The party

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Summary: The group goes to a big party held on the cut, but the whole island was there. John B and y/n realize what their friendship has become.
word count: 1224
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Y/n pov:
It was a Friday night and what better to do than to go to a party. My parents didn't care I just told them I was staying the night at John B's house, they trusted him and JJ cause I've known them since I was like 7. I packed my bag and told my parents bye before leaving the house. I went over to the Kooks side of the island to pick up Kiara, who took forever to get ready. Once she was ready we drove off to John B's and I had to change still. The only one who wasn't here yet was Pope and we would most likely have to pick him up on the way.

John B knocked on the bathroom door as me and Kie were putting on mascara. "You girls ready yet we were supposed to leave 5 minutes ago" he said a bit annoyed. We pushed the door open and we all loaded up in the twinkie. Soon we got to Pope's house and then the party. "Alrighty this is a party" JJ said as he ran out of the van. The rest of us followed him but he was busy dancing and drinking.

I followed Kiara up to the bar and she grabbed us some beers. We had already lost the guys, but that's ok cause we were gonna have a good time no matter what. We danced on the dance floor and pointed out all the cute boys. We saw Sarah Cameron and her boyfriend Topper and gagged at the sight of them together. "Typical kook lovebirds" I said sarcastically as Kie giggled. We were already pretty drunk as I heard "Y/n." It was JJ.

He had gotten some weed and we all smoked some. Just what we needed we were all twisted by the time we caught up with Pope and John B. Everyone left but John B. It was just the two of us and we started talking about random things. I couldn't tell if he was drunk or not, but I definitely was and I was high. "JB what if we try something new" I said. "Like what" he said as I pressed my lips against his. "Whoa" he said. I tried to kiss him again and he pulled away "Y/n! what are you doing!" he yelled. "What I'm just having a good time." "Y/n you aren't gonna remember any of this tomorrow and I don't think you would do this sober" he said and he was probably right. "What JB dont act like you don't feel the same about me" I said. "Look I like you and all but I really don't think we should be doing this until you are sober enough to make good decisions" he said. I could tell he wasn't drunk now.

John B drug me around the party trying to find everyone else. "Come on JB let's get some more drinks and dance" "Ok fine" he went to the bar and got something "Here." "What this is water come on John B" "No you need it trust me" he said. We spotted the others and John B told them he had to get me home. I didn't want to go home what the heck. I knew he wasn't taking me to my house cause I'd be in so much trouble if my parents knew what was going on. We went to John B's house and Kie and Pope walked home from there.

JJ was gonna stay the night on the couch. John B took me to his room and got me a shirt of his to change into to sleep in. "Let me know when your done changing" he said annoyed. Gosh he's the one that wanted to leave I should be the one annoyed. I walked into the living room saying I was done as he handed me another water with two pills of advil. "JB I dont need this" "you will" he responded. I was getting annoyed now. He took my arm and put me in his room and helped me into his bed. "Look I'm going to go sleep in the living room with JJ let me know if you need anything y/n." "No stay" I said panicked. "y/n I really don't think you would want me too" "Didnt you hear me" I screamed at him. He sat on the bed and told me to go to sleep. I just kept talking and wouldn't shut up.

I knew I was wasted and I was starting to get nauseous. "Hey John B I'm going to go to the bathroom" I told him since he was still awake. "I'll help you get there" he said after watching me stumble out of bed.

I sat with my head in the toilet bowl emptying my stomach. I felt like crap. John B just sat there with me holding my hair back. Eventually I fell asleep in his arms.

I woke up with the worst headache and I was still nauseous. I didn't remember anything that happened yesterday night. I looked around and realized I was in John B's bathroom floor and he had his arm around me. I just laid there for a little bit before getting up. I tried not to wake him, but it didn't work well. "Good morning, how do you feel" he asked. "Like shit" I responded "What even happened last night." He paused for a second before saying "Do you want me to show you?" I gave him a confused look as I shook my head yes. He kissed me and pulled away. Whoa I had always wanted to kiss him but never had the guts, I must've had them last night. I kissed him again, this time it was longer. "So what's this mean" He asked me. "Not sure yet" I said.

"Anyone here" Pope yelled. We both got up and went out to the living room. JJ was still asleep on the couch even with Pope yelling. Pope sat on him to wake him up. I laughed and went to the medicine cabinet and grabbed some advil and then tossed the bottle to JJ, "Think fast." "Ah just what I needed     y/n." We all just sat around the tv until Kie came. she walked in and soon after we all left to go surfing. I don't know who's idea it was but it was a bad one we were all hungover and tired.

John B and I weren't really talking about what happened earlier and it was bugging me. Like come on we kissed and that's it. I threw my board on the beach cause the waves were getting smaller and smaller. I swam out and climbed onto John B's board. "JB can we talk" "mhm." I didn't really know what to say but I kinda rambled on "So uh since we don't really know what that means do you wanna you know try it out or ignore it?" I asked. "How's tomorrow night sound" he paused, "You, me our first official date" "it's a date" I quickly said as he kissed me.

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