Ch 29: Sister Love

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I walked back into the house laying on the couch. Eventually I fell asleep listening to the sound of Wheezie's tv.

I jolted out of sleep to see Wheezie in the kitchen picking up the pieces of the glass cup she dropped. I got up walking to grab the broom.

"Don't touch it with your hands" I said.

I began sweeping around for any small shards of the glass.

"Where did Rafe go?" She asked.

"I don't know Wheez" I said.

I sighed throwing away the glass in a plastic bag. Hours had passed as it got dark. I heard my phone ringing from the other room. I walked to the living room. I looked at my phone instantly picking it up.

"Mom?" I said.

"Shoupe just called us and Kiara stole the truck. They found it crashed on the side of the road" she said.

"Why the hell would she steal the keys?" I asked.

My mother began to talk and talk as I sat and thought. Whatever it was Rafe was helping that woman find, they were doing the same.

"Elizabeth?" She asked.

"Yes mom I'm listening" I said.

"Can you come to the restaurant?" She asked.

"I'll be there in a few" I said.

I grabbed the keys looking up the stairs.

"Wheezie!" I yelled.

"Yeah!" She yelled back.

"I'll be back in a little bit" I said.

"Okay!" She said.

I got into the car driving to the Wreck. Walking inside, it was quiet. I smiled at both my parents approaching them.

"I wanted to tell you guys I'm-" I was quickly cut off by my mother.

"We know" she said.

"How?" I asked.

"I gave birth to you. Trust me, I knew the second I saw you the other day" she said.

I walked closer sitting on a chair as my mother went to count the drawer. Moments later Kiara walked inside looking at all of us. My mother grabbed a brochure setting it in front of her.

"What is this?" Kiara asked.

"Your future, if you don't turn your shit around" our father said.

"You're joking right?" She asked.

"It's a program for troubled teens with behavioral problems" our mother said.

I zoned out slightly until she said Sarah's name.

"I thought John B and Sarah were dead" she said. "And you both wanted me to go to school like nothing happened."

"That's not what we wanted" our father said.

"Like everything was fine! And nothing about that is fine!" She said turning to me . "And you just left me."

"I'm sorry Kie" I said.

"I needed you the most out of everybody and you weren't there for me" she said.

"I-" I was cut off once again by our mother.

"This isn't her fault. I understand nothing about this is okay!" Our mother said.

"I'll do whatever you want! I'll pull double shifts" Kiara said.

"You bet your ass you will" our father said.

"I don't want you to think that I was wrong to help them. Because I wasn't. I was doing what I thought was right" she said. "And I didn't mean to do all that to you guys. All of you."

Nobody said anything as she looked between the three of us.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for sneaking out, and I'm sorry for skipping school. It was stupid and I didn't... I'm sorry for going to Charleston and I'm sorry for stealing the truck" she said. "And I'm sorry for treating you like garbage Liz."

"Baby" our mother said placing her hands atop Kiara's. "I know, I know. We love you so much. But sorry is not going to cut it anymore."

After Kiara nodded agreeing our father turned to me.

"Take her home before you go home" he said.

I nodded as Kiara followed me to the car. She turned to the window as I drove.

"I'm pregnant" I said.

She whipped her head to me.

"What?" She said.

"I don't know the sex of the baby" I said. "But what I do know is if it's a girl I know her name."

"It's going to be something like Evelyn or Lilian. Something sophisticated like your name" she said.

"Kiara" I said.

"What?" She asked.

"What?" I asked.

"You said my name" she said.

"Yeah because that's what I'm going to name her if she's a girl" I smiled.

I looked over at her as she smiled.

"After my baby sister" I said. "I know you have ill feelings towards me and towards Rafe. But he's my family now Kie. I love him more than you'll ever understand but I want you to know the love I have for you no one else will get, ever."

She looked at her hands as I talked.

"Remember when dad took us to Florida and you peed your pants as we were driving to that restaurant and you didn't tell him" I said.

She laughed smacking my arm.

"I thought everybody forgot about that" she said.

"There's no way I would have forgotten the look on his face when he found out" I laughed.

I pulled up to the house unlocking the door for her. She opened the car door looking at me.

"I love you Liz" she said. "I know I've acted like I hate you, but I don't. You were a good sister to me."

I smiled watching her get into the house. As I pulled into Tannyhill a truck did the same I got out as Rafe was the only person in it.

"Where the hell have you been!" I said.

"Lizzy don't freak out" he said.

"Why would I freak out?" I asked.

"I got the thing they were looking for" he said. "But that Limbrey chick was a little crazy."

I followed him to the back of the truck as he opened it.

"Again please don't freak out" he said.

He opened the door showing the cross and a body in the back. I grabbed his arm quickly looking away.

"Please tell me you did not do that!" I said.

"No, no, no of course not. She shot him. I don't know what to do with his body" he said.

"I'm gonna throw up" I said walking inside.

I heard him lock up the back running after me.

"Lizzy I swear it wasn't me" he said.

I took a few breaths nodding. I walked up the stairs laying on the bed.

"I need a shower" he said.

I watched him slowly undress walking to the bathroom. I placed my hands on my stomach slowly rubbing my stomach.

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