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(previous on chapter eight)

i look up from my phone and i see billie on the couch and beside her is the person i least expect to be here.

my ex.

i look over at my ex.

"what the fuck are you doing here zay?!"

"i missed you baby" she looks at me and she smiles.

𝑎𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑦𝑎ℎ'𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑣:
"zay, you need to leave and never come back"

"now why would i do that? i'm just here to get back what's mines" she says looking at me with that stupid ass smirk on her face

"i'm not yours anymore now please leave and don't come back here again"

she stands up walking to the door then she stops and turns around looking at me

"you will always be mines aaliyah no matter what. i'll come back and i will make you mines again even if it means i'll have to kill." she says that last part while looking at billie then she walks out closing the door behind me.

"that bitch is crazy. i don't even know why you even dating that girl" billie says standing up and walking over to me and hugging me

"well she wasn't crazy when we first started dating, it was like after 6 months of us dating she started getting really overprotective and she basically cutting me off from my friends and shit. telling me to do this and that. she was also mentally abusive , sometimes physically

billie looks at me and she lets out a sigh and kisses my forehead "i'm so sorry baby" she rubs on my lower back while holding me closer to her and i look up at her and say "it's ok, i've recovered from it so it doesn't really affect me as much as it did before"

billie looks at me and smilies softly while rubbing on my cheek. "i'm glad you recovered from it my love" i look up at her just smiling. it melts my heart how caring and sweet she really is. "thank you baby" i say while putting my head against her chest and i sigh looking around.

"wanna go to the mall and shop around" i hear billie and i smile big nodding while looking my head "oh hell yeah , yk i love shopping now let me go get dressed" i quickly kiss billie on her cheek then rushes upstairs to the room and i walk in going into the bathroom. i close the door turning the shower on making sure the water on hot.

i take my clothes off putting them in the dirty clothes basket that's in the bathroom. i grab my big and small towel from the small closet that's in the bathroom. i set my big towel on the counter and i get in the shower with my small towel.

*i grab my bar of dove soap and i rub it together with my towel after getting it wet and i start washing my body while humming a bit. i bend down a bit washing my legs and feet. i rinse my body off.

i grab the shaving cream putting some in my hand and i rub it together then puts some on my left leg. i grab my razor and i start shaving my legs and after i shave both of my legs , i shave my underarms.

after shaving my legs and underarms i wash my body again and i turn around washing my back. i rinse off again and i turn the water off then gets out and i grab my towel wrapping it around me. i stand in front of the sink and i grab my stuff for my skin care routine and i start doing it.

as i'm doing my skin care routine , billie comes into the bathroom wearing her grey hoochie daddy shorts on (i got me some of those 😏) and a white tank top with a gold chain. i look at her through the mirror. "damnnn holy shit"

she looks at me laughing and shaking my head "quit playin and get ready girl" billie says and i roll my eyes finishing up my skin care stuff "girl shut up i'm tryna look good" i brush my teeth and i wash my face

"for who?" she says raising her eye brow and i look at her "for you papi" i smirk at her and i stand up straight dropping my towel and she looks at me biting her lip then reaches out and grabs my titties.

bruh this bitch is obviously with my fucking titties. i roll my eyes laughing and i slap her hands away and i walk out the bathroom hearing her whine. "whyyyy!!? i was enjoying the feeling of them"

i look at her weird and i shake my head. "bruh if you don't gtfo , that shi sounds weird" i grab my bra and panties putting them on. i then grab a grayish black crop top putting it on and a pair of black cargo panties with some black converses.

(her (aaliyah's) outfit)

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(her (aaliyah's) outfit)

"are you ready nowwww??" i hear billie say and i shake my head "no now be patient" i walk back into the bathroom and i start doing some light makeup. "ughh i swear yall fems be taking the whole day to get ready when we just going to the mallll"

i laugh softly shaking my head as i finish the make up and i start doing my fault "it's not my fault yall studs/mascs just throw on a damn tank top and shorts and chain and look fine asf like wtf now shut up and let me look cute tf"

billie look at me crossing her arms as she leans against the wall "you got a point but still" she says as i brush my hair up putting it in a messy bun "bille stfu before i throw hands on you"

"shii my bad mama" i stand up rolling my eyes and i smile walking out the bathroom and i grab my bracelets putting them on. i spray some of my perfume on. i grab my phone and my purse. i look at billie "i'm readyyy"

she nods and we walk out the room going downstairs and billie grabs her keys as i tell my cousin we're going to the mall. billie holds open the front door for me and i smile walking out. she then goes over to the passenger side of the car and opens the door "for you my lady"

i smile getting in the car and she closes my door then she gets in and we put our seatbelt on as she pulls out of the driveway and starts driving to the mall

i hook up my phone to the car radio and i go to my apple music playlist and i play 'needed me' by rihana and i start singing along to the song.

i sing "had some fun on the run though i'll give you some" i look out the window nodding my head to the song as i continúe singing "but baby , don't get it twisted"

i start singing louder while looking at billie "YOU WAS JUST ANOTHER NIGGA ON THE HIT LIST" she looks at me crazy while raising her eyebrow "TRYNA FIX YOUR INNER ISSUES WITH A BAD BITCH"


i look at her laughing hard and i shake my head and i say "baby i'm playing , it was a joke okay?" she turns her head by to the road and she nods while driving "it better be a joke girl , ian playin" "it issss baeee" i turn the radio back on as i watch the cars pass by

once we get to the mall and billie parks her car, she gets out coming over towards my side of the car and she opens it holding her hand out. i take her hand as i use it to get out the car and i grab my purse looking at her

she smilies as she close the door when i get out. i hold her hand as we walk into the mall together and i look around "shits always packed wtf" billie looks around nodding her head "right"



hi guys , it's currently 4 in the morning right now and i decided i'll give y'all a chapter soo here ya gooo

goodnight/good morning
i hope y'all slept good or had a good sleep

go eat some breakfast or lunch or dinner or a snack
drink some water and be safe

it's 4am i start school thrusday and i have a fucked sleep schedule still 👍🏽
anyways goodnight have a good day/night

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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