So Your Significant Other is a Succubus: Now What?

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Addison pov

I sigh and drop back on the bed Sunnie and I just finished having our 5th round and oh my god she can go for weeks months even.

You see Sunnie and I have been dating for about 5 years and we have sex like everyday seriously and she never gives me a a rest whenever I say I'm tired she whines and then begs me to fuck her whether it's my fingers, a dildo, a vibrator or my tongue and I'm still not sure how she manages to go so long.

The way I met Sunnie we ended up having sex we went on a blind date and I found her really really beautiful and the outfit she was wearing wasn't helping my horny thought so one thing led to another and we ending up having sex in the bathroom I had a strap on and don't ask me why I had it I don't even know why but I did and I fucked her with it. So after that day we started to hook up a lot I didn't think anything of her sex drive though since we weren't a thing yet.

But eventually I fell for her and I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes and we started dating but now I'm not even sure if she likes me for me.

I sigh getting out of bed and going to the living room sitting on the couch I turn on the T.V

A few hours later sunnie comes into the living and sits next to me I weakly smile at her "hey baby did you sleep well?" I asked she nodded and then pouted "but you weren't in bed with me" she said and I chuckled "I'm sorry baby I just wanted to watch some T.V

She then starts kissing my neck I sigh was she horny already?! I sigh and pushed her away from me gently she looked at me surprised "baby" she whined I grabbed her and put her on my lap "it's not that I don't like having sex with you love because I do I really do but we do it all the time and I don't want to do it like that anymore I don't even know if you like me for me I never did now that I think about it so if sex is all you want then I'm afraid we aren't gonna work out anymore Sunnie" I said and that hurt my heart so so much.

She looked at me shocked and tears came down her eyes I gasp and hugged her "w-why are you crying baby?" I asked she hugged back "I-I love you Addison so so so much baby and I can't imagine my life without you and I'm sorry I made you feel this way b-but there's something I-I kept a secret from y-you all these years" she said and my eyes widen "what is it love?" I asked her softly.

"I-I- I'm a succubus" she's said sobbing and my eyes widen "w-what?" I said she continued to cry but continued talking "I-I- at first I went on the blind date with y-you s-do I could- I- I could t-take your soul b-but the first time w-we had sex I-I couldn't get enough s-so I didn't take your soul I-I stayed with you because I enjoy how y-you fucked me, touched me and kissed me I-it made m-me feel s-so different and I eventually fell in love with you a-and I couldn't stop my n-need f-for sex so I-I am really sorry baby" she finished and sobbed into my neck my eyes soften and I pulled her off me looking her directly in my eye.

"Baby it's not your fault okay? And im sorry I said those things to you I really didn't know you could've come to me you know we've been together for five years baby I don't care if your a succubus or not I love you for you never forget that" I said she looked at me and smiled kissing my lips it got heated quickly and I didn't mind one bit. I gently push her back and she lands on her back and I lean down kissing her.

She immediately kisses back I then flip us over so she's on top and hold her waist not breaking the kiss she moans in the kiss when I bite at her lips and tug on it

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She immediately kisses back I then flip us over so she's on top and hold her waist not breaking the kiss she moans in the kiss when I bite at her lips and tug on it. I pull away and flip is over again she giggles and I smile at her going down and kissing her neck and sucking on it creating bruises here and there while she's a moaning mess.

 I pull away and flip is over again she giggles and I smile at her going down and kissing her neck and sucking on it creating bruises here and there while she's a moaning mess

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I bit down on her neck knowing she likes that I could never understand why but now I do she moans loudly when I do and I smirk satisfied with the reaction I got

I bit down on her neck knowing she likes that I could never understand why but now I do she moans loudly when I do and I smirk satisfied with the reaction I got

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She wraps her arms and legs around me and I get the message smirking and take her to the room.

No smut in this one ya'll so use your imaginations 🤩

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