stone... and slipped off. "ArGh!" I yelped loudly splashing into the water. I swam as hard as I could but I was swept down the current. Hitting my head on a rock, my eyes closed as I drifted further and further away from where I had hoped to be heading. And once again I thought *was this really the right choice?*

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