Ch 3: Life's a Beach

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Topper and I got out of my car looking around at all the vegetables. He slammed my car door causing me to jump. I turned around glaring at him.

"What?" He asked.

"Stop slamming my door!" I said.

"Sorry" he said walking past me. "Isn't Kelce supposed to be meeting us?"

"He is, let me call him" I said pulling my phone out of my pocket.

I clicked on his contact calling him. He picked up after two rings.

"I'm pulling up chill out" he said hanging up.

I turned around to see his car parking next to mine. He ran towards us with bags in hand.

"Ready to go" he said.

Walking around I began putting food into the bags for the restaurant. An hour later we packed the bags into the trunk of my car.

"Why did we have to carry the bags?" Kelce asked.

"What's the point of having boy best friends if they won't do my heavy lifting?" I smiled.

He followed us back to the Wreck unloading the food.

"Good afternoon Mike" Topper said bringing the bags behind the counter.

My father looked in the bags grabbing them and bringing them to the back.

"I see my daughter got you two doing her dirty work" my father said.

Topper and Kelce chuckled.

"I'll see ya later dad" I said as we walked out.

"Beach?" Kelce asked.

"Yeah I'll text Sarah" Topper said.

"I'll pick you up in ten, Liz" Kelce said getting into his car.

I nodded getting into mine. I took Topper home before returning to mine to change. I grabbed my hot pink bikini quickly putting it on as Kelce honked his horn. I slipped on a pair of shorts and grabbed a shirt putting it on, on my way down the stairs. I ran out to his car.

"Oh shit I forgot a towel" I said.

"I brought another cause I knew you'd forget" he said.

I pinched his cheek as we drove to the beach. I waved to Sarah as she ran towards me.

"Rafe isn't here?" I asked.

"I think he's coming" she said.

"You look so pretty" I smiled.

"Love you Liz" she said.

Sarah and I were in the water when I saw Rafe pull up with someone in the passenger seat. Emily got out of the passenger seat smiling. I turned my attention back to Sarah splashing water at her. I walked over to the boys kneeling down to grab a beer.

"Hanging out with Emily now?" I asked looking at Rafe.

"Something like that I guess" he said.

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