Ch 8: The Movie

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I sat on the couch watching as Kiara walked down the stairs.

"Leaving yet again?" I asked.

She flicked me off walking out the door.

"Rude" I said taking a handful of popcorn.

I looked at my phone to see a text from Rafe.

I'll pick you up at 7 for the movie

I wiped my hands responding to the text.


I looked at the time deciding to take a nap. Hours later I heard Rafe honk his horn as he pulled up to the side of the house. I jumped up grabbing my purse before walking out locking the door. I opened the passenger door to see flowers sitting there. I tried hiding smile grabbing them.

"Lily's?" I asked.

"I know they're your favorite" he said looking to the road.

"Never pegged you to be a romantic" I said smelling the flowers.

"I'm not" he said. "Felt bad about earlier."

I sighed setting them down on the dash board. We stopped to pick up Topper and Kelce, both of them getting in the back seat.

"So are you two going to tell us what's going on?" Kelce asked.

I looked at Rafe not saying a word.

"Nothing" I said.

"Liar" Topper said.

"Who got you those flowers Liz?" Kelce asked.

"Does it matter?" I asked.

"They were from me" Rafe said.

I snapped my head to him.

"I knew it" Kelce said.

"Always knew you had a thing for each other" Topper said.

'We're not mad just surprised it took so long" Kelce said.

"Can you two just shut up!" I snapped.

The car fell silent as Rafe parked. The four of us getting out. I went to the concession stand getting a soda and popcorn. I walked over to the boys as they stared at something or someone.

"Can you hold this?" I asked Rafe.

He grabbed the soda can instantly taking a sip not looking away from the people. I began to put away my money into my purse when I realized who they were looking at.

"Guys really" I said. "Why?"

"They sunk Top's boat. It's time for payback" Kelce said.

I watched as Kiara walked to the concession stand. Rafe walked towards her.

"Hey Kie" he said. "Hey what's up? How are you?"

"I'm fine" she said looking down.

"Good, good. Tell your boy that we know what he did" he said.

"Sorry what boy are you talking about?" She asked looking at me.

"He'll know" he said. "Bye."

Kiara walked back to JJ and Pope. Rafe walked back towards us, he looked down at me kissing the top of my head before giving me the can back. Pope instantly turned around looking at us, JJ and Kiara doing the same. I looked down avoiding their gaze. I looked over to Topper who smiled and waved. Looking back up JJ grabbed Pope's head turning him back to the screen.

"I'm tired of standing" I said.

"Then sit down. We're on a mission" Topper said.

I sat down on the grass glancing between the boys and Kiara and her friends. Halfway through the movie I noticed Pope and JJ arguing. Moments later they walked towards the back of the screen. I looked behind me to see Rafe, Kelce and Topper gone from guarding the bathrooms. I sat up looking around to see if they had moved. I got up walking around. I made my way to behind the screen to find the two boys from the Cut fighting with Kelce, Topper and Rafe.

"Kick his ass Top!" Rafe yelled as Topper punched Pope over and over.

Kiara came out of nowhere jumping onto Topper's back trying to get him to stop punching Pope. Topper threw her to the ground. I stood there watching everything go down.

"Kelce let go of JJ!" I yelled.

"Liz get your psycho friends!" Kiara yelled.

"At least they didn't pull a gun on your boys!" I yelled. "Rafe stop! Kelce let him go!"

I looked away as Topper put Pope in a headlock.

"Just say it. Admit you did it bitch!" He said.

"Topper he can't breathe!" I yelled.

The screen suddenly caught on fire. Topper and Kelce let go of Pope and JJ.

"Let's get out of here" Rafe said.

He grabbed my hand guiding me away. I turned around as Kiara went to help her friends. Rafe walked to Topper grabbing his head.

"Holy shit you almost killed him man" Rafe laughed.

"I'm sorry" I said to Kiara.

"Leave" she said not looking up.

"Come on Lizzy!" Rafe yelled.

I turned around and ran towards them. As we got into the car I began scolding them.

"You guys are embarrassing" I said.

"What! We had to do something" Kelce said. "They sunk Top's boat."

"You didn't have to beat them that bad" I said looking down. "Kie is going to hate me now."

"She's a Pogue, Liz" he said. "She's one of them."

I turned around smacking him across his face.

"Don't ever talk about my sister like that Kelce, I mean it" I said sitting back down.

The car ride remained silent as Rafe dropped off Topper and Kelce. We sat in his car in the driveway of my house. I got out of the car leaving the flowers behind. Rafe jumped out with the flowers in hand.

"Lizzy!" He yelled.

"What!" I snapped.

"You forgot these" he said handing me the flowers.

I looked at him before grabbing them.

"Can I come inside?" He asked.

"Rafe I don't want to tonight" I said.

"I just want to fall asleep with you" he said.

I nodded my head as he followed me up the steps. I opened the door finding my mother sitting at the table with her reading glasses on looking at papers.

"Um is it okay if Rafe spends the night?" I asked looking down.

I looked up to my mother smiling.

"Of course" she said.

"Nice to see you Anna, as usual" Rafe said following closely behind me as we went up the stairs.

I instantly locked my door as we entered it. I walked to the dresser pulling out my pajamas. I began changing walking to the bathroom.

"Are you just going to stare?" I asked walking out with my hair up.

"Nothing better to look at" he said.

He took his shirt of getting underneath the comforter. I got onto the bed setting my head on his chest listening to his heart beat.

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