Chapter 226-230

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Chapter 226: Lesson

Chu Silin, Qi Nan, and the rest looked around in horror, but they did not see anyone.

They ran out of the courtyard in shock. When Lu Sheng saw them, she hurried over and slammed the door shut.

The group of people was so scared that they immediately stopped what they were doing.

“Hall Master, the wall. Let's go out from the wall.”

The midget girl who was pretending to be a loli previously pointed at the wall, signalling everyone to climb it and leave.

Lu Sheng smiled and pasted a few talismans on the wall. “Master, set up a boundary.”

Chu Silin had tried to harm Chu Sihan repeatedly and found a bald old monk to control her dream. Letting him leave just like that was letting him off too easily.

When Qi Nan and Chu Silin heard the midget girl's suggestion, they hurried to the wall.

The both of them tip-toed and wanted to use their qinggong to jump up the wall. However, just as they approached the wall, they were bounced back by an invisible force.

The duo fell to the ground at the same time. They clutched their b.u.t.tocks and grimaced in pain.

The midget girl was shocked. “Could there be a ghost surrounding the wall?”

Lu Sheng laughed evilly. She moved her joints and strode towards Chu Silin.

The people from An Luo Sect felt a breeze blowing past them. Before they could react, they heard Chu Silin scream.

Then, his body flew into the air and hit a pillar at the side. He finally slid to the ground.

Someone suddenly shouted, “Ghost!”

It scared the people from An Luot Sect so much that they huddled together and shivered.

Lu Sheng snorted coldly and looked in the direction of Lu Zhou and the old monk. They were gone.


Lu Sheng frowned and hurried after them. However, she heard Lu Zhou's cold voice from the back of the courtyard.

“Hand over the Nightmare Beast and I will spare your life.”

Lu Sheng followed the voice and saw the old monk being pressed to the ground by Lu Zhou. Blood was flowing out from the corners of his mouth.

“Don't even think about it!”

The old monk struggled for a while. Seeing that he could not move, he could only reply with a sneer.

“Hah. Do you think I have no ways of getting it?”

Lu Zhou sneered and a golden ray appeared on his palm. Seeing that the palm was about to land on his head, the old monk was so scared that his breathing stopped. He hurriedly said, “Here, I'll give it to you!”

Lu Zhou's palm suddenly stopped a few centimeters away from his head.

The old monk's face was covered in cold sweat. He opened his mouth and spat out a white pearl that emitted a clear light.

Lu Sheng ran forward to take a look and saw a black horse-like thing lying on the pearl. The thing's body was black, but its limbs, ears, and body emitted a layer of flames.

Lu Zhou reached out to receive it. He looked at the old monk and asked coldly, “Who gave you this?”

The bald old monk's cultivation was too low and he could not go to the Immortal World. Thus, he was certain that he was not the one who stole the Nightmare Beast.

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