Chapter 8: Learn and Visit

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Pieck P.O.V 

Yesterday was a different day than other days. I have to talk to Annie and see how she was doing? Because yesterday was a pretty horrible and wonderful day for her. When she does the questioning, she locked lips with him. They both slightly smiled in between kissing. I think they enjoyed it. To be honest I feel he likes her back. Wait! I think she visited the captive again yesterday and I didn't saw her after that. I was wondering what happened? I should ask her. I went over to her room and knocked. She opened to door it seemed like she's fine.

"Good morning Annie, how are you doing today?" I smiled. "Good morning Pieck, I'm doing great," She said while looking around. Then she pulled me to her room and closed the door. I was shocked and surprised. I didn't see that coming. "I'm so sorry if I scared you, Pieck. I want to let you know something..." She said while blushing. Oh! I know what is coming, Pieck don't ruin it. Let's her spirited out. "Let me know what?" I asked. She turned red.

"I like him and he likes me back. So, I think we are in love, and "I couldn't wait so, I cut her off "Well, did you guys start dating?" "Yes, maybe," she smiled. "Yes, that's my girl. I'm so happy about you" I hugged her. She hugged me back. "Hey Pieck, he asked me to visit his grandpa and see how is he doing. Is that find Pieck? If I visit him?"She asked me. So, he was a nice and kind person. He was being a captive and his life is a danger but he worries about his grandpa. So, He asked his love, his grandpa's future granddaughter to visit him. What a nice guy.

"Yeah, it's fine but you have to be careful," I replied with a smile. "Hey Pieck, would you like to come with me?" She asked while looking at me. "Yes, I would love to have a good time with my friend," I said while hugging her again. She hugged me back and I let her go. "We need to get half-day off to both of us from our boss and I will do it, but first of all we need to start working," I said while walking outside. But I stopped in the doorway. "Pieck, thank you," Annie smiled. I nodded and smiled back. I left her room while closing the door. I'm willing to help you to be happy in every way I could Annie, you deserve to be happy too.

Annie P.O.V

Pieck was so kind. I'm happy to have her as my friend. She helps me a lot. I hope I can learn a lot of things about him today. Finally, I'm here. I opened the door and he was napping. I smiled at him even he wasn't looking. Aww! How cute. I walked over to him. "Wake up sleeping head," I said while planting a kiss on his forehead. His eyes fluttered open. He sat up and looked at me while yawning. "Annie good morning! What are you doing here anyway?"I smiled."Good morning! I'm here to learn about my boyfriend though, did you sleep well?"He gives me a sweet smile and came closer to me."I slept well, dreaming about you."He said while giving a kiss on my cheek."Ready to learn," He whispered to my ear while holding my hand. "Yeah," I replied.

1 hour later

"To be honest I miss those crazy, stupid bastards though, most important I miss my best friends Eren and Mikasa. They must begin worrying so much about me. Also my grandpa too. I hope I can see them again if you guys didn't kill me..." His voice had a hint of sadness. It made me hurt a little bit. His friends sounded pretty nice though, they might be worrying so much about him. His grandpa sounded kind guy like him.

I feel sorry and sad for him. suddenly, I hugged him. He looked at me with a surprising look on his face. "Armin, you will see your friends and family again. I won't let anyone kill you, and you will be safe. I won't let anyone hurt you Armin. You will get out of here. You have my word."I said. He hugged me back and kissed my forehead. "Thank you, Annie, and I know you will. Are you planning to visit my grandpa today?"He asked while letting me go."Yes, I was planning to visit him. So, do you mind giving me the address?"I said while giving him a piece of paper. He nodded.

"You should be careful because my friends might be here," He said while writing. "Don't worry Armin, I can handle it. If it's okay too I take Pieck with me?"I rolled my eyes and smiled."Yeah, it's fine. My grandpa won't bother" He looked at me.

"Annie, I think you should visit the cafe and ask about the direction to my house and me," He said while giving me the piece of paper. I looked at him with a questioning look on my face. "Why should I do that?" I asked. I was confused.

"Annie listen, if you went straight to my house, my friends will doubt about you. That cafe manager is one of my friends So, you can go there and ask about me from him. Then asked where I live and get to my address from him. Most importantly don't say my name. I'm telling you to do this because I want you to be safe. Is that alright?"He said while holding my hand and pulling me closer to him. So, he tells me to do this for my own safety. He was the kindest person I ever met. I love this guy. I smiled and nodded."Alright then, I will do it in your way. So, I will see you later okay baby?"I kissed his cheek."Okay, my cute angle, be careful" he kissed me back on my forehead. "I will," I said while leaving the room.

"Hey Annie, ready to go?" Pieck said while putting her hand around my shoulder from behind. I smiled at her. "Yeah, did you get half-day?" I asked while moving her hand from my shoulder. "Yes, I did. So, did he say anything?"She smiled. I explained what he asked me to do. "He got a point. Let's do what he said."She said."Now let's go."We walked outside and drove to the cafe.

"Hey young ladies, what can I get of you? The manager said when you went up to the counter. "Can we have two chocolate coffees, some cookies, and some donuts?" Pieck gave an order to both of us. He wrote it in his notebook and looked at us. "Can we have two chocolate coffees, some cookies, and some donuts?" he said while smiling at us. "Your order will be ready in a few minutes." He said then walked away. A few minutes later he came back. "Here," He said while giving us our order. I saw his name on his suit.

"Mr. Niccole, isn't it?"I said to him."Yes," He said while turnings to me. "Can you help me with something?" "Yes, sure why not?" He replied. "Well, do you remember three days ago when I came here? I bumped into someone, right? A guy with blond hair and blue eyes..." I was blushing."Oh! Yeah, I remember that day. So, about him?"He said."I was wondering that maybe you could say something about him because I want to know about him."I was completely red. He smiled nicely. "You want to know about Armin? So, do you like him?"He asked."Yeah, I do like him. So, I just want to know about him and see him."I said while looking away. Because I was completely red and shy.

"Well then, you came to the right place. He is my friend though, and I can help you. But I know someone who knows him better than me. Sasha!!!!!!.. Can you come here for a minute?"He called someone." She can help you, and she is my girlfriend" then whispered to us. Sasha huh? Armin told me about her. He told me that she was a food lover, special potatoes and meat...I mean food freak....

 Finally, she came to us. She has light brown eyes with reddish-brown hair kept in a ponytail. "Yes my dear, why did you call me? I was testing your meat." She said while eating a slice of meat."Seriously Sasha? Are you kidding me? Whatever. Sasha, that blonde girl has a crush on our buddy Armin. So, she's here to know something about him and whiling to visit him. You know what to do?"He said to her while giving a kiss on her cheek. She nodded. She came to us and started to talk to us about Armin.

2 hours later

Everything he told me about his friends was true. Sasha so much focuses on food. She was eating along while talking to us. She gave us Armin's address though, that was nice. We were still searching for his house.

Finally, we found it. We went over the door and ringed the bell. I heard someone approaching the door from another side. The old man opened the door with a surprising look on his face. "Can I help you two young ladies with something?" He asked while smiling nicely at us. His smile reminds me Armin's nice smile but it was a little sad smile too. "Mr.Arlert, can we meet Armin?"I said with a smile.

"He is not here today. Do you like to come in?"He smiles and opened the door to let us in, but he seemed sad and worried. I think he must be worrying about his miss grandson, Armin. "Yes sure, If isn't bothering you Mr.Arlert?" Pieck said. "No, it won't. I think you us might be his friends."He replied while I look at him. Look like he tries to figure out something about me. He let us in and closes the door.

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