"What the actual fuck Rafe"

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Everyone still in shock to what Rafe said. All eyes went on me and everyone started whispering "isn't she a pouge". I didn't really care what other people thought , what I cared most about was what were my friends thinking.

I yell for John B and Pope to help me get JJ inside my dads truck. JJ was Still making eye contact with Rafe not moving, he finally turns his head making eye contact with me. JJ's face was filled with anger, so much anger his eyes started to water.

"Y/n is that true"

JJ sounded so heart broken, I didn't know what to say. He was waiting for me to give him an answer but I didn't wanna hurt him anymore than I already did.

"Go on tell them y/n, tell them how wet I made you, how good my dick felt pounding in and out of your tight pussy" Rafe said while looking me up and down licking the bottom of his lip.

"That's it" JJ said. He pushed John b, Pope and me out of the way making me fall to the ground hitting my head on a rock. He tackles Rafe to the floor and got on top of him punching him repeatedly in the face. I started screaming "JJ get off of him please" but he didn't move. Rafe kicks JJ off of him giving him enough time to tackle JJ back down to the ground and is now on top of him punching him in the face. I tried to push Rafe off but someone grab me from behind. It was Topper pulling me off of Rafe holding me back so I didn't get in the way. I started Punching and screaming so topper would let me go but he didn't.

John b didn't like how topper had his hands on me so John B punched topper. That caused me to get out of toppers hands to go back to JJ and Rafe. Rafe was still on top I look down and see JJ passed out with blood coming out of his mouth. I started screaming " Rafe get off of him please your going to kill him please". Then a gun shot went off.

Everyone started to scream and ran away. John B and topper stopped fighting and helped me get Rafe of JJ. He finally got off of him, I drop down to my knees to see if he's ok.

"JJ come on please talk to me" I screamed as a shook him. He didn't move, I began to panic. "Come on guys help me get him into the van" i said looking at John b, and pope.

"I'll go get the van started" kie said while taking the keys from John b.

They got JJ in the van and drove off. I walked over to Topper and Rafe and started to yell.

"What the actual fuck Rafe, you to Topper did you really grab me from behind so I couldn't help JJ".

"Holy shit y/n your head is bleeding really bad" topper said coming to me closer to check out the cut.

"I'm fine just leave me alone" I said pushing him away from me

"No you have to get that cleaned up you might have a concussion" Topper said sounding worried.

"Why the fuck do you care so much about y/n, she's a pouge" Rafe spit at topper.

"Well you're the one that fucked her" topper spit back at Rafe.

"Can you both just shut the fuck up, I'm leaving" I spit back at both of them.

"Y/n, I'm not letting you drive give me your keys" Topper said as he's reaching for my keys in my back pocket.

"Topper I-" I said before getting cut off by Rafe.

"Just give him the fucken keys, why do you have to be so difficult"

"What the fuck is your problem Rafe, you didn't act like this back in the Bahamas. What is it because you're around your friends huh" I yelled pointing at topper.

"I don't give a fuck what happened just give me your GODAMN keys" he yelled holding out his hand.

I rolled my eyes and handed him the keys. This is going to be a long drive I thought to myself.

"Do you even love me" RAFE CAMERON AND READERWhere stories live. Discover now