Chapter 2: You're Mine

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3rd POV

After that sudden coincidence, Y/N and Alastor have calmed down and eventually puts on their clothes, but of course Y/N is still bugging or confused on why the girl she met in the diner is in his house and why did she sleep..... Naked? Well almost.

Y/N questioned on her on why she's here from the first place? She said that she was a demon and she was one of the most powerful demons on hell, but Y/N doubted this because their's no such thing as a demon, well from the looks of her she's not really human either with that outfit of hers its like she came back from the 30's.

Y/N is just chilling in the living room and is watching news, nothing entertaining is going on lately so this will be a boring saturday. Well that's what he thinks.


Y/N: This is just great, this day is getting boring and there's a cute girl with me, Can this day get any worse? (SIGH)

Alastor: Bored honey?

Y/N: Dont you honey me, we dont even know each other.

Alastor: Ooh~ but I plan to~

Y/N: Godamnit.

Alastor: Anyways, come here I made breakfast.

Y/N turns around and sees Alastor holding a pot with mittens and smiled as she looked at me.

Y/N: Maybe this day is not gonna be bad after all.

Alastor: Come on Darling~

Y/N: She flirts alot but that's what makes her cute. All right im coming.

Y/N: What's cooking?

Alastor: Oh just made some jambalaya, this is one of my favorites my mother used to make for me.

Y/N: I feel bad for her, but seriously where the hell did you get the ingredients? Ah i see well should we eat?

Alastor: Aww come on~. Aren't you gonna do something first?

Y/N: What's there to do?

Alastor is pointing at her cheek signalling to kiss her as a reward.

Y/N: (SIGH) Look lady, I dont even know you. You cant just barge in and do stuff you like.

Alastor was taken aback from this, he is right though an unkown person just slept and cooked for no reason at all.

Alastor: S-sorry you can eat, I-I gotta go somewhere.

Y/N: Good job y/n, good job. Hey.

Alastor turns around with sad eyes I dont know if its real or she's just playing around. Well the answer to that is it's real her ears are lowered aswell as her tail, looks like she really meant everything.

Alastor: W-What?

Y/N: Look, I'm sorry.... Its know? Weird.

Alastor: I know, im sorry aswell I should've get to know you better first... I-I'm sorry

Y/N: Is she crying? Looks like I messed this up huh? Damn it girls and their sensetive hearts.

Y/N did'nt know what to do until he got an idea he will remember for the rest of his life.

Alastor was facing backwards silently crying she didn't expect this to happen and was about to leave but she felt 2 soft arms on her waist, which made her yelp in suprise.

Alastor: Y-Y/N? W-What are you-

Y/N: Shut up Al, I'm sorry ok, I'm sorry.

Alastor is bright red but she felt safe on his arms. This is what she wants, to be loved, the only person who loved her was her mother, But when she died it felt like she was invisible.

Alastor: Y/N?

Y/N: Hmm?

Alastor: I-I Love you.

Y/N was so shocked he can faint right here and there but he recomposed and turns Alastor around. She can now see the cute demon blushing waiting for the humans answer.

Y/N: You love me? Aren't you a demon?

Alastor: I am, but everyone is ignoring me in hell, so I thought-

Y/N: Hold up, everyone ignores you? Why?

Alastor: W-Well because im the radio-

Y/N: Yeah, yeah I know the Radio demon, one of the most powerful demons hell has ever seen, but that doesn't even matter, all I see is a...... Girl.

Alastor was so happy she hugged Y/N instantly, that's one of her mothers favorite line but she never got it for ages now.

Alastor: T-Thank you, thank you.

Y/N: Hey, it's fine. W-We should eat Al the foods cold now.

Alastor: Just.... let me stay like this for awhile.

For a few minutes Alastor breaks the hug and looks satisfied now, good thing she's fine now.

They finished their food with a smile, not gonna lie the food was good, she's a good cook.

Y/N: Hey Al?

Alastor: Yes darling?

Y/N: Well... Since you're here, what are you planning to do?

Alastor: Well, I just wanna relax with my boyfriend.

Y/N:.......... Wait, WHAT?!

Alastor: Oh dear, I said that out loud.

Y/n: Y-yo- W-wha-

Alastor: Hehe you're so cute sweetie, it's true. I'm yours, You're mine~.

Y/N: S-So d-does that mean were-

Alastor: YES! It's official Darling.

Y/N: Oh my god, I'm gonna die, I'm so sorry God. I can't believe this, M-My girlfriend is a... Demon..

A/N: Welp there you have it chapter 2 is done. Hope you like it.

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