Chapter 43. Thanos

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I heard a voice, an annoying one. Tony, who else could it be? Coughing up a ton of smoke and some dirt, Tony patted my chest.

"Lose this again and I'm keeping it." Tony said referring to Steve's shield. I got up and grabbed the shield, and followed him over to Clint.

"What's he been doing?" Tony said, referring to Thanos.

"Absolutely nothing." Clint replied.

"This is a trap, you know that right?" I said.

"I do, and I certainly don't care." Tony said.

"Good, glad we're all on the same page." Clint said, grabbed his bow and the rest of his arrows.

"Let's kill him properly this time, shall we?" I said, dropping down to ground level. We headed over to where Thanos was seated, circled around him.

"You could not live, with your own failure. Where did that bring you?" Thanos said, not looking up.

"Back to me."He finished.

"With the stones you collected, I will shred this universe down to it's last atom, and create. a new one. Teaming life and peace, a great full one."

"Born out of blood." I remarked.

"But they'll never know, because you won't exist." Thanos said as he put his helmet on, grabbing his sword.

"The Avengers will be extinct."

The three of us charged, taking shots at Thanos. I used the shield to the best of my ability, but in the end, Tony was knocked away and Clint was long gone.

"Come on, soldier." Thanos grunted as he hit my away with the sword he possessed. I grabbed the shield tightly, and he hit the shield, a piece of it flying away. I was shocked, it never chipped or broke before.

Before I could think, he kept swinging, slowly but shortly breaking the shield down to just the bottom of it. Thanos smiled wickedly before kicking me away.

I laid there. I failed Steve, Sam, Y/n, everyone. With a grunt, I got up. I had nothing to lose. Facing Thanos's army, I walked forward as more and more came. Hundreds of thousands of them to be exact.


"Buck come in."

I felt the buzz go through my ear.

"'Till the end of the line." I turned around, and a spiral appeared, a golden ring. I stared in disbelief as T'Challa, Shuri, and Okoye came out.

Suddenly, Steve appeared. More spirals appeared, hundreds maybe. More people came back. Scott, Bruce, the annoying spider, and Rhodey showed up in Scott's hand, since he grew big.

I couldn't help but smile, Natasha came up to me and shared a small smile. All the sudden, a bean came down next to me, and Thor appeared. His moron smile showing.

His face told a different story, he knew. Thor knew Y/n was gone. Steve raised a hand, yelling for the Avengers. Suddenly, Thor's hammer came into his hand from Y/n.

"Assemble." He said, and battle cried from everyone could be heard. We charged as Thanos raised his sword, the ugly aliens running towards us. We clashed, Sam and Rhodey flying ahead as usual.

"Where's the stones!" Clint yelled, and without missing a beat, Natasha appeared holding them.

"We need to get them out of here!" Steve said.

"No! We need to get them back in time!" Bruce yelled as he threw an alien aside

"Well the portal is long gone." Steve remarked.

"Well bo fucking shit Einstein!" I yelled at Steve.

"That wasn't our only time machine!" Scott said, pressing something and an ugly horn went off.

"Anyone seen an ugly brown van!" I yelled, tapping into comms.

Nobody's pov

"Yeah! But you're not gonna like where it's parked!" Valkyrie yelled from the coms.

"We need a clear path!" Nat said.

"I'll take the stupid stones." Clint said, grabbing them from Nat.

"Let's move!" Everyone started running in different directions. Clint almost immediately swarmed, but King T'Challa came out and used his advanced gear to knock them all away.

"Clint! Give them to me!" He barked, and Clint threw them to him. The Black Panther took a running start, kicking some and moving swiftly.

Suddenly, he was knocked away by Thanos. Thanos did his wicked smirk before running after them, but an angry witch got in the way.

With a loud slam, Wanda appeared in front of him.

"You took.. everything from me.." Wanda said, referring to the killing of Vision, her boyfriend. More importantly, the killing of her best friend, Y/n.

"I don't even know who you are." Thanos snarled, coming forward to her.

"You will." She replied wickedly, and she rose up, rocks coming up with her. Wanda slammed them at Thanos, and threw orbs of magic at him. The Black Panther got swarmed, some squidward using the force dragged him and the stonws towards him.

"I gotcha!" Peter said as the King threw the stones up to him, catching them with his webs.

"Active instant kill!" He yelled.

"Instant kill activated." "Legs" came out from the back of him, destroying everything in sight.

"I got it!"

"No I don't!" Peter yelled as they clawed at his metalic suit.

"Hey queens, catch." Steve said, throwing Johnathan to him. Peter attached a web to it, and flew with it, then shooting another, which Valkyrie caught, bringing him onto her pegasus.

"Nice to meet you I'm- Woah!" He yelled as they took a dip. Guns were firing everywhere, but Carol Danvers was stuck on the ground, blasting all the aliens.

Everyone was in some way shape or form blasted from the turrets, until it aimed up to the sky.


"Something just entered the lower atmosphere!" The AI replied as a beam of purple shot through the sky, deflecting everything that came in it's way.

The beam went right through Thanos's ship, and then up through it. Everyone seemed to look to see who it was, and long behold, it was Y/n M/n L/n.

"Yes!" Thor yelled, sending a beam of lightning to the air with storm breaker. Mjölnir seemed to fly right up to Y/n, out of Steves hands.

"Well, I'll be damned." Bucky said with a smile.

"That can't be right.." Nat said in disbelief.

"Og but she's definitely here Nat, get your girl." Sam said with a smile. Y/n landed on the ground next to Peter.

"I thought you died.."

"You can never kill a King, Parker." Y/n said with their signature wicked smile, taking the gauntlet from him.

"Not sure how you're gonna get through all that." He said, looking at the army approaching.

"Don't worry." Wanda said, landing with Nat.

"They've got help." Okoye said as all the female Avengers stood at ready. Valkyrie, Pepper, Natasha, Wanda, Hope, Okoye, Carol, Nebula, and past Gamora.

Everyone charged, taking out aliens as they made their way through the army of people.

A/n : Ree.
Releasing Arachnophobia tomorrow! Woo! Arachnophobia is making the protagonist older than the person they are portraying. You'll see what I mean.

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