Chapter 4 The Thunder trail

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We had been travelling for four days since I had healed, two days after full moon. I was still sore and my chest was still weak and injured but Summer had deemed me healthy enough to travel as long as I was careful. I could feel Copper and Summer watching me ready to pick me up and stop if I fall or hurt myself more, and I was proud to call them my pack but I do wish they wouldn't fuss so much. We hopped over a small stream and as we rose up the bank, an unfamiliar sound burned my ears a rumbling sound that sounded not unlike thunder. As we approached closer to the noise I saw something unlike anything I'd ever seen. A black path that went as far as I could see, huge creatures with four huge, round, black paws. Their bodies were made of a shiny material and they made a horrible black smoke that smelt rancid. Then I realised that there were long-paws inside the creatures, I almost screamed when I saw them, but Copper rested his tail on my back soothing me. I suddenly remembered that Copper had been a Casanova so he had probably seen one of these... whatever it was. "What is this Copper?" He shrugged and I thought and told them both "well then I say it is a thunder trail!" Copper wagged his tail and said "I like that, but Flare we need to cross it to get to the mountains." I gulped at the thought of one of my pack getting hit by one of those, those loud-cages. I asked Copper "have you ever crossed one of these?" He shook his head, so I watched the loud-cages pass by waiting for a gap, "when I say run, run like there is a long-paw after you and don't wait for me ok?" Copper and Summer looked at each other then finally agreed. I smiled to myself thinking about how cute they were together. Finally the great haul of loud-cages paused for a single moment I howled "RUN!!!" Not even waiting my pack pelted away across the thunder-trail and before I could go myself the loud-cages began to race past again. Suddenly all the loud-cages slowed and finally stopped just sitting there in the middle of the thunder-trail. I put a paw onto the black stuff and wrinkled my nose at the horrid smell, but slowly padded across I soon sped up when I saw a small long-paw pointing at me and flashing lights at me, I sped across Copper and Summer catching me as I leapt off the burning cold surface. "Whew that was scary!" I exclaimed, Summer pouted and barked "what on earth were you thinking?! Waiting for us to be across before going and then you pad across it like it's no problem what was that long-paw even doing to you!" I shrugged and Copper stepped in "woah Summer it's all good Flare isn't hurt so we can carry on right?" Huffily, she agreed and we turned around to get further to the mountains.

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