"We all forgive you"

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(I'll let you know when to play the song)

I woke up the next day in John B's bed wearing one of his shirts and a pair of his shorts. The last thing I remembered last night was telling Rafe I didn't feel good then everything went black.

"Morning party animal" John b laughed.

"Wait why am I here what happened" I asked in a confused tone.

"So after you passed out, Rafe started freaking out and carried you to the guest bedroom and layed you down so you could go to sleep, well he came back out and overheard a bunch of guys talking about taking advantage of you so he beat them up and carried you to us and we put you in the van and Rafe drove your  truck here and walked home." JJ explained to me.

"Wait Rafe really did all of that for me" I asked.

"Yeah he was really worried about you y/n" John b said.

I never thought Rafe would be this protective over me. I didn't even think he cared about me. After all I was still a pouge and he was a kook.

"Wait so are you guys still mad at me" I asked in a sad tone.

"No, while we were driving you kept going on about how you fucked everything up between all of us and how you hated not being able to talk to us and you wish you could take it all back" John b said while smiling.

"We all forgive you" JJ laughed while giving me a hug.

Hearing JJ say those words made me feel relieved. I finally had my best friends back. But I didn't forget what Topper said about Sarah and John B

"Hey JJ can you go grab my vape out of the glove box" I asked.

"Yes of course cupcake" he said as he walked out the door.

"So John B, Topper told me something last night about Sarah" I whispered so JJ couldn't hear.

"Ummm what did he say exactly" John b said looking frightened.

"That she left him for you" I said with my eyes wide opened.

"Ok listen, I've been talking to Sarah and she's cool but please don't tell the rest of them" John b begged.

"I won't but you owe me John B" I said pointing at him straight in the face.

After JJ came back we all hopped in the truck and went to The Wreck to meet up with Pope and kie.

On the way I got a text from Rafe. 

                                   Rafe Cameron

"Hey y/n I just wanted to know if you're ok please text me back when you get a chance"

Reading that text gave me butterflies in my stomach . After everything he did for me last night made me look at him differently, it's almost like he's  changing into a better person. He could of let those boys take advantage of me but he didn't. Instead he beat them up and made sure I was going to be safe. I need to talk to him and thank him.

"Hey guys that was my dad that texted me, he wants me to go check in real quick" I said.

"Ok we'll come with you" John b said looking over at me.

I wasn't really going to go check in, I was going to meet up with Rafe. But I can't let them know that because I just got them back and I didn't feel like losing them again.

"No it's ok I'll just drop you guys off we're almost there" I said trying not to make it sound to suspicious.

I drop John b and JJ off and texted Rafe and asked if I could come over. I didn't think he would respond quick but he did. He told me to come over.

"Do you even love me" RAFE CAMERON AND READERWhere stories live. Discover now