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"Your Highness, there is a man dressed expensively waiting outside. He demands to meet you right away." A servant announced, then retreated away slightly. Prince Jin contemplated the man's words motionlessly, his mind pondering over the reason for the unexpected visitor.

Firstly, is he a threat, or an ally? Idly, he wondered if he should call out Zhou Zishu to keep watch should the stranger try to do anything, but decided against it. The assassin had just returned from killing Minister Li along with his daughter, Princess Jing An, and performed The Nails of Seven Torments on his senior, Bi Xingming, both which had taken much persuasion for him to agree to it. It wouldn't be good to push Zhou Zishu further, and he deserved a rest.

Besides, there were plenty of guards around, and though his martial arts couldn't be compared to Zhou Zishu's, it wasn't too weak. What about the man's origin? Thinking about his dressing, Prince Jin would have said that it might be some official, but they would have either sent a message in advance or the servant would have recognised them. Maybe a foreign officer?

As his thoughts strayed to other areas, the prince recalled an interaction he had many years back. Dressed expensively, unannounced... He couldn't rule it out. Making a decision, he called out, "Let him in."

The servant promptly scurried outside to relay his order, then returned with the guest in tow. The man was dressed in an expensive silver brocade, his hair tied in braid-like strands, and hidden depths under the cunning in his sharp eyes. Instantly, Prince Jin knew that the man wasn't the person he had thought of. Who was he then?

"Your Highness," The man said, his silky tone somehow making the title seem like a mockery, "I'm sure you know my adoptive father..." He crept forward, approaching with more confident at his signal to the guards that everything was fine, "Zhao Jing."

 At the name, Prince Jin stiffened imperceptibly. That man had been the one he was thinking off. A long time ago, they had met, Zhao Jing asking for help. Having seen potential in the stranger and being a rash youth, the prince had given away some resources, receiving only the man's name in return. Over the years, with no contact, he thought that Zhao Jing must have forgotten about the favour, but thought little about it.

Who knew that he now has such bountiful wealth, the prince thought, eyeing the costly brocade treated so casually. He had better repay me for that favour. The guest continued, his voice even lower now, "My father wants an alliance... and he has some valuable information."

 The servant at the side backed away slightly, trying to make himself as inconspicuous as possible. He didn't want to be accused of being a spy and eavesdropping. From his position, he could still hear some words.

 "Your loyal assassin... nails... body." At this, the prince's eyes narrowed suspiciously, and fear pulsed through the servant. The stranger said, "... don't believe... send him to... doesn't complete... two birds with one stone... Glazed Armour... much faster." At long last, the guest stepped back and announced, "May our alliance be successful and fruitful, prince."

However, the prince stopped him with a hand, and beckoned the man closer. The servant who had stepped out, ready to guide the guest away, overheard three words.

"Bring... back here."

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