"I'll just take the couch"

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We got in my dads truck and headed towards Toppers house. The car was silent not even the radio was playing. Topper tried to brake the silence by asking "isn't the weather nice tonight?". As I started to glare at topper I hear Rafe whisper something in the back seat "Are you really asking about the fucken weather right now". I couldn't help but laugh to myself.

We get to Toppers house, his parents weren't home because they were out on a business trip so he had the house to himself. We walk inside and my mouth drops, it was so beautiful and smelt really nice.

Topper goes to grab the first aid kit out of his parents closet leaving me and Rafe in the kitchen. Rafe walked over to the pantry and grabbed some chips.

"Want some" he said while holding the bag out for me to grab a chip.

"No I'm fine"

Topper comes back and tells me to sit at the kitchen table so he can clean my head. "Ouch this looks bad" Topper said while he gently moved a piece of my hair out of my face tucking it behind my ear. Feeling his hand graze my cheek sent chills through my body. His hand felt so warm and smooth.

"Do you even know what you are doing" I said looking at Topper as he pulled out hydrogen peroxide and a cotton ball.

"I watch Grey's anatomy so I know what I'm doing, I'm basically Derek Shepherd."

"Oh god, so what I'm hearing is I'm going to die"

Me and Topper started to laugh, I look over at Rafe to see him rolling is eyes as he continues to stuff his face with chips.

After Topper gets my cut taken care of I check my phone to see what time it was, It was 2 am. I also had 10 miss calls from John b, and a text from my dad that said " I'm assuming your staying over at John B's tonight hope you had fun kiddo love you"

Fuck how did I not hear my phone ring I thought to myself. I started to worry, what if something happened to JJ and they were trying to get ahold of me. I walked over to Topper to grab my keys so I could leave but that didn't work out.

"Y/n I'm not letting you drive, it's 2 in the morning. you can stay here over night and leave in the morning"

"Where am I even going to sleep"

"You can sleep in the guest bedroom " Topper said while pointing down the hall.

"Then where am I going to sleep" Rafe said as he finally puts down the bag of chips.

"I'll just take the couch" I replied back looking at Rafe.

"Ok there's blankets already on the couch and pillows so you should be good for tonight, if you need anything I'm upstairs second door to your right" Topper said while giving me finger guns before heading upstairs to his bedroom.

I turn around to look at Rafe, but he was already walking towards the guest bedroom. I wanted to talk to him and ask him why he did what he did after he promised me, but I didn't feel like fighting with him. So I walked over to the couch took my shoes off and laid down covering up with the blanket that was on top of the couch. Just try to go to bed. I thought to myself before closing my eyes.

So many thoughts were going through my head all at once. I promised her I wouldn't tell anyone. This isn't even my fault this is all JJ's fault, if he didn't get in between me and y/n none of this would have happened. I wouldn't of said what I said and y/n wouldn't of gotten hurt. It just made me angry how he tried to stand up for her like if he was her boyfriend or something. It's almost like that pouge has a thing for her,  if anyone is going to protect y/n it's me no one else. She's mine, he's lucky I don't fucken kill him for pushing her. I can't let her sleep out there alone especially on that uncomfortable ass couch. I need to make things right with her. I need to show her I actually care about her.

I threw the covers off me and opened the door. I didn't hear any noises so I'm assuming she's  sleeping. I got to the living room and seen her laying down, she looked so peaceful laying there looking vulnerable.

I started to fall asleep when I heard a door open. I couldn't tell who is was from the angle I was sleeping at. Then I heard his voice, it was Rafe.

"Come on y/n, I know that couch is uncomfortable. There's plenty of room on the bed for two of us"

I hesitated at first but got up because the couch was really uncomfortable. I walked over to him whispering thank you and we started to walk down the hall, as we started to walk I felt his hand touch my lower back guiding me to the guest bedroom.

We get to the bedroom and I start to walk over to the bed when I turn around and see Rafe closing the door with his shirt off.

"What are you doing" I said looking at Rafe with a confused face

"I can't sleep with a shirt on, you should know this" he replied back with a smirk on his face.

I just rolled my eyes and laid down with our backs facing each other. I close my eyes and that's when I felt Rafe's body shift. He was now facing my back, I felt his arm slide up my thigh leading to my stomach.    Sending chills through my body. He wraps his arm around my stomach pulling me closer to his chest. We were so close I could feel his breath on my neck.

I then hear him whisper "I'm sorry" as he began kissing and sucking on my neck. I didn't say anything back instead I tilted my head giving him more access to my neck. The warmth of his smooth lips kissing and sucking on my neck made my body ache for him. As he continues to leave opened mouth kisses on my neck a moan escapes from my lips and I push back against him. I then hear him groan from behind me and whisper "not here." Giving me the chills. Then I feel him turn back around facing his back towards me. I decided to just go to bed.

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