Spilling Feelings!!

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It  was time for our potions class, and today’s the day Professor Slughorn’s going to announce the paired groups. I sat down beside Potter thinking, If I might get paired up with Hermione. Slughorn came in with a beaming smile on his face.

He settled down and said–
“Good morning everyone. So as I promised, I’m going to announce the paired names for this year. So without anymore delay let’s get started with the paired groups.
First we have, Mr. Zabini and Mr. Potter"

Well since Blaise is with Potter they shifted to a table with their books and quills. Slughorn kept on announcing the names. At the end it was me, Hermione, Pansy, Seamus, Adam McDermott (a Gryffindor student), Richard Jones(one of Pansy's goon and a Slytherin student).
“Now, Mr. Finnigan and Mr. Jones, Please shift to the 2nd table on the left.
And now Mr. Malfoy and Ms. Granger and lastly Ms. Parkinson and Mr. McDermott”

As Professor’s words left his mouth I turned my head towards Hermione and gave her a smirk and shifted to the table where Blaise and Potter were sitting and waiting for us eagerly. We didn’t spoke for a while. A few minutes later, Professor started to demonstrated how to brew the Cure for Boils as a revision.

I got a moment to speak to Hermione as she was reading her notes I whispered in her ears–
“You’re stuck with me now”
“Yeah I know. Now please let me concentrate, I don’t want to loose any house points.”
“So you can’t concentrate when I do this” I whispered in her ears while standing right behind her, breathing down on her neck. I moved away from her as I spotted Blaise smirking from the side. Her face turned the shade of bright red. I cleared my throat and said...

“I was thinking as you’re stuck with me, we should name our partnership something ”
“What??” asked Hermione.
“what about, slytherdoor?... nah everyone here is a slytherdoor.. um Mioneaco? No not that...”
“Hermio... ah yes I got it, how about DraMione?...yes.... I love it Dramione..”
“Draco it’s just for an year!”
“No I was thinking about longer than a year”
“Do you like it? Dramione!”

Hermione’s POV

I could not help but chuckle at him when he started his childish behaviour, but I had to keep a straight face. So I tried to push him aside, brushing off his comment. While preparing our potions,  our hands collide.  “You have to play the long game...keep a straight face”- I kept thinking to myself . When the class ended it felt like an eternity had passed.

***At gryffindor common room***

Neville and I were talking about herbology when we heard a loud scream coming from Ginny’s dorm room. I rush there and saw Ginny hiding behind her bed like a little kid and Harry was laughing. As I walked in I saw a pile of books laying on the ground, then I noticed 3 little spiders crawling over the books. Harry and I broke into laughter and teased Ginny.

“Are you scared of these itsy bitsy spiders?” Harry asked wheezing.
“Itsy bitsy you say!! That’s a freaking tarantula.. get it off my books”
“Such a drama queen" I rolled my eyes.. “Arania Exumai" I used the charm and blasted off the spiders.
“Oh finally thanks Mione"
“No problem drama queen” I laughed..
“Hey I’m not.. its just.. they’re horrific”
“Yeah? Then explain why you are still clenching my shirt ?” Harry said.
“I’m not" Ginny stormed out of the room humiliated.
“Just like Ron" I said trying to control myself.
But we two laughed as hard as possible.

*The next day*

I was getting ready when I saw an owl flying towards my window. It landed perfectly and I saw a piece of parchment with it.. as I took the parchment the owl flew away.

I turned it over to find any address on the parchment. I noticed it was signed “D.M” with green ink at the bottom right corner of the envelope.
I immediately realized who sent this letter. I opened and read–

I’m not good with letters but I just want to say that I want to see you, please meet me, Tonight, same time like last time, you know where to find me.

I thought to myself whether I should go or not. I wanted to play the long game. But my heart was willing to meet him. So I decided to go and visit him.
The day went by  flash. I was getting ready, I wore a black jeans and a pale blue shirt. As I walked in our common room the sight I got was Harry and Ginny snogging each other using their tongue. Trust me it wasn’t a pleasant view. They pulled out as they spotted me standing there..
“M-mione I.. we.. um.. we were–”
“You don’t have to tell me the reason Harry.. we all know that you two love each other” I said assuring him.
“Um.. Going somewhere?” Ginny asked.
“Yes, I’ll be back by an hour.”
“Don’t worry... I have my wand with me. You both continue” I winked and left our dorm.

I left for the astronomy tower, to meet him, I reached there a few minutes early. I saw him leaning on the railing and gazing the stars. I got near him and leaned on the railing.
“You’re early” he said.
“Yes.. I saw Filch strolling on the other side of the castle, so it’s better early than getting caught.”
“Smart as always.”

There was silence for a while, then he took a deep breathe and turned towards me looking straight into my eyes. My knees were shuddering. My body started to feel like it was about to collapse in his hands.
“I know, I should wait a little longer but damn it Princess I can’t hold it anymore!” he said.

“Hold on what are y–” before I could finish he gently grabbed my neck and waist pulling me towards him, and smacked his lips on mine. It felt like electricity was passing through my body, my body took control of me and I kissed him back, by gently biting his lower lip. The only thing I was feeling was his hands tracing it’s way under my shirt. It felt... merlin’s beard that made me utter those words I didn’t wanted to.

“I can’t stop falling for you Draco. I love you” I froze. What the heck did I just say, I was supposed to play the long game. He pulled out of the kiss and looked straight into my eyes.
“I..uh.. I.. I need to go”

But before I could turn around and go ,Draco grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. He spinned me around and pinned me on the wall , caging me with his body and one of his hands was tracing circles on my cheeks, wherever his hand touched my body I felt like burning.

“I’ve been longing to hear those words coming out of you mouth for so long Princess, and now as it’s already out I can spill out my true feelings as well. I’ve been in love with you since I’ve laid my eyes on you. I love you Hermione Granger, with my whole heart."

Draco's POV

“I can’t stop falling for you Draco. I love you” when she said these words out loud I couldn't believe. She turned red and tried to leave but I grabbed her and pinned her on the wall. I confessed my feelings. I never thought I'll fall for a person who is my exact opposite. She is my world my everything.
I'll never let her go.

I could feel her heart beating so fast.
I leaned forward and gently kissed her on her forehead.
"I love you."
"I love you more."
She let a small sigh and pulled me into a kiss.
It was the best moment of my life, and an unforgettable moment as well.
Our love is strong and passionate one.
It's so strong that It won't break by a lie,
It's a forbidden love. A love that will never die.


Credits: Thanks Risitaxxreadsalot for editing my story. Lob ew 3000.

So guys.. this is the end of this book... hope y'all liked it..
So what are your thoughts regarding this chapter?  I really wanna know.
Well that's all for today Jellybeans..
See ya in another story of mine..
I love y'all ♥

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