Chapter 1: An Interesting First Time Meet Up

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Kiyotaka POV

It was already evening by the time I left the office. I took a glance at the clock hanging on the wall to see that time is already 18:30. It's time for me to leave.

Today, at exactly 19:00 or 7:00 pm, I'm going to meet a certain someone, who'll be the one to pick me up. I was surprised that I'll be starting my job right away despite the sudden notice. Well, it's not like I'm complaining or anything. In fact, I was happy.

Happy to hear that I'm going to leave this place sooner than I had thought.

As soon as I packed my personal belongings on the small bag my father gave me, I rushed down the corridor in a hurry.

There, a tall, healthy young man was standing in a black suit with a tie. He emits a very mature aura, like some kind of professional business man who's here to make a very interesting offer.

He noticed me, and gave me a slight wave. It was my indication that he was the person I was supposed to meet. As I took a closer look, he wasn't a young man as I have previously imagined.

He was on the age between a very successful person and a maturing fresh graduate in college. And despite all of that description, I was still unable to determine his exact age.

I approached him, then he gave me a bow with a warm smile.

"I suppose you are Ayanokoji Kiyotaka-kun, right?"

"Yes. May I ask how did you know who I am?"

It was obvious that no other people fron the outside can enter this facility. So of course, the chances of him meeting me even on the other side of the glass is low, not unless he was granted permission by my father.

"Well, your facial figure and...eyes, is clearly identical to your father."

"Eh?" I was baffled.

I've heard many times that mine and the old man's eyes are the same. It was cold, empty and void of any existing emotions. But never have I ever heard that our facial figure is the same, so I can't really hide my surprise.

"Haha, you see, me and your father have been best friends since middle school. He and I went to the same school until college." He explained, clearly remembering the nostalgic past coming over his mind. "Not until after we graduated, of course. We took our own different paths."

He was so sucked in on his story that I felt my face stiffened. Truth to be told, I can't bring myself to believe a single word coming from his mouth. And yet I also feel that he's telling the truth.

That man? Having a friend? Just from his everyday attitude, I was definitely sure that he's a loner in the past. Someone who likes to spend their time on their own while not bothering themselves to socialize. That's the kind of impression I have of him.

While the person in front of me, who claims himself as my old man's friend, is the total opposite of him. He looks like someone outgoing, energetic yet mature.

"Oh, I shouldn't be talking about the past..." He scratched his head out of embarrassment.

Well, I guess it made me slightly uncomfortable talking about him, but this topic is a new for me, so I didn't really mind.

"Nice to meet you, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka-kun. I'm Motoaki Tanigo. People call me by the nickname "YAGOO"." Motoaki-san slightly scratched his cheeks out of embarrassment. "Though I don't really mind being called like that. I guess it still makes me embarass from time to time, though I've already got used to it."

Having different nicknames coming from different kind of people are a norm. Or so it says on a particular book that I've read. Nicknames are commonly gained from a certain trait a person have.

An Idol? More like a bunch of Idiots: A Hololive x COTE FanficWhere stories live. Discover now