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tw ⚠️ mentions of self harm scars
𝑎𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑦𝑎ℎ 𝑝𝑜𝑣:
it's around 2am so i'm pretty sure my mom is asleep rn. i get out of bed and i walk over to my closet. i grab a shoebox that's on a top just chillin there. i grab my backup phone from inside the shoebox. yes i do have a backup for a lot of reasons. mainly bc i used to get my phone taken a lot in middle school but now i don't. well this time i gotten my phone token away. the backup phone is my old iphone 7 plus. i power it on and the password screen shows up. damn wtf is the password. i haven't used this phone in like 3 or 4 years so i've kinda forgotten the password.

after bout 15 minutes of thinking. i finally figure out what my password was. it was my birthday. i put in my icloud info and shit. i see i have hella from billie and the groupchat. i decided to text billie first.

aaliyah: hi billie. i'm sorry, my mama toke my phone after you left so i'm using my backup phone
𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗲: it's ok liyah
aaliyah; awe what happened to the cute nicknames you called me?
𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗲: so you do like it when i call you them nicknames
aaliyah: maybeee
𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗲: ik you do baby
aaliyah: stop it bruh. you got me blushin and shit
𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗲: mhm. you should sneak out and come over
aaliyah: you tryna get me killed?? if my mama finds out i sneaked out, i'm in double trouble and i'll be dead if she finds out i'm sneaked out to see you.
𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗲: come on baby. i miss you and your face.
aaliyah: ugh fine. i'll be there in 30 bc im walkin since my mama toke my keys too
𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗲: imagine lmao
aaliyah: fuck you


i put on a hoodie i stole from billie and a pair of sweatpants. i lock my door then i quietly open my window and i climb out then i climb down the tree that's by my window. i turn on my flash as i start walking towards billies house.

i get to her house bout 25 minutes later and i knock on her door. i wait a few then billie opens the door and she's wearing a sport bra and basketball shorts. i bit my lip. "holy fuck you look fine asf" "well thank you" i walk inside and me and billie go upstairs to her room and we lay in her bed. billie looks at me "is that my hoodie..?" i laugh nervously. "see what had happened was..i stole it from you. sorry it's just so comfy" "it's coo ma"

billie is staring at me biting her lip. i look up at her. "what billie..?" billie leans down and she kisses my lips. i hesitate at first but i eventually kissing her back. we end up making out for like 3 minutes. she pulls away and she licks her lips. "holy have some soft lips" i said while looking up at billie. "well thank you baby" she says smiling, "yo billie. your in love with me right..?" i look at her. "yeah you already know this. why you asking?" she looks at me confused. "because i think i'm in love with you too.." i look down playing with my fingers. "i've been feeling this way for 2 years but i never really accepted it until like a couple months ago"

billie doesn't say anything. she just lifts my chin up with her finger and she looks at me then she kiss me. her lips are fucking soft wtf. i kiss her back and she put her hand on the hem of my sweatpants and pulls them down half way then i stop her. "w-wait billie.." she looks at me confused. "what's wrong liyah?"

i look up at her. "i'm a virgin and i'm scared to lose it" "that's totally okay. i understand" "your not mad or upset?" billie looks at me and shakes her head. "ofc not why i be upset" "cuz i thought you'll like force me to have sex with you and stuff" i look away "i'm promise i'm not that type of person. everything isn't bout sex." i nod as i look back at billie.

𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑣:
i'm laying on aaliyah chest. she has her eyes closed but not sleeping. i play with the sleeve of aaliyah's hoodie. well actually my hoodie. her sneaky ass been stealing my clothes. as i'm playing with the sleeve of the hoodie. i roll it up and i see that she has scars on her wrist but their faded a bit. you can see them if your up closely to her. liyah catches me staring at her wrist and she quickly pulls down the sleeve.

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