Life as a Prisoner

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A/N So I decided that i wanted this to be one part and I might do this to some of the other chapters also to make the chapters more lengthy.

When Oralie woke she was in a dark room with no windows and a figure in a black cloak was staring at her from one of the corners, but before she got the courage to speak the figure said to her, "Before you get any ideas, just remember, I could kill you at any time so, I would be careful on what you say."

"How did you know I was going to say anything at all," Oralie snapped.

"Snarky, I Iike you." the figure said.


"Oh stop thinking you can get out of here, because you can't, it's impossible," he said.

And with that he left leaving Oralie alone with her thoughts. But the only thing she could think of was, How do I get out of here? Oralie decided she should count the seconds to see how long she would be in captivity. She had just made it to number 549 when a woman walked through the door. She was small but her voice was very sarcastic when she said, "Well, here is the pretty Councillor. All hail the captive."

"I thought this couldn't get any worse." Oralie grumbled.

"Oh, stop, it won't be that bad. I'm one of the best people here," The woman said.

"Then why is there still a Neverseen hood on you," Oralie asked kind of annoyed.

"Fine if you must know something about me then, my name is Glimmer," she said, "And I am only your babysitter, although it's not like there is anything else for me to do."

"Why do I need to be watched," Oralie asked, "I can't just break out of here and my ability won't help either so."

"What is your ability," Glimmer asked.

"I'm an Empath."

"Remind me to not let you touch me." Glimmer said, taking a step back.

Oralie laughed, "Can you not see it?"

"See what?"

"The forcefield," Oralie reached out and touched the forcefield. Her hand only grazed the field and her hand shot backwards, "It moves as I move so my ability is useless and whoever is in here with me is safe from it."

"Oh so if you walked towards me right now the forcefield would follow you," Glimmer asked.


The only thing Glimmer said was," Huh."

After that they didn't talk much, although Glimmer did tell her that she would have to endure an interrogation soon. So Oralie was mentally preparing to be interrogated. She knew that she could lie when whoever asks the questions but empaths are terrible liars so that would be pointless. After a long mental debate Oralie decided that she was going to wait and see what questions were asked then she would lie to whatever the Neverseen didn't need to know and tell the truth with other things. After she really thought about it she wasn't a super bad lair, she actually managed to lie about her daughter since the beginning of Project Moonlark, and Sophie still didn't suspect anything so Oralie can still be her ally without Sophie hating her.

What Oralie assumed was the next day, Glimmer came in with a vial filled with a purple cloudy liquid and told her, "So for the interrogation we have to move you into a different room so drink this," She tossed Oralie the vial and It landed right in front of the forcefield and Oralie moved to pick it up.

"It's a sedative isn't it," Oralie asked, not really sure why she asked. She was sure that they were.

"Yep, now drink it." Glimmer said, strictly.

Oralie decided that she could be more uncooperative when the interrogation started. She downed the elixir in one gulp and waited for the drug to set in. When it finally did she felt Glimmer grab her and the feeling of light whisking them away.

Oralie awoke from the fuzzy daze the drugs had put her in and sat up and looked around. Only to find that she was in a room identical to her cell except for a giant metal chair that looked like it had dried blood on it. She stood up with her wrists tied together with a rough rope.

"Hello Councillor," a man's scratchy voice came from a corner and Oralie spun around trying to find the source of the sound. "We'll do this one of two ways you can either tell me your connection to the Moonlark or I will pry the truth from your pretty body."

"Very menacing words coming from a person hiding behind a hood." Oralie replied calmly not trying to anger the Neverseen member.

"That wasn't my question. So I suggest you tell me what I want to know or things are going to get messy." The man said snapping his fingers and a large ball of flame appeared above his hand.

Oralie took a step back, memories of a healing, a flame, and a red headed man, pushed to the front of her mind. She fought to keep them back, only barely succeeding in doing so.

"Fine I interact with Sophie on a regular basis. And she confides in me as an ally not as a Councillor..... Satisfied." Oralie said in a voice so smooth and scratchy at the same time, that she hardly believed the voice was her's.

"Not really," he said extinguishing the flame and lunging for Oralie and pushing her into the metal chair. The moment the metal touched her skin it locked cuffs around her arms and legs preventing her from escaping.

"Now, tell me exactly what your connection to the Moonlark of is or your not going to see the light of day ever again." The man said snapping and bringing the flame ever so close to her cheek. She could practically smell the burning flesh.

"Fine, I know who Sophie's biological parents are." Oralie huffed, knowing that she actually only knows one.

"Interesting, and who might they be," the man asked sound was too pleased with himself.

"I'm not going to tell you," Oralie said, channeling her inner Keefe.

"Yes you are," he said bringing his flame holding hand onto her right arm and letting it burn. Oralie screamed, feeling the blaze engulf her arm. She thrashed in pain unable to put the fire out, until the fire was extinguished.

Oralie slowly opened her eyes to find Glimmer standing above her, a look of worry in her voice as she asked, "Are you alright?"

Oralie nodded trying to sit up and asked, "How long have I been unconscious."

"About three days, although it was huge blaze," Glimmer replied with a hint of annoyance in her tone. "But I plan on ending your captivity today, if your up for it?"

"What!" Oralie asked surprised, "What do you mean?"

"I mean I'm breaking you out of here tonight, but I have to do something to you beforehand," Glimmer replied.

"Well then do it, we need to out of here as fast as we can," Oralie exclaimed.

"Fine, and.....I-I'm sorry for this." Glimmer grabbed a cloth from her pocket and poured a blue cloudy liquid over it then putting it over Oralie's mouth and nose.

But the drug only reduced the pain because once the drug set in Glimmer broke her right leg.

A/N Muahahahahahaha cliffhangers are amazing aren't they. Nevermind, please don't kill me. I needed to leave it off this way. But as a plus I got 1268 words... Yay! I mean I didn't check my other chapters word counts but that seems like a lot.
Anyway, byeeeeeee

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