Chapter 32. Slappings

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Two Years Later

I said our goodbyes to our past as I ran from Secretary Ross, who was still onto me. I've been laying low with Steve using an old quinjet via a friend.

"We have to pick up some people, Steve. Be nice or so help me-"

"I know, Natasha, I know. Have we heard from Wanda or Vision at all?"

"Not at all." I rubbed my hands together as the quinjet stayed on autopilot, making sure we were headed for the correct destination.

"They've been MIA, they're in Scotland, though." Steve said as we neared our destination.

"I know, we'll get to them."

"Open the back." Steve said as we flew over our destination. I flipped the switch on the side and it opened, Sam coming tumbling in.

"How's it going?" He said as we closed the back, now flying to Scotland.

"Good to see you, Sam." I said, a small smile coming through.

"You too Natasha." Sam grinned as Steve gave him a small hug.

"Ready for Scotland?" I said as the quinjet flew faster, our destination a few three hours away.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Sam said, taking a seat and removing his falcon suit to relax for a bit.

"Tony called us in, Sam. It's important. Someone's been attacking Earth to find something, not sure what." Steve spoke in his "leadership" voice.

"Great, now we're helping this guy after he killed-"

"Shut up." I said, cutting him right off. He put his head down and wiped his face with his hands.

"It's just.. how can we trust him after everything he's done."

"We'll figure it out." Steve said as we headed for Scotland.

Unknown Perspective

I walked down the streets, knowing full well people were looking for me. It was an ongoing issue lately, especially here in London. People turning a head and gasping, but then I'd be gone.

A ghost story.


I ran into the fight, catching the aliens spear and tried to shove it through the aliens gut, but I was knocked away by the female.

Wanda was no help, trying to help Vision heal but it was no use. Even Cap was down, Sam was trying to blast them via some bombs, but that didn't help.

"Sam! What the hell!" Steve yelled, rolling away from some smoke.

"Sorry Cap, they're both good-" Sam got cut off as a spear went through his wingsuit, causing him to crash through the building.

"Shit.." I mumbled, getting up slowly and started fighting the female alien. Block, block, swing, flip, block, the moves varied. I was now pinned to the ground, the spear the only thing that separated us.

"Give up the power stone." The aliens said, leaving me baffled.


"The power stone, give it up." The female said as she started to press harder on the spear on my neck.

"We don't have it.." I choked out, making the alien scoff.

"They're alive and you know it! They have the stone."

Unknown Perspective

"They're alive and you know it! They have the stone." The alien said as they fought the Avengers.

I watched everything happen, damn it. Why Romanoff, couldn't wait.

Sure, I was gonna regret this.


A purple mist appeared around the female alien, launching her away. The spear that was once in Sam's wingsuit was now in the males abdomen, leaving just the female one all alone.

"Get up." The female alien said as she rushed to his aide.

"I can't.." The male said, the spear in his abdomen.

Unknown Perspective

I rammed into the female, not bothering who saw me, it was too late. We flew through the air, using some of my power.

Landing on a rooftop, her spear met my chest. I felt as if the power from me was being extracted.

"That was for my friend." She said, and I snapped. I grabbed the spear and pushed the butt into her chest, getting up and blasting her away.

The alien scurried over to the other alien and tried to get him up, but he couldn't. A blue beam surrounded them, and up they went.


"About damn time you showed up, what took you long?" I said as Y/n ran up and hugged me.

"Y/n? Aren't you-" Wanda said as she broke off from Vision, leaving Sam and Steve to carry Vision.

"Uhm for legal reasons I'm dead." Y/n said, but was immediately slapped by Wanda. I quickly went to separate Wanda until Y/n was thrown across town.

"Wanda! Calm it down damn it." Wanda looked down and boarded the quinjet as one roughed up Y/n boarded the jet.

"So, thought we had a deal. Stay close, keep in touch." The quinjet took off and Wanda and Vision tried explaining themselves but were forgotten when I heard a lot of bouncing around.

Y/n's leg was bouncing up and down like a freight train, not once stopping. I sat down next to them and put a hand on her thigh, slowing down the bouncing.

"You alright?" I whispered, causing Y/n's head to shake some, and her leg trying to bounce even more.

I took her hand and nodded, letting her squeeze it. I felt some pain, but let it go. I moved her onto my lap, her head staying on my shoulder, and her arms quickly wrapping around my torso.

"I got you." I whispered, and all I got was closed eyes, and an asleep Y/n.

"You have explaining to do, Nat." Steve said, his hands holding his belt. I scoffed and got glares from everyone.

"Y/n needed out for a while, with everyone thinking she was dead, nobody would be able to reach her any time soon until she decided it was time to return. I understand we could've just said she needed lone time, but we know we would've needed Y/n in certain times. Y/n also wanted to find out their age she was an assassin since Tony's parents died in 1991." I gathered some nods, and held Y/n as we took off to our next issue, the Avengers Compound.

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