Eyes for you (f)

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Previously on eyes for you

"The next time you try and come at me like that I'm gonna make you wish you were dead! And that goes for any of you pieces of trash in this school!" I yell walking away.


Mia's pov

It's been a month since that incident and I got suspended so today is my first day back minji has called me multiple times but I ignored her because I needed time to myself.

But today I'm gonna talk to her.

But for now I'm gonna get ready so I changed into new clothes I bought and did my hair and make up and when I was finished I looked in the mirror surprised yet happy with how I looked. I was loving my new look I dyed my hair yesterday because well you only live once so I thought why not and I'm in the 12th grade so can't be a book geek forever.

Her hair

Her outfit (but the sleeves aren't like that they are regular long sleeves)

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Her outfit (but the sleeves aren't like that they are regular long sleeves)

Her outfit (but the sleeves aren't like that they are regular long sleeves)

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Her shoes 😍

 I grab my bag leaving my house and getting into my car yes I had a car I just never used it but since I'm feeling showy today I bring it- nobody but max knew this but I was rich my family was not even minji knew since when she met my parents we w...

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I grab my bag leaving my house and getting into my car yes I had a car I just never used it but since I'm feeling showy today I bring it- nobody but max knew this but I was rich my family was not even minji knew since when she met my parents we went out to eat.

I arrive at school 5 minutes and later, park my car and get out all eyes were on me but I don't give a flying fuck.

I was walking to the school when suddenly someone's arm slung around me I was about to tell them off until I saw who it was "oh hey max" I say he smiles "what's up mrs rich" he says and I roll my eyes we both walked in the school and there were gasps and whispers.

They probably think we're dating or fuck buddies then minji walks up to us "really Mia? Wtf? Your cheating?!" She says looking angry and I sigh "of course your assuming that I'm cheating when we just met each other in front of the school your unbelievable and to think I was gonna have a serious talk with you today" I said she gasps.

"Ok Mia what the fuck?" She said and I sighed grabbing her hand and walking to an empty classroom.

Once we get there I push her in and go in myself closing the door. I turn to her and start saying what's been on my mind for the past month "look minji I love you with all my heart but when you did that a month ago it really fucked me up it made me feel like shit it made me feel not worthy I really was jealous of you and that other girl because your both Asian and I thought you'd leave me and your parents hate me probably because I'm not Asian so that added to the fuel so yeah I ignored you this past month to get myself together and no max and I aren't together I'm not one to cheat max is like a brother to me seeing as I have no siblings that's the perks of having rich parents and I'm sorry I didn't tell you about that either and today I wanted to dress differently" I said happy I got everything off my chest she then looked at me and bit her lip making me blush.

"Stop staring and say something ji!" I whine she chuckled and grabbed my waist "It's hard too when my girlfriend is so fucking sexy" she said and I giggled pecking her lips

"Stop staring and say something ji!" I whine she chuckled and grabbed my waist "It's hard too when my girlfriend is so fucking sexy" she said and I giggled pecking her lips

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She then smiled at me and kissed me again biting my bottom lip and letting it go smiling afterwards.

"Baby I'm really sorry I acted that way and I told Sunnie to leave me alone and I told everyone in the school that I was taken by you and that I love you dearly

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"Baby I'm really sorry I acted that way and I told Sunnie to leave me alone and I told everyone in the school that I was taken by you and that I love you dearly. I don't want anyone else I can't picture my life without you baby I love you so much and I apologize for fucking up like that" she said and I smiled pecking her lips continuously "I love you more ji" I said

Yay fluff! This chapter was really good

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