Sneak attack

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summary: Y/n gets into a bit of a predicament on her way home from work
tw: abuse/kidnapping
word count: 1321

Y/n's pov:
It was a normal day and I was walking to John B's after my shift at the docks. This was normal. I either walk to my house or John B's after work since each is about a ten minute walk. Of course I have my car, but like Kie I am very environmentally friendly and I don't like to drive when the distance is an easy walk.

Tonight my shift went a bit late so I was walking faster than normal so John B didn't worry too much. I texted him that I was just leaving work but he didn't reply. It was a bit chilly and I regretted not grabbing my orange jacket. I heard some rustling in the bushes but thought nothing of it because I didn't see anything. I continued on with my walk to John B's place.

The next thing I knew I was pulled off my feet and a hand was placed onto my mouth with a gun to my head. I saw Topper, Kelce, Rafe, and another kook who's name I didn't even know. Rafe was the one that grabbed ahold of me. Topper spoke, "Since you're little pogue friends keep messing with us we are taking you back to our side." I was so scared. they were basically kidnapping me.

I decided I wasn't going to let this happen. Even though there were four of them and one of me, I decided to fight back. I wiggled out of Rafe's grasp and started to run. I didn't get far before Kelce knocked me down. The other guy pretty much disappeared at this point. I guess he's too scared to be caught up into trouble like this, no wonder I didn't know his name. As I was doing all this thinking Rafe was trying to grab onto me again as Topper was throwing punches and slapping me.

I fought back and kept on punching them trying to fight them off. I was still stuck on the ground and they were definitely winning this fight so far. I was trying to think of a way to get away but my mind was slowly trailing off. I was practically praying that the pogues would come and rescue me somehow.

John B's pov:
I was chilling at my place with the gang as I looked at the clock, 8:47. Y/n should be home by now. She gets off at 8 and it's only a 10/15 minute walk. This wasn't normal for her to be more than 5 minutes late without calling. "Hey guys I'm gonna go run to the store and pick up some things so I can fix up the house a bit tomorrow" I said so no one would want to go looking for Y/n with me. "Yeah ok man but the stores close at 9" Pope responded as no one took their eyes off the tv.

I got in my van and went along the road that Y/n walks home. There I saw the worst scene that I could've imagined. She was laying there as Rafe, Kelce, and Topper were shuffling to try and figure out a way to get her into their car. I instantly slammed on my breaks.

As I shut my car off and ran out the door, the kooks decided to get in their car and drive off, leaving Y/n. I instantly rushed over to her, not knowing what they did to her. She was completely unconscious and I didn't know how to react.

I checked to make sure she was breathing and she thankfully was. "Y/n wake up please" "I'm begging you come on" "Just wake up and I'll keep you safe Y/n" I kept saying over and over. I cradled her head in my lap and stroked her hair because I knew she liked it when I did that. Silence rang through the night and it felt like it had been hours without her waking up. In reality it had been about 2 minutes.

She started to wake up and I could tell she was very frightened. "Hey Y/n it's ok it's John B, you're safe they are all gone now" I whispered to her hoping she could hear me. She didn't speak but she did get less tense. I noticed she was shivering and I placed my jacket on her torso.

Y/n's pov:
I was freezing and so scared. I was in shock and no words could escape my mouth. I didn't quite know what happened but John B was here now and he is trying to get me to calm down. I felt him place his jacket on top of me.

I started to slowly calm my breathing and John B was stroking my hair telling me that I was safe with him and that he loved me more than anything. I was able to get out a few words, "Let's go home." My voice was scratchy and weak. "Ok let's get you up and into my van" John B said as he got up before me. He stretched out his hand for me to grab and he helped pull me up. My body was sore but there was nothing too serious except for the fact that I passed out cold.

We got into his van and started to drive, only we weren't driving towards John B's house. He soon grabbed his phone and called JJ. "Hey JJ you guys gotta leave my house right now something came up" John B said. I could tell JJ said something back but I wasn't sure what he said and then the call ended. "You're parents cool with you staying at my place tonight" He said, now facing me. I could only nod my head. My parents don't really care where I am most nights so I wasn't gonna bother telling them.

John B drive around the island in silence for almost 20 minutes. I'm assuming this is so everyone else could leave his house. As we pulled up to his house I felt a sense of safety and comfort.

John B helped me out of the van and we walked into his house holding hands. We both went into his room and got ready to go to bed. As we laid down in his daft mattress he asked the question I have been dreading, "So what happened tonight?" I knew he had been waiting to ask me this the whole time and he knew I wouldn't want to answer. I didn't answer either. "Ok fine we can talk about it later, but Y/n you need to open up to me at some point" John B said and I still didn't say a word, I wasn't even facing him.

He pulled me around to face him, we were so close and his breath was hot. "Y/n are you ok?" he asked in a sad tone. At this point I just couldn't hold it in anymore and I started to cry. John B instantly pulled me into his embrace. I sobbed into his shoulder and he just sat there. This wasn't easy for me because I don't open up in relationships hardly ever. I felt so lost, hurt, and broken. John B was there for me no matter what and he's the one that came to my rescue.

After I stopped crying, I pulled out of John B's arms and whispered, "Let's just talk about this all tomorrow I need some sleep." He shook his head agreeing and kept me close to his body. His body was radiating heat and I felt so safe. After what had just happened I needed him. It was really difficulty fall asleep but John B stayed awake until I was asleep.

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