Chapter 14: After

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Dear Mr. Dalton,

How happy I am to hear you received my previous letter and that you are doing well. If I'm honest, I had my doubts of your colleagues ability to give it to you, but it seems those doubts were incorrect!

Both my parents and I are doing perfectly fine and London is wonderful. You should visit sometime, I could show you the best places!

But you coming to London isn't exactly why I'm contacting you. I hear you still live in Vermont and thank goodness, because this makes my plan much easier. I planned to come to Vermont in search for a certain person. Originally, I was going to stay in a hotel but I felt I would be very lonely since no one would be coming along with me. My parents aren't getting any younger, much to my father's dismay.

I wanted to ask you if I could stay with you while in Vermont. Of course, I won't begin my travel plans until I get a letter of your acceptance. I wouldn't want to create an unpleasant situation for you. I can always "grow up" and stay in a hotel as a plan B. Please, PLEASE don't feel bad if you can't house me, I just thought it would be a good idea to ask, seeing how I could kill two birds with one stone and spend some time with you as well. We have much to catch up on!

You might also be able to help me find this person. I believe you used to know him in your Welton years.

I patiently await your response!

Gwendolyn Keating


Dear Miss Keating,

Ew. That sounds entirely too formal for the likes of me.

Dear Ribbon,

I'm glad both you and your parents are doing well. I laughed at the fact that your father isn't getting any younger, since it's hard to imagine Captain getting old.

But then I remember that we, at the same time, are also not as young as we used to be. A shame. At least I'm still good-looking.

In response to your question, of course you can stay with me! I would love nothing more! I agree with your statement of us needing to catch up, it's been far too long!

As for my colleague that gave me your first letter, your doubts on his "letter giving" abilities are completely valid. In fact, I would actually doubt him myself! He's not one-hundred percent reliable and tends to make stupid mistakes. But he is a pretty good friend, and I will not stand for insults towards him. I'm joking, I don't really know him that well. He's a colleague, what do you expect?

I seem to be missing the main point of this letter which is: I not so patiently await your arrival and I will have your room ready for you!

Charlie Dalton


It was a regular Saturday afternoon for twenty-one year old Todd Anderson. He sat at the table in the dining room, sipping a cup of strong tea. He had spent the entire night marking English midterm exams and had fallen asleep, slumped over on the table, even though he wasn't even finished. He completed his marking only an hour ago and felt he could really use a nap.

But after his tea was gone.

Todd stared at the white ribbon on his wrist, the same ribbon that had once belonged to a person he loved, still loved, and dearly missed.

 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐁𝐁𝐎𝐍 ~ 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐏𝐨𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐲Where stories live. Discover now