Chapter 9: Y/N Parents

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3rd POV

Its finally time for Y/N to meet his parents for.. Like months, will the abusive family that made this cold person love or even miss him again? Who knows...

The two lovers are getting ready to meet the people who made Y/N.. Suffer alot, to say that Alastor was mad inside was an understatement, she wasn't just angry, her Demonic side is fuming.

Y/N wears his favorite F/C hoodie while wearing a cap, yellow-blue pants and F/C Nikes.

For Alastor, she was wearing an office-like suit that fits her attire because of her lens, but the problem is her deer tail could be seen which was noticed by "sometimes" her overprotective boyfriend, but Alastor said she got that handled and with one flick of her fingers, the deer tail from her buttocks are gone.


Y/N: You're really weird sometimes.

Alastor: "Sometimes"

She said teasingly and winked.

Y/N: All right then, we ready to go?

Alastor: Mm-hmm!

She respond with a cute hum and hugged me behind my waist.

We then walked to the streets of Paris, I gotta say its really a lively City and I'll be suprised if this was not in "One of the Best Cities in the World."

I was listening to F/S (Favorite Song) while I hold hands with Alastor, pretty cringe to be honest but its worth it, matter of fact, I didn't even believe I was gonna get a girlfriend, let alone a Demon one.

But my thoughts then changed to meeting my parents in person, I'm honestly pretty nervous, not because I have a girlfriend that needs to be introduce, but what if.. They still hate me..?

I was slightly frowning because of the sudden memories when I was at my childhood, the endless suffering that made me a cold person, and the reason I didn't graduate.. People called me a loner, I was an outcast in my classroom even the teachers almost didn't care about me.

My thoughts were interrupted when Al tightly hold my hand, she must've sensed the negative emotion, dang, this girl really is an angel for a demon like her.

Alastor: You ok babe?

She looks so cute when she's worried! I put hand on her cheek and planted my forehead to her own.

Y/N: Don't worry, your boyfriend will be ok, he's just really nervous.

Alastor: Hehe, what are you nervous for~?

This tease.. I grabbed my cap and covered our face and kissed her, luckily people didn't notice... Or did they? No just kidding.

Alastor: That was so cliche.

Y/N: Whatever.

I said and went to my so called "parents" place.

Time Skip

Minutes of walking, and were finally here infront of my parents place, I was now nervous but Al touched my shoulder.

Alastor: No matter what happens, I'm right here for you.

I smiled knowing that she was right, I then knocked on the door and heard footsteps inside, the doorknob then turned and..... M-mom.

To say she was suprised was not an understatement, she was shocked most likely horrified but.. She started crying.

A/N: F/N (Fathers Name)
M/N (Mothers Name)
C/N (Childhood Nickname)

M/N: C-C/N...?

Tears started strolling on her face... I cant believe it.. She's actually crying...

Y/N: H-hey M-mom..

She jumped on me and embraced me tightly, its like she's never gonna let me go... I.. Actually feel bad..

???: Dear? Who is it?

I heard a familiar adult male voice, Mom didn't respond and kept on silently crying on my chest, wetting my shirt, the adult male then went into my vision and it was... My dad.

F/N: ...S-son?

I silently nodded, I was about to talk when he hugged, now both my parents, the abusive, cold parents... Was crying in my chest..

I was still hesitant to hug them because... Why did they change all of the sudden? I looked to my right and saw Alastor, shedding a tear, probably missed her parents.

I hugged both my parents, my mother now crying loudly, while dad was sniffing in my shoulder, I couldn't help but shed a tear for myself.

M/N: I miss you my C/N... We miss you...

My mother then turned to Alastor and I was shocked at what happens next... She pulled her onto the hug.

Alastor was suprised at first but she brightly smile and we did a group hug... Is this one of the best days ever? Yes.. Yes it is.

My father then chuckled and wiped his tears away while smiling.

F/N: Son.. I-I just want to let you know... W-we're so, SO sorry for what we did before.. To be honest, we were nervous because we didn't know how to take care of you.. I know its a stupid reason and I know its even more stupid that we abused you all those years... But please, forgive us?

My mom and dad then hugged eachothers waist while waiting for my answer, I then turn to Alastor and she nodded cutely while hugging my own waist.

Y/N: Well.. I missed you so much, of course I forgive you.

They both smiled at me but mom looked at Al and creepily smirked.

M/N: Well, well my boy really has nice taste for women I tell you that.

Alastor blushed embarassingly but she still smiled.

Alastor: Thank you, H-hehe..

F/N: Who's this Son?

Y/N: This is my.. Umm, G-girlfriend.

Father was... SO suprised that his eyeballs was about to pop out but mom was still smirking.

M/N: Knew it.

Y/N: M-mom!?

M/N: What? Its true.

She then burst out of laughter while me and Alastor was still blushing.

F/N: Well, lets get inside, its freezing in here.

We then went inside and talked alot, and I gotta say France tea is splendid, my parents then talked about when I was a baby, they were the happiest couple when I got birth and was doing great until of course the abusing started, I just shrugged that out and said we're fine now.

I looked at the time and saw that its almost going night, my Mom saw it aswell and said we should sleep here, I was reluctant at first but complied since walking to the apartment building was far.

I was reading a book at my room when I saw Alastor wearing a Pink nightgown, the same thing she weared when we... Yeah.

Alastor: Your parents are so nice babe!

Y/N: Well, I was suprised myself, I didn't even know they were gonna love me again.

Alastor: Of course they're gonna miss you, your the son that made them happy.

She said while crawling dangerously at me, (Sigh).

Y/N: You know we can't do it here right?

She giggled lustily

Alastor: Come on, One bite wont hurt~

A/N: Lets go! What do you think? Hope you like it😁👍

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