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𝑎𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑦𝑎ℎ 𝑝𝑜𝑣:
i wake up with a horrible ass headache. i sit up in the bed looking around the room i'm in. "wait this isn't my room.." i look to my side and i see a sleeping billie. she looks so adorable when sleeping. i lift the covers off her. i look at her abs then my eyes traveled down to her noice bulge. damn someone had a good ass dream last night. i laugh a bit then i decided to text the groupchat

liyah: good morning yall
noami 😩: morning
zara 🖤: morninh mfs. how was your sleep with billie liyah
liyah: zara stfu. she looks too cute when sleeping bruh
quan 🙄: not liyah simping y'all lmao
liyah: nigga take yo big headed ass back to sleep
zara 🖤: anyways liyah yo dumbass got drunk outta yo mind so billie decided to let you stop with her
liyah: explains why i'm in her bed but y'all. i think she was thinkin bout something last night bc she got the morning wood
noami 😩: she was probably dreamin bout fucking you lmaoo
liyah: keep saying some shit like that. ima fuck y'all up.

i look over to my side and i see billie waking up

liyah: well anyways i'll text y'all later. this hot bitch waking up
zara 🖤, quan 🙄: OH SO SHES HOT??
liyah: fuck off.

i put my phone away and i look at billie. holy fuck she look so damn fine rn. with her messy hair and pouted lips. "your staring ma" she says in her sleep voice "holy fuck.." "what" she said laughing and getting out the bed "nun nun" i bit my lip at her "you got any clothes i can borrow so i can shower" "yeah i gotchu" she goes to her dresser and gets an oversized tshirt and calvin kelvin boxers and hands it to me. "i only have boxers. sorry" "it's fine billie" i smile and i go take a shower.

after my shower, i walk back into billies room and i sit down on her bed and i look at her. "soo nice house you got" billie look up at me "thanks but it's not my house. it's my friend's" "oh ok.. uh do you live here cuz like you have your own room.." "i used to live here when i was 14 bc i got kicked out the house" "damn what the hell you" "my mom was getting tired of my bullshit then she found out i was selling drugs so she kicked me out and i stayed here until i was 18 then i got my own place" did this bitch just say fucking drug dealing?? at 14?? "oh ok... why are you still in high school? you was supposed to graduate two years ago" "uh tbh idk. i'm probably gon dropout. there's no point in me still attending school" i nod looking around her room "you've been tryna get with me since i was like 13 and you were like 16. why?" "idk. when i first saw you i fell in love with you" "oh ok" i said while nodding

i get a text from my mom

𝗺𝗮𝗺𝗮 🤞🏽: where are you??
aaliyah: i'm at a friends house. what's wrong?
𝗺𝗮𝗺𝗮 🤞🏽: you didn't come home last night. who is this friend btw
aaliyah: billie. why does it matter
𝗺𝗮𝗺𝗮 🤞🏽: because she's trouble and she's 20
aaliyah: mama she's not trouble and im 18
𝗺𝗮𝗺𝗮 🤞🏽: ok ok. come home i have to go into work and you have to watch your little sister. i'm paying you $70
aaliyah: ok mama i'll be there in 20


i put my phone away and i look at billie. "i have to go back home so i can watch my little sister" "ok ma i'll see yo fine ass tmr" she looks at me smirking. i roll my eyes and i put on a pair of billies sweatpants. "so you stealing my clothes huh?" "shut up billie and you won't be getting these clothes back no time soon btw" "mhm bye baby" "i'm not your baby billie and can you give me a ride home?" "if you let me fuck then yeah" she says biting her lip. "if that's the case, i'll rather walk home" "nah i was just playing baby" she says getting up and she put on basketball shorts and a tank top. i look at her biting my lip. why tf she gotta be so damn fine bruh.

"your staring again" billie smirks at me "shit i'm sorry" i say turning around and blushing. i'm falling hard for this girl. billie laughs and grabs her keys and goes downstairs and i follow her.

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