christmas cookies

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summary: You are a kook and your family tradition is making christmas cookies with your grandma. You invite John B this year.
Word count: 784
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Y/n's pov:
Christmas is in five days, so that means it's time to make Christmas cookies with my grandma Bonnie. Normally it's just me and my cousins, Willow who is my age and Gracelyn who is 7. I asked my grandma if I could invite my boyfriend, John B, this year. My grandma of course said yes. We have been dating for 7 months now and she absolutely loves him. She's really the only one in my family that likes him because he's not a kook. John B agreed it would be fun to come and I couldn't be more excited to share such a special tradition with him.

"John B let's go we are going to be late" I screamed as I walked through the door. "Coming" He echoed back. As soon as he was out of his room I pushed him into the car. We had to be at my grandma's by 7:30 to start. "What's your favorite cookie" John B asked as I started up my Volvo. "Snickerdoodle duh what's yours?" "Sugar cookie I'm picky" he giggled. It was a short drive and I could tell my cousins beat us there because Willow's car was there.

"Hi grandma Bonnie, we're here" I said walking through her doorway. She came rushing to give me a hug "How great to see you, here's your apron." I put it on. Willow and I made Christmas aprons when we were 8 and we still wear them every year. "Oh John B how great you could join us, we always could use a helping hand. You can wear this apron, so you don't tarnish your nice clothes." "Thanks ma'am!" John B struggled to get his apron on so I helped him.

"Don't forget to wash your hands" Gracelyn said as we all three waked into the kitchen. After we washed our hands we joined on helping with the first kind of cookie, peanut butter. Through the day we make 5 different kinds of cookies: peanut butter, chocolate chip, snickerdoodle, sugar, and salted caramel. In the afternoon we decorate and package them for the party on Christmas night.

I had to help John B with the recipe, because he doesn't have them all memorized like everyone else. Once the first batter was done we formed an assembly line. Willow mixed the wet ingredients, Gracelyn mixed the dry ingredients, I mixed them together, John B put the cookies on trays, and Grandma Bonnie managed the ovens. We worked hard and the kitchen was a mess. The cookies were cooling and in total we made 500. It was tiring and it's only 12:30. My grandma has a huge kitchen and every shelf in her ovens was full. The counters were full too. "Lunch time" my grandma announced as she pulled the last of the cookies from the oven.

She had made tuna salad for us last night and we made sandwiches with it. She had my favorite chips, barbecue, and some peas and strawberries for side dishes. We all talked about how excited we were for Christmas. John B barely said a word during lunch and I was kind of worried about him because he's normally super outgoing. "So grandma are the cookies cooled yet" Gracelyn begged. "How about after some candy cane ice cream" Grandma Bonnie responded. She went to her freezer and pulled out the ice cream, making 5 bowls. She drizzled them all with chocolate syrup and candy cane chunks. It was some good ice cream.

At 1:30 we started to frost the sugar cookies. Each shape required different colors. There were five shapes which was perfect for decorating. There was a star, candy cane, Christmas tree, present, and ornament. This was my absolute favorite part of baking. I always chose to decorate the ornaments, making each one unique. Once all the cookies were frosted we boxed them up. We were finally done by 4 and John B and I left soon after to see our friends.

"Bye grandma Bonnie" I said as I hugged her. "Bye y/n I love you." She replied. "Goodbye ma'am" John B said as he handed me my shoes. "Bye John B I hope to see you on Christmas" she said, putting a smile on his face.

As we got into the car John B asked "So does that mean I'm invited on Christmas?" "Well of course she really loves you John B." And just like that a huge smile was put onto his face. He was finally accepted into my family.

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