Chapter 3 The wrong territory!

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It had been almost five days since I had met Copper and Summer and tomorrow was the full moon, so I wanted to get as far as we could. "Can we rest my paws feel like they are going to drop off?" I rolled my eyes at Copper and replied, "no Copper tomorrow is full moon so we can rest all day then and I want to get as far as we possibly can." I was so busy telling Copper what to do I hadn't noticed that we had wandered past wolf scent-markers. (Copper and Summer would not have picked up on this either since Summer grew up a healer so she wouldn't have learnt about scent-markers and Copper was an ex-Casanova so he would be used to wandering into other pack territories and he would have grown  to ignore them) Spotting a snow-hare I lowered myself into the snow and crept up on it. Pouncing, I landed on it's neck and sat up as I heard the satisfying crunch of bones. "Come on guys let's eat!" Copper ran over and tore a huge bite out of it. I glared at him and he grinned mouth full. Summer padded over tore off a small leg and gulped it down I watched them eat and tore a bit off myself. Just as we were finishing the hare I heard a low growl "what are you doing on our territory GET OUT!" A dark grey-blue dog-wolf glared at me I turned around and realised we had crossed their scent-markers. But before I could apologise the dark grey-blue alpha threw himself at me barrelling me over. I remembered the moves my family had taught me and kicked him hard between his legs he yelped and was momentarily paralysed I took this moment to roll out from underneath him and pin him on the snow. Once he had regained his growl he clawed me but I would not give way he tried the kick move on me but it only hurt a little I reared up and brought my forepaws down on his chest and he gasped in pain he began bleeding and all of his wolves stopped and stared I took this opportunity to get Summer and Copper away and we raced through their territory over the snow and forests until I saw the mountains. And finally we were out of their territory I turned around horrified to see both of them bleeding and rugged Summer was in better shape than Copper who was bleeding heavily. Suddenly I felt light-headed and I realised there was blood dripping from my head and chest. I gasped a help and collapsed blacking out.

When I came to, I could feel a lot of my body coated in cobwebs and the comforting stench of herbs was all around me. "Oh you are alive Copper and I were beginning to think you were dead." I heard Summer's voice and looked at her, her eyes were wide with worry and I could scent Copper nearby. "I told Copper that I needed to handle you alone so he is waiting a little while away." I nodded. Alarm filled my body, as I scented blood, "relax Flare that's your blood but it's ok you will be fine but we need to rest so you can heal so Copper and I are travelling no more until you are completely better, ok?" I snorted with anger and growled "no way we are stopping because I got a little hurt during a fight!" Summer looked disapprovingly at me and replied "yes way and you didn't get a little hurt during the fight you got very hurt and that alpha almost broke through to your heart. In fact, he broke two of your ribs and your front-paw. So there is no way you can travel in that condition besides it is the full moon today so you can't anyway." She added slyly. I growled in frustration at my own rules and sniffed grumpily. A few hours later I dragged myself out of the clearing of bushes. Finding a large enough rock for us all to stand on, I hauled myself up as the sun set over the trees. Copper and Summer joined me Copper was horrified to see the state I was in but gulped and prepared himself. I took a deep breath in and began to howl "aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooooooooooo." I pricked my ears hearing other wolves from far away and my own pack howling with me. My own pack, the thought made my fur tingle with excitement and pride. I was an alpha now of my own pack and no one could stop us.

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