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𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑣:
i wake up and i look over at the clock and it says 11:10am. damn we sleep in. i'm laying down on my back just wearing some black boxers while aaliyah has one leg over my waist and her head is laying on my boobs. may i remind you, she says they are comfortable like pillows. aaliyah is completely naked. i'm guessing because of last night. i smirk to myself. i'm surprised her cousin didn't hear us or at least i think she didn't. aaliyah is currently still sleeping so i just grab my phone off the charger and i scroll through tiktok while waiting for aaliyah to wake up. i want a kiss.

after bout 30 minutes, i feel aaliyah moving around and i see her eyes opening. i smile at her and i kiss her lips. "hi baby" i say softly and she kisses back "mm hey baby" she sits up on my lap and looks at me. i look at her biting my lip considering that she is still naked. "nuh uh.." she says shaking her head and getting off my lap "...i am still kinda sore from last night" "your fault not mines" i say getting up and i put on my tshirt.

"how tf was it my fault??" she says. "i need some dick please" i say mocking what she said last night. "i-i don't recall saying that" she says crossing her arms. "mhm sure. get dressed then come downstairs" "okay daddy" she looks at me smirking. "stop that shit" i say before leaving the room to go downstairs to the kitchen.

i walk into the kitchen and i see paris. i think she heard me coming downstairs because she turns around looking at me kinda upset. "what.." i say looking at her confused. "i thought i told you to stay in your room after it was time to sleep" "i um-" "yeah you have nothing to say now. i heard y'all last night too.." "i'm sorry paris.."

"your not even supposed to be here but your still here so don't take advantage of it especially by fucking my cousin. idc if she's your girlfriend or not. if your going to be staying here then you need to follow the rules i give you, you understand?"

"yes i understand." "good." she says with a smile on her then she goes back to cooking breakfast. "and next time, don't be so loud" "cant make no promisessss" i go back upstairs to aaliyah and i look at her "your cousin said you cant be loud when we fuckin"

she looks at me like she wanna slap tf outta me and she said "billie shut the fuck up and help me to the bathroom" well then. i walk over to her and i pick her bridal style and i take her into the bathroom. i set her down on the bathroom counter while i run her some warm bath water. "you want some bubbles in your bath baby?" i say looking over at her. "yes please" she says nodding. i put the bubbles in the bath water.

i pick up aaliyah placing her in the tub and i look at her "is the water too hot baby?" i ask kneeling down beside the tub and i look at her. "no the water is perfectly fine bil" "okay baby, i'll go get your clothes"

i walk out the bathroom leaving aaliyah in the bathroom. i walk into her room digging around in her bag. wait a minute. now i know this girl did not steal my clothes. i shake my head grabbing one of my hoodie and some panties from her bag and i walk back into the bathroom placing the clothes on the bathroom counter and i look at aaliyah.

"what..?" she says looking up at me as i walked into the bathroom. "why you stealing my clothes?"

"well because their comfortable, warm, and smells like you so they was calling my name" she smile at me while she plays with the bubbles in the tub. "could've just asked baby" i say laughing a bit and i walk out the bathroom closing the door behind me.

"stealing your clothes is better than asking!" she yells out after i've closed the bathroom door. i laugh at her response and i head back downstairs and i walk into the living room sitting down on the couch and i grab the remote. i click on netflix and i put on big mouth and i continue watching season five.

*30 minutes later*

𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑙𝑙 𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑣:

after a while, i hear a knock at the door so i pause my netflix show and i walk over to the front door opening it and i see some random girl.

"is aaliyah here" she asks and i look at her confused. why tf this girl wanna know if my girlfriend here???

"yeah she's here why?" i look at her.

"well i just wanted to talk with her. can i come in?"

i think for a bit then i move out the way "sure i guess" she comes in and she goes into the living room sitting down on the couch. i close the front door and i walk into the living room and i sit down on the couch a few inches away from the girl.

𝑎𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑦𝑎ℎ 𝑝𝑜𝑣:
after i get out of the tub. i dry off with this big black towel then i put on billies hoodie that i indeed stole from her closet and some panties. i walk out the bathroom going into the room and i put on some socks then i head downstairs.

"billie baby, can we go get some food im starving!" i asked coming down the downstairs looking at my phone. i walk into the living room stilling looking at my phone.

"um baby.."

i look up from my phone and i see billie on the couch and beside her is the person i least expect to be here.

my ex.

i look over at my ex.

"what the fuck are you doing here zay?!"

"i missed you baby" she looks at me and she smiles.



hello guys!

it's be soooo fucking long

im sorry for the long long break. i needed a mental health break for a few and now im backkk

but anyways. make sure to eat and drink 👩🏽‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏽

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