hes gone (pogues)

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summary: This takes place between season one and two before they know John B is alive. Y/n is John B's little sister and she has to cope with him being dead.
word count: 840
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y/n pov:
"Hey y/n" I heard JJ say as he was knocking on my door. I didn't answer. I couldn't. I've had the worst two weeks of my life, first my dad then my twin brother. I feel nothing. I know my friends mean well and all but I want to be left alone. I knew JJ was the most worried, he was like a second brother to me. They never leave me home alone.

JJ finally came into my room and sat on my bed. "Come on you have to get out of the house at some point you know they wouldn't like you living like this" I ignored him once again. What was I supposed to say. I heard the front door open and close. "I brought food" Kie screamed. God what time is it, I looked at my clock and it was already 4pm. My sleep schedule is so messed up I can't believe I slept that long.

Pope must have already been in the house cause I heard his voice as JJ forced me to get out of bed. Kiara brought me some soup cause she knew it was easy for me to keep down. I wasn't sick or anything but I just got nauseous when I think about the past week. Plus I love soup.

Everyone was talking but I just sat there. The world spun around me. "Y/n" Pope said. "Oh um yeah" I asked all confused. "So you wanna go down to the beach tomorrow there's gonna be some good waves we could surf" He asked knowing the answer. I always said maybe and then never did anything. I couldn't leave the house. Tonight was Kiara's night to stay with me, JJ will probably stay too cause he doesn't stay at home often.

Pope had to leave early cause he promised his dad he would do some chores and as soon as he left I went back to my room. JJ followed me and scolded me "You haven't even been out of bed for 3 hours y/n. Go shower and get ready we are leaving the house I don't care if you want to or not!" I knew he was serious so I got ready. As soon as I left the bathroom I was shoved out the door and into Kie's car.

"So where are we going" I asked. "You'll see" they both said in unison. I already wanted to go back home. This has to be the longest car ride I've ever been in. It was silent apart from the radio. "Turn here Kie" JJ said. Shit I know where we are going . We are going to the beach where John B, JJ, and I used to play when we were kids. This has to be the worst idea JJ has ever had.

We got there and they forced me out of the car. Kie got a blanket, some beers, a cheesecake from The Wreck, and a speaker out of her trunk. "JJ what are we doing here?" I whined. "We are watching the sunset. Remember when thats all you wanted to do every night?" I didn't respond. It wasn't going to be dark for 2 more hours. We ate the cheesecake and drank as JJ built a fire. It was pretty fun I'll have to admit but I could never tell that to my friends.

The sun was starting to set and it was so pretty. We took timer pics and selfies. We ran through the water, just like when we were younger. The sun was a bright red with pink stripes. This has to be the pretties sunset I've ever seen.

The moon was peaking out and Kiara asked if I was ready to go back. "Could we stay a while and look at the stars" "Of course" JJ responded. It was a shame Pope and JB weren't here. We all three laid on the blanket looking up at the sky. "Hey I think that's the big dipper" JJ said. "Did you even pay attention in astrology class" Kie said, making us all laugh. I hadn't had this fun since- well I don't really know I guess.

We cracked open some more beers and the whole situation disappeared for a night. I was actually having fun and I wasn't wallowing in my feelings. "Hey guys thanks for tonight" I said. "y/n you know this is how they'd want you to act every night, having fun with your friends" JJ said. "I know."

I didn't want the night to end, but we were all getting tired and the tide was coming in. We started to pack the car and I sat back down on a rock looking out to the crashing waves.

"I have a feeling he's still out there"

"Which one?"


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