Chapter 346-350

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Chapter 346: Shi Yi Helped Fu Sisi

“Pass the message?”

What was it that he could not tell the nanny outside directly?

Fu Sisi was very curious.

“It’s not anything important. However, I have a few words to say to Miss Fu other than that.”

Fu Sisi nodded slightly. “Speak.”

“Brother Chu said that we will set off tomorrow at five in the morning, so Miss Fu should rest early. As to what I wanted to say…”

Shi Yi looked at her and the smile on his face disappeared.

“Miss Fu, you should know that Ah Ting and I grew up together, right?”

Fu Sisi was surprised. Usually, Shi Yi would address him as Brother Yun. It was rare to hear him call Yun Ting’s name so ‘intimately’.


Fu Sisi seemed to have thought of something amazing. She stared at Shi Yi in shock and said with trembling lips, “Don’t tell me you like Yun Ting too?”

Shi Yi was speechless.

He was glad that there was no tea in his mouth.

“What nonsense are you saying?”

Why would he like Yun Ting? Fu Sisi had such a vivid imagination.

Shi Yi rubbed his temples.

“Ah… No?”

Fu Sisi chuckled. “That’s good!”

Shi Yi sighed softly. “I’m telling Miss Fu this because I want to tell you that I know Yun Ting better than you.”

Fu Sisi’s heart ached at his words, but she had to admit it.

“I know.” She pouted and asked suspiciously, “But so what?”

She really could not think of what Shi Yi wanted to say to her.

“I came here today to tell you that it will be difficult for Brother Yun to fall in love with you if you approach him in this manner.”

Fu Sisi’s expression paused. She immediately sat up straight and listened attentively. “Then… how can I make him fall in love with me?”

She had liked Yun Ting for a long time. It had almost become her obsession to get him to respond to her.

She could not understand why Yun Ting could speak calmly to other women, but always looked impatient with her.

It was as if she was infected with a virus that made him want to escape.

For example, on the way to Lin Jiang Mansion from the capital, although the two of them were on the same carriage, he mostly closed his eyes to rest.

Fu Sisi also understood that he did not want to see her.

In terms of looks, she was not bad. Her family background was also exceptional.

Although she was not talented, she was literate.

She really could not understand why Yun Ting resisted her so much.

Shi Yi pondered and said, “Miss Fu, sometimes, if you pester him too tightly, he will develop the illusion that he is ‘sick of you.’”

Fu Sisi was slightly stunned. Then, she lowered her eyes and said sadly, “Did he tell you that he hates me?”

She just couldn’t help but be happy when she saw him and wanted to get closer.

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