"I love you"

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Still swaying to the music I look up at JJ and smile.

"I love you to JJ"

"No, y/n I love you" he said making eye contact with me.

"I know JJ, I love you to" I chuckled laying my head back on his chest.

He pulled me off his chest and grabbed my hand pulling it so I had to follow. We walked farther and farther from John B's house to the point where I couldn't see the porch light.

"JJ where are we going" I asked

"We're almost there" he laughed.

"You're not going to kill me right" I asked looking at him confused.

"What the fuck" he chuckled.

We kept walking for about 5 mins when he finally stopped.

"What are we doing here" I said in a confused tone.

"You don't remember?" He questioned.

I started to look around to see if anything looked familiar. I was going to give up in tell I seen the tree me and JJ carved our names in.

"Holy shit, our tree" I laughed walking towards the tree.

"Thought you'd remember"

"Wait what are we doing here" I asked

"Y/n, do you remember why we carved our names into this tree?" JJ said as he walked up to me looking me in the eyes.

"It was the day we promised to be best friends forever no matter what" I laughed as my eyes started to water.

"So you do remember" he said still keeping eye contact with me.

"Yes of course I remember, but why did you bring me here?"

"Because y/n I love you, more than just a friend" he said as tears started to form in his eyes.

I didn't know what to say to him. I've always liked JJ, but I just pushed my feelings behind me because we are friends. I wanted to tell him how I felt, but I couldn't.

"Shit I'm sorry, I shouldn't of said that" he said braking the eye contact between us.

He started to walk towards John B's, leaving me behind at the tree.

"JJ wait" I yelled.

"What" he said looking back at me.

"I love you to"

My heart was going 100 mph. I can't believe I told him how I felt.

He started to walk back towards me and as he got closer I could see a tear go down his cheek.

"What did you say" he said looking at me.

"I love you to" I repeated

He got closer to my body, and grazed his warm hand on my cheek and left his thumb tracing my bottom lip. A slight groan left my mouth as he got even closer to my face.

I closed my eyes and then suddenly felt him press a gentle kiss on my lips. I immediately kissed him back as his hands went around my waist. I moved my hands to his hair as the kiss became more needy. He kisses me harder and moves a hand to my hair making me gasp. He used that as the perfect opportunity to push his tongue into my mouth. I gripped onto his hair kissing him harder.

We pulled away when we heard the others approaching, but still making eye contact.

"Where the hell are you guys" Sarah yelled

We both started to walk back when I felt his hand grab mine. Leaving butterflies in my stomach.

We found them and started to walk back to John b's house. Me and JJ were in front of them still holding hands. Laughing at the others because of what they were whispering.

"Omg what happened" kie whispered

"There holding hands" Sarah whispered

"My boy still got game" John B whispered.

"Do you think they had sex" Pope whispered.

"Pope are you serious" kie whispered.

"You know we can hear you" I turned around whispering.

"Shit sorry" John b whispered.

We get back to John b's and we all call it a night. I still had to take Sarah home before I could go home. I gave everyone a hugged and gave JJ a kiss before leaving.

Me and Sarah get in the truck and she immediately started asking me questions.

"So you and JJ" she said giving me a smirky look.

"Nothing is going on between me and JJ" I laughed.

"Sure because we definitely didn't see you guys holding hands" she said in a sarcastic voice.

"Oh shut up"

We both laughed.

I pull into Sarah's drive way and see Rafe sitting on the steps. I told Sarah GoodNight and gave her a hug. Before I could drive off Rafe jumped in the passenger seat.

"Rafe what the fuck!" I yelled

"Y/n I'm sorry for what happened earlier" he said

"Rafe I wanna go home please get out of my truck" I said pointing at the door.

"Can I maybe stay at your house tonight" he asked

"Rafe you yelled at me and made me cry why the fuck would I let you stay at my house"

"Because after you left my dad came in my room and started yelling at me and I stood up for you!" he yelled

"Why Rafe why would you stand up for me if I mean absolutely nothing to you!" I yelled back.

"You do mean something to me"

"Then why did you yell at me and tell me to leave?" I asked

"Because I didn't want you to be there when my dad got home, I didn't want you to hear the awful things he said about you" he said grabbing my hand and holding it. " so can I please stay with you tonight"

All I could think about was JJ. Our special moment we had, I couldn't do that to him. But I also couldn't let Rafe stay here.

"Fine but you can't tell no one" I replied back.

What I was doing was wrong. I should of just let him figure it out on his own. But I couldn't he stood up for me, he protected me from those boys. I had to at least let him stay at my house.

The whole car ride was silent. We get to my house and I snuck him through the back where my window was to my room.

"Wait here I'll let you in" I said before walking away.

I still can't believe I'm risking getting in trouble for Rafe. I'm an idiot.

I walk through the front door and checked to see if my parents were still up. Luckily they go to bed early so they won't hear me sneak Rafe in.

"Hurry up open the window it's cold out here" Rafe said as he was tapping the window with his ring.

"Shut the fuck up" I whispered as I opened the window.

Rafe climbed through the window and falls to the ground causing a loud noise.

"Rafe what the fuck" I whispered.

"Sorry" he whispered back

I helped him get up and I heard my parents door open.

"Y/n, honey is that you" my mom yelled.

"Yeah sorry I dropped my lamp" I yelled back.

"Oh ok glad you're home GoodNight I love you"

"Love you to mom"

Rafe started to laugh quietly. "So I'm your lamp now"

"Oh shut up.Im going to take a shower" I said as I rolled my eyes at Rafe. "Don't make any noise"

"Do you even love me" RAFE CAMERON AND READERWhere stories live. Discover now