Chapter 1

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"The prince wants us to what?" Han Ying cried, his face a mask of disbelief.

"Shh... I know, it doesn't make sense either... but just bear with it." Zhou Zishu shushed his right-hand man half-heartedly, still thinking deeply about it. The prince had ordered them to Kunzhou, nearly across the world, to root out 'strong organisations that could possible resist his rule when his influence reached that area', as he had put it – except for the Five Lakes Alliance.

Of course, he had forgot to mention how, when, and why. When Zhou Zishu had tried to convince him of the folly this action was, all he got was a cold stare which conveyed the message well enough: follow my orders. And what was so special about this Five Lakes Alliance that the prince would spare them? He vaguely remembered Qin Huaizhang mentioning it back when he was still an unburdened apprentice, but it hadn't seemed extraordinary.

Sighing, he gave up on the enigma that was the prince. Though the prince's plan was likely not in his favour, after the recent assassination and torture, Zhou Zishu wished to be far, far away. Running away... again, he thought bitterly. In addition, there was the chance that the prince would discover the nails in his body – currently six – before they were all in, destroying his chance of freedom. If this would lower that chance, he couldn't complain.

And if I'm planning to wander the world for three years, I should familiarise myself with how ordinary people act.

"So... if we do meet anyone that we have to get rid of, we'll be using the same strategy?" Han Ying confirmed, his voice jolting him out of his thoughts. Hesitating for a moment, he answered, "Depends on the level martial arts, but generally yes." I hope that we won't have to kill anyone. Straightening, he continued, "Now start packing, we'll have to leave tomorrow morning."


After about a week of hard travelling, they finally arrived in Kunzhou. On this trip, Zhou Zishu had brought along about two dozen subordinates, including Han Ying. Taking a deep breath of the air, its smell completely different from the air at prince's residence, he dismounted, careful to keep his face hidden from prying eyes.

The inn they had stopped at was dimly lit and much shabbier than his usual accommodations, precisely the reason for choosing it. Since it was cheap, many travellers as well as locals would stay here. The type of locals which lived here would also likely be poor and jobless, thus knowing all the latest gossip. The best location for information.

Making himself comfortable after booking a room and instructing Han Ying to settle down the others, he paid close attention to the conversation. It wasn't hard to distinguish between rumours and true facts, and before long, he had caught an interesting titbit of information which had been repeated several times: a nursery rhyme.

Water from the Five Lakes gathers around the world,

Who deserves to reign supreme in the world of martial arts?

The iridescent clouds are scattered and the glaze is shattered,

Who will lament with the Ghosts of Mount. Qingya?

What caught his attention was the 'Ghosts of Mount Qingya'. He suspected that 'water from the five lakes' was referring to the Five Lakes Alliance, but the prince had already specially mentioned to not interfere with it. Zhou Zishu listened once again, now paying more attention to the implications and tones in every sentence, every word. The word choice, emphasis and pauses were all important.

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