Chapter 2

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We made our way through a short hallway of decorative blue paintings and designs before finding our way into the main hall of the nightclub. The music was extremely loud, and the place was fully packed with mostly people in their early twenties. To the left and right of the main hall were corridors with rows of small rooms inside them for couples to have some private time.

"Let's go find a table!" James yelled over the noise of the music. We all followed him through the crowd of people, most of them completely drunk and dancing like fools. Ruby spotted a large rounded table over by the back wall near the bar, which we all rushed over to as most of the tables were full and we didn't want to risk someone getting it before us.

"What does everyone want to drink?" Brandon asked, once we were all seated.

"Bud Light," Scott requested.

"Same here," added James.

"Jack Daniels," said Jason.

The rest of the girls and myself all asked for a British WKD Blue.

Brandon went away up to the bar to get the drinks while me and Liz went out to the bathroom so I could finish putting on my makeup.

When we came back we caught James yelling across the table, "Hey, Chelsea, dance with me?"

Chelsea hesitated. I elbowed her encouragingly. "Go on!"

She shot me a look. "Fine," she whispered and then got up from the table with James and headed onto the dance floor.

About five minutes later Brandon returned with our drinks on a tray and we all decided to go up and dance together.

Jason took my hand and pulled me over to the floor while Scott took Liz and Brandon took Ruby. We danced along to Paramore, Ke$ha, Kings Of Leon and then Jason Derulo until the boys got tired and went back to get their drinks, followed by Ruby who was desperately thirsty. Liz and I, however, stayed up dancing until we were approached by two young men. They both looked quite similar, both with mahogany colored hair and brilliant smiles. My guess was that they were in their early twenties, just like everyone else around us.

"Hey there, ladies," the one slightly taller said. He smiled again, only this time to reveal a few dimples. My knees went weak and words failed me as only a small little squeak came out instead of the sexy hello I'd planned to say. Thankfully, Liz had replied.

"Hey," she said casually not really meeting their gazes.

He held out his hand to her, "I'm Jim and this is my brother Tom." That explained the similarity. I should've known they were twins. Liz shook his hand and I shook Tom's.

"I'm Liz and this is Taylor," Liz gestured towards me. I just gave them a sexy smile.

"So, how old are you both?" Tom questioned.

"Nineteen," I blabbed out quickly. I was sure I could feel Liz's eyes glance at me for a split second, but the twins wouldn't find out we were only seventeen, so she needn't have worried.

"Nice, we're twenty-one. So, you want to dance?" Jim moved closer to Liz before we could even answer and he started to move to the beat of the song, one that I'd never heard before. Tom just smiled nervously and then took a tiny step closer to me. He was obviously the shy one. I decided to help him out and moved right up to his body.

"I don't do this often. It's Jim who's the party animal," he whispered into my ear.

"I can tell. Don't worry, I'll show you a good time," I promised, looping my arms over his shoulders and around his neck.

Liz and I danced with them for about an hour before they offered to buy us a drink, which we accepted, even though they knew we were underage. I wished to turn twenty-one sooner. Anyway, that one drink turned into three drinks and those three drinks turned into five drinks and before we knew it the four of us were stammering around the dance floor completely drunk. I knew that the rest of our friends would be drunk too so we didn't bother about acting like idiots in front of them.

"Come here, Tomster!" I slurred, gesturing him to come over to me. He stumbled on his way but I caught him when he lost his footing. We laughed extremely loudly and a few people began to stare but then ignored us again after a few seconds. "Follow me." I took his hand and made our way through the crowd into the corridors with the small private rooms.

"Where are we going," he mumbled, while I dragged him along with me.

"To have some fun!" I yelled back, even though there was no need to yell.

I found an empty room, pulled Tom inside and then locked the door. The room was lit up by candles which were stood on every shelf there was and were the only light source in the room. In the middle of the room was a giant master bed and to the right was a cream leather sofa and a wooden oak table in front of it.

I pushed Tom down onto the bed and laid my body on top of his. His hands rummaged through my hair while my lips found his. I felt his hands slid down my back to my thighs and I started to undo the buttons on his shirt.

"Mmm, baby," Tom murmured in between making out. His hands slid up the back of my top and he unclipped my bra. I ripped his shirt off and reached for his belt. It clicked and then he rolled over so he was on top of me. We stopped kissing while he pulled off his jeans and I took off my top over my head. He pushed me back down onto the bed and nearly tore my skirt when he was trying to get it off.


"Taylor? Are you in here?" A knock at the door made us jump which caused me to fall off the bed.

"Yes!" I yelled back still drunk.

"It's four in the morning. We're going now, so please, if you're up to what I think you're up to then get your clothes on and get out here!" Ruby shouted through the door. She didn't sound drunk, maybe she hadn't been drinking too much.

I found my clothes scattered all over the cream carpet and shoved them on while Tom did the same.

"What's your number?" I found my iPhone in the back pocket of my skirt and held it out for Tom to enter his number into. He gave me his BlackBerry for me to do the same.

I handed him his phone back. "Call me!" I ordered as I unlocked the door and Ruby pulled me out.

"You look like you had a fun night," Ruby laughed. I couldn't walk straight so I put my arm over the back of her neck as she dragged me out of the private corridor.

"Blah!" I screamed out at a man dancing at the edge of the dance floor. He gave me a weird look but then shrugged and continued dancing.

"Everyone's outside, they've called a cab," she supplied.

We got to the entrance and sure enough everyone else was waiting for us, but they were all drunk too and Jason was lying on the ground, so they never really noticed us appear.

"What about the cars?" Ruby inquired.

"We'll come and get them on Sunday," Brandon murmured, his eyes struggling to stay open. It was Friday night when we'd arrived at 'Blue Crush' and now it was the early hours of Saturday morning.

We stood outside for another ten minutes all half asleep and struggling to stand. Liz ended up having to throw up behind a palm tree just before the cab showed up. We all tumbled into the people carrier while the cab driver held the doors open for us.

"Address?" The cab driver asked once we were all safely into the van.

"206 North Maple Drive, 90210," Jason replied, still half asleep.

I couldn't remember the ten minute cab journey to Jason's house because before I knew it we were there and Ruby was hauling me up the marble stairs that led up to Jason's front door.

Me and Liz threw off our shoes once we were in the living room and all the guys took off their shirts. It was very warm in the house and with eight bodies in one room, it made it even warmer.

I slept on one of the sofas with James, Liz and Scott on the other and then Jason, Ruby, James and Chelsea slept on the floor.

Okay, so I'd never mentioned to my Mom or Dad about me sleeping over at Jason's house for the night because I was sure they wouldn't mind. However, they would have minded if I'd came home at four in the morning, drunk and wearing my sexy clothes which were not even on right! So, it's a good job Jason offered his house as a motel for us.

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