Chapter 1

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The sound of a blaring alarm startles Meredith out of her deep sleep.

"Oh fuck off..." Meredith sighs as she rolls over to turn off her alarm. She lays in her new bed for a few moments, before realizing that today is the first day of her internship at Seattle Grace. The thought of returning to the hospital that she spent so much time at as a child provided her with mixed emotions. On one hand, she is worried about how returning there after so many years may feel slightly overwhelming, but on the other, she is excited to really see what Seattle has to offer. She has always felt some sort of pull to Seattle after being forced to leave by her mother when she was 5 years old.

Meredith is anxious, but also excited to start her internship and finally become a doctor. She honestly can't believe that this day is really here. After constantly hearing as a child how "ordinary" she was and that she would never amount to anything according to her mother, she is hopeful that she will be able thrive and put her new medical degree to some good use. After finishing top of her class at Dartmouth, Meredith had her "pick of the draw" when it came to deciding on where to do her internship. Her mother told her to stay in Boston and join her at Mass General, but Meredith couldn't imagine anything much worse than that, and instead, decided to return to her very first home.

Meredith got ready for her first day, and finally, she pulled into the parking lot of Seattle Grace.

Switch to Meredith's POV:

After entering the hospital, I headed towards the O.R. That was being used for the intern orientation and took a look around at the other interns. I noticed an Asian girl who right away seemed like she could provide some good competition. Next, I noticed a guy who looked like he was either an ass or an idiot... or maybe both? As I looked around some more, my eyes connected with a gorgeous and tall light-skinned man. "Fuck" I whispered, knowing that I would probably end up sleeping with him at some point, especially considering the way he was staring at me and biting his lip. Trying to look away from the gorgeous man, I noticed a smaller brunette who had really nice blue eyes, but I couldn't get much of a read on her.

An older black man entered the room, and something about him seemed very familiar. "Each of you comes here today hopeful, wanting in on the game. A month ago, you were in med school being taught by doctors. Today... you are the doctors. The seven years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life. You will be pushed to the breaking point. Look around you. Say hello to your competition. Eight of you will switch to an easier specialty. Five will crack under the pressure. Two of you will be asked to leave. This is your starting line. This is your arena. How well you play, that's up to you."

After orientation, I headed towards the intern locker room. As I walked in, the gorgeous light-skinned man from earlier approached me with a smirk.

"Jackson Avery, and you are???"

"Dr. Grey"

"Do you have a first name Dr. Grey?"

"Well that depends, are you already trying to hit on me, or are you just trying to get to know a colleague?" I said confidently as I walked passed him and opened my locker beside the Asian girl.

"Seems like you're real good at making new friends."

"I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to be a surgeon."

"Hmm... I like you. Cristina Yang." Replied the Asian girl as she stuck out her hand to introduce herself.

"Meredith Grey." I replied, shaking Cristina's hand, both of us holding big smirks on our faces.

"What do you two say we turn this duo into a trio? Amelia Shepherd." The unreadable brunette with the extremely blue eyes introduced herself, matching the energy of her two new colleagues.

"Shepherd? Any relation to the neuro god that works here?" I asked, secretly hoping the answer was yes, as I had a great interest in neuro and figured this could be my way in.

"Unfortunately, that would be yes. He happens to be my big brother, and a great one at that, but I am expecting its going to be a real pain in the ass working under him. I've been here for like an hour and he's already pissed me off. Take my advice, avoid his service at all costs. He can be a real a dick when it comes to work, its the love of his life." Amelia ranted.

"Noted." Cristina and I replied. After hearing what Amelia had to say about Dr. Shepherd. My desire to get time on his service has definitely decreased. I couldn't continue to worry about that though, because next thing I new the three of us were being interrupted by the other dickhead in our group.

"Ladies!! How are we on this fine morning? I must say I am feeling pretty good, considering I get to spend time with the three of you. The name's Alex Karev."

"Sorry not interested" Amelia responded as she rolled her eyes.

"And I bat for the other team, but even if I didn't, I still wouldn't be interested. Nice meeting you, evil spawn." Cristina laughed as she patted him on the back and walked by him.

"What about you blondie?" Alex asked.

"Well considering we've known you for all of 30 seconds and you have already earned yourself the nickname 'evil spawn', I think I'll have to pass" I laughed as I joined Amelia and Cristina and waited for our resident, the Nazi, to join us and give us our assignments. She started off by announcing her five rules, which were definitely a little intimidating.

"Avery, your with Sloan." Bailey announced.

"Awe, you'll fit right in pretty boy." Amelia laughed, but quickly controlled herself as she noticed a scowling Bailey.

"Yang, you're with me. Karev, you're with Robbins. Shepherd, you're with Montgomery."

"Oh hell yeahhh, I was getting worried you were going to stick me with Derek. I will gladly work with Addie." Amelia added.

"Do you happen to know every attending in this hospital?" I whispered to Amelia.

"Nope, just my brother, Sloan and Montgomery. Other than that he doesn't exactly have any friends, which I am sure you will begin to understand why shortly considering its looking like you're gonna be stuck with him today." Amelia whispered back.

"And Grey, you're with the other Shepherd. Have fun with that... Sorry, somebody's gotta do it" Bailey responded with a look of pity directed towards me.

"Great. Just great." I sighed as I headed towards the surgical floor with Amelia.

Author's Note:
Hey so I've never tried to write FanFiction before but I currently have some free time on my hands, so I figured I'd give it a shot. I hope y'all like the intern group that I picked I love these five. I've never really been a big fan of Izzy and George, so I swapped them for Amelia and Jackson (sorry if you're not a fan of that, I know people love MAGIC).

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