Chapter 1. Unexpected vacation

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Dream didn't expect to be able to grab Ghostbur. The ghost should be able to faze through most things easily, but maybe it was because of the high stress situation and because he wouldn't stop fucking screaming, or maybe it was because of the revive book who knows and who cares? Certainly not him.

Sam then oh so rudely declined his ultimatum of letting him out and Ghostbur 'lives' or he 'dies' and Dream stays in the damn box. He supposed it was stupid of him to think Sam would even consider the former option. Oh well he tried and he definitely didn't do that because of the way Tommy held his axe, most definitely not. Dream's a lot smarter than that. He did that to give them the illusion of choice not because he was scared. It'll be a lot of fun with Wilber back anyways.

Dream had the ghost in a choke hold or whatever it's called he doesn't care. He had the revive book in hand, lava slowly coming down from the ceiling, the screaming coming from Ghostbur and the other side giving Dream a headache. He was about to revive Wilbur when.. he slipped.

… He fucking slipped on some god damn crying obsidian... He never hated his life more than now.

As he fell he braced for impact on the hard bumpy obsidian. god this is gonna hurt a lot

But instead of the bumpy surface he was expecting it was smooth and flat. He's clothes also felt a lot bigger? He opened his eyes and saw a sky filled with stars. It wasn't as beautiful and vibrant as the last time he saw it but it has been so long since then and it has been even longer since he stopped and admired it. Dream was hypnotized by it, it was beautiful.

"Uh… Dream.. where are we?"

The sound of Ghostbur's voice snapped him out of the trance he was in. He sat up from where he was laying down and noticed he was sitting on concrete? He looked around and saw tall stone buildings all around him. It was very bland in his humble opinion.

"I don't know..." A realization then hit Dream, he was out of the prison, in a part of the smp he didn't recognize, he is very dead. Panic began to sit in "Sh-shouldn't you know! I was in prison for like 5 months!"

"I've never been in this part of the smp before!"

'That's because you're not in the Dream smp!' Said a cheery voice from behind them.

The duo whipped around to see a blob with a XD painted on their head.


'You're in another… server I guess you can say'

"Is… is there a way we can get out?" Asked Ghostbur.

'As far as I know you two are stuck here! But I'm not the god of this place so who knows!'

"Is there even a god for this place?"

'I don't know!'

"What do you know! You fucking-"

'Now, now Dream no need for insults. I know the basics of this place I sent the info to your communicators'

Two then heard a ping from their comms.

'Anyways! I'll be leaving now! Call me if you need anything! Also Dream? Might want to get some new clothes, the ones you have on are way too big on you!' The god then disappeared in a plume of smoke.

Ghostbur started to slowly float away from Dream "Ha.. looks like we're stuck together.. are you still gonna…?"

"No, I'm out aren't I? Plus I don't think the book will work here anyways"

He seemed to perk up at this "Oh! Okay!" He smiled. He squinted at Dream "Dream? Why do you look like a 15 year old?"

"What are you-" he looked down at himself, he was a lot smaller then he remembers. He was still scarred, his body still hurt like hell and he wasn't exactly in the best shape in the prison but he didn't look like a fucking child.

"I know I haven't seen you without your mask before but I'm pretty sure you were a lot taller than that"


"DreamXD was right, you could really use some new clothes… and maybe some food, you look like you haven't eaten in weeks!"

Dream ponders when was the last time he ate, much to Ghostbur's dismay "I.. actually can't remember when was the last time I ate" says Dream in a way to cheerful tone for Ghostbur's liking.

"That's…! Not good!" exclaims Ghostbur "Go hide in that alley I'll be right back!"

The ghost came back a half hour later with some clothes and food. Dream was in the alley with a dark gray table cloth draped over him to hide the bright orange jumpsuit he was in.

He waved at Dream "Hiiii! I brought some clothes and food I totally didn't steal!" He sat next to the boy giving him the clothes "I also got you a regular face mask cuz I know how much you don't like showing your face! I also only got bread! I don't want to make your stomach upset!"

"Heh, you're way to nice Ghostbur, I literally just tried to basically kill you a few moments ago but thanks"

Ghostbur smiled brightly "No problem Dream! I also found a nice abandoned building we can stay the night in!"

"You're a good friend Ghostbur" Dream examines the clothes Ghostbur brought him. It was a lime green hoodie with a stripe in the middle that's a lighter shade of green. Some black ripped pants and green shoes. He also has dark blue gloves. "Did you see the message XD sent you?"

"Nope! But uh- quick question. Have you checked your inventory?"

"Noo…? Why?"

"Well… I found some things that weren't supposed to be there and I was wondering if the same thing happened to you"

Weird Dream thought as he pulled up his inventory. There was the revive book, a regular book and… his mask.. cracked but it was his mask. Dumbfounded, he pulled it out of his inventory cradling it in his hands.


Ghostbur stared at the sleeping child hugging his mask. The ghost smiled to himself and carefully picked him up from the ground, using the table cloth as a makeshift blanket. He floats to the abandoned building he found earlier. Walking inside he goes up a few floors and places Dream in a comfortable looking spot.

He guesses they'll have to check that message XD sent them, and for Dream to put on his new clothes tomorrow.



Me: C!Dream is manipulative and a horrible person and you will write him as such!

Also me: Haha adorable sheep boy go BRRRRRRRRRR

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