Chapter 2 Who are you?

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My body was cold and wet and my head hurt but I pushed myself to open my eyes, and there standing above me was a light grey she-wolf who looked about the same age as me. She looked startled when she realised I was awake and leapt back. I tried to get up but fell down again. "Oh no don't try to move you'll only hurt yourself more. I could pull you back away from the stream if you like, oh by the way my n-name is Summer." The light grey she-wolf said quietly so that I could barely hear her but I croaked back "thanks uh yes please oh my name is Flare." Summer's tail wagged and she gently grabbed my scruff and hauled me away from the river, I then realised my head was bleeding quite a bit. When Summer saw this, she carefully left me by a bush and ran off. After a while, I thought she had left me, but then she ran back over and dropped something at my paws. Examining the wound she patted the sticky thing onto it. Wincing, I asked "what's that Summer?" She looked down and explained "it's cobweb my pack healer used it all the time to cover wounds." I blinked thinking for a moment, "used to, are you leaving your pack as well?" I asked. She nodded and her tail began to wag. "Maybe I can be in your pack Flare, you could lead me and we could find other wolves on the way." She paused then carried on "do you think it was a mistake to leave in Coldwind Flare?" I shook my head and told her "nah we had to leave when we did come on I think I am strong enough to hunt now. By the way I was a hunter in my pack what did you do?" She sniffed then whispered annoyed "I was a healer so I don't really know what to do in a hunt." I looked shocked for a moment then nodded. I sniffed the air aah yes hares I flicked my tail and Summer followed paw steps silent on the frozen ground I lowered myself toward the ground and Summer did the same I crept forward closer to the two hares and when I was close enough I pounced landing squarely on the hare's spine I saw Summer just miss hers and I rushed over before the rabbit could go to ground I swiped out a paw and knocked it away killing it. Summer apologised sadly "sorry I am no good at this we almost lost it thanks to me." I replied "no you were fine this is your first time you did great and besides we have food to eat come on!" We dragged the fresh prey over together, barked our gratitude and howled into the wind. Gulping down the prey, I realised how hungry I was and soon we were both ravenously gobbling up the prey. Now that we were both full and the sun was starting to set. So we curled up together under a bush, and fell asleep. The next morning I opened my eyes and saw that the world was white. It was snowing! I pranced around excited leaping about in the cold white dust. Summer was more hesitant.Slowly she placed one paw in then then another and another and another until all four paws were in the snow. First she sniffed it then once she realised it was harmless she began dancing too. As we played together I heard a twig snap. We both stopped and a brown-grey nose and muzzle poked out the bushes. I raised my hackles and growled and Summer, staring at me copied. The Dog-wolf stepped out of the bushes and stared at both of us. "Well hello ladies. The names Copper and yours?" I rolled my eyes at the annoying flirt. When I saw Summer staring at him like he was the most amazing wolf she had ever seen I had to fight back the urge to claw his face off. I whispered to Summer, "yuck lets leave him to find some other girls he's probably a Casanova." So when I turned to Summer I didn't expect her to be staring angrily at me "how can you say that just because he didn't save your life doesn't mean he can't be in your pack!" Blinking confused that she was mad at me, I turned back to Copper the Casanova  and said sulkily "hey I am Flare and this is Summer. Do you wanna join my pack?" Copper tilted his head then said "I know you think I am a Casanova and you would probably be right but I do want to settle down and find a pack so yes I will join you." Then I said to him "yes but who are you?" Copper looked confused for a moment then said "you know who I am my name is Copper" I shook my head, "no I mean who are you really?"

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